[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaXmlLoad

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaXmlLoad(
    p_cache: *const c_void,
    path_or_url: *const c_char,
    result: *mut *mut c_uchar,
    size: *mut c_int,
    parsing_errors: *mut *mut c_char
) -> c_int

Load an external XML Document

\param path_or_url pointer to the external XML Document (could be a pathname or an URL). \param result on completion will containt a pointer to a BLOB: NULL on failure. \param size on completion this variable will contain the BLOB's size (in bytes). \param parsing_errors on completion this variable will contain all error/warning messages emitted during the XML Parsing step. Can be set to NULL so to ignore any message.

\sa gaiaXmlFromBlob, gaiaXmlStore

\note the BLOB buffer corresponds to dynamically allocated memory: so you are responsible to free() it [unless SQLite will take care of memory cleanup via buffer binding].