[][src]Function spatialite_sys::gaiaIsSldSeRasterStyleXmlBlob

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gaiaIsSldSeRasterStyleXmlBlob(
    blob: *const c_uchar,
    size: c_int
) -> c_int

Checks if a valid XmlBLOB buffer does contain an SLD/SE Style or not

\param blob pointer to the XmlBLOB buffer. \param size XmlBLOB's size (in bytes).

\return TRUE or FALSE if the BLOB actually is a valid XmlBLOB of the Raster type; -1 in any other case.

\sa gaiaIsValidXmlBlob, gaiaIsSchemaValidatedXmlBlob, gaiaIsCompressedXmlBlob, gaiaIsIsoMetadataXmlBlob, gaiaIsSldSeVectorStyleXmlBlob, gaiaIsSldStyleXmlBlob, gaiaIsSvgXmlBlob