spatial-join 0.1.0

Spatial join tools
//! `spatial-join` provides tools to perform streaming geospatial-joins on geographic data.
//! ## Spatial Joins
//! Given two sequences of geospatial shapes, `small` and `big`, a
//! spatial-join indicates which elements of `small` and `big`
//! intersect. You could compute this yourself using a nested loop,
//! but like any good spatial-join package, this one uses
//! [R-trees]( to dramatically
//! reduce the search space.
//! We're not limited to intersections only! We can also find pairs
//! where elements of `small` contain elements of `big` or are within
//! elements of `big` by passing different values of
//! [Interaction](./enum.Interaction.html).

//! ## Proximity Maps
//! While spatial join is a well known term, proximity map is
//! not. Given two sequences of shapes `small` and `big`, it just
//! finds all pairs of items whose distance is less than some
//! threshold. You set that threshold using the
//! [`max_distance`](./struct.Config.html#method.max_distance) method
//! on the [`Config`](./struct.Config.html) struct.
//! ## Inputs
//! Inputs are sequences of shapes, and shapes must be one of the
//! following elements from the
//! [`geo`]( crate:
//! * [points](,
//! * [lines](,
//! * [line strings](,
//! * [polygons](,
//! * [rectangles](,
//! * [triangles](, or
//! * the [Geometry]( enum
//! `MultiPoint`, `MultiLineString`, and `MultiPolygon` are *not* supported.
//! While the [geo] crate makes these types generic over the
//! coordinate type, `spatial-join` only supports [geo] types
//! parametrized with [std::f64] coordinate types (i.e.,
//! `Polygon<f64>`).
//! So what kind of sequences can you use?
//! * slices: `&[T]`,
//! * vectors: `Vec<T>` or `&Vec<T>`, or
//! * [`&geo::GeometryCollection`](
//! In addition:
//! * all coordinate values must be finite
//! * `LineStrings` must have at least two points
//! * `Polygon` exteriors must have at least three points
//! Input that doesn't meet these conditions will return an [error](./enum.Error.html).
//! ## Outputs
//! [`SpatialIndex::spatial_join`](./struct.SpatialIndex.html#method.spatial_join) returns `Result<impl
//! Iterator<Item=SJoinRow>, Error>` where
//! [`SJoinRow`](./struct.SJoinRow.html) gives you indexes into
//! `small` and `big` to find the corresponding geometries.
//! Alternatively, you can use [`SpatialIndex::spatial_join_with_geos`](./struct.SpatialIndex.html#method.spatial_join_with_geos)
//! which returns `Result<impl Iterator<Item=SJoinGeoRow>, Error>`.
//! [`SJoinGeoRow`](./struct.SJoinGeoRow.html) differs from
//! [`SJoinRow`](./struct.SJoinRow.html) only in the addition of `big`
//! and `small`
//! [`Geometry`](
//! fields so you can work directly with the source geometries without
//! having to keep the original sequences around. This convenience
//! comes at the cost of cloning the source geometries which can be
//! expensive for geometries that use heap storage like `LineString`
//! and `Polygon`.
//! In a similar manner, [`SpatialIndex::proximity_map`](./struct.SpatialIndex.html#method.proximity_map) and
//! [`SpatialIndex::proximity_map_with_geos`](./struct.SpatialIndex.html#method.proximity_map) offer
//! [`ProxMapRow`](./struct.ProxMapRow.html) and
//! [`ProxMapGeoRow`](./struct.ProxMapGeoRow.html) iterators in their
//! return types. These differ from their `SJoin` counterparts only in
//! the addition of a `distance` field.
//! ## Examples
//! Here's the simplest thing: let's verify that a point intersects itself.
//! ```
//! use spatial_join::*;
//! use geo::{Geometry, Point};
//! // Create a new spatial index loaded with just one point
//! let idx = Config::new()
//!     // Ask for a serial index that will process data on only one core
//!     .serial(vec![Geometry::Point(Point::new(1.1, 2.2))])
//!     .unwrap(); // Creating an index can fail!
//! let results: Vec<_> = idx
//!     .spatial_join(
//!         vec![Geometry::Point(Point::new(1.1, 2.2))],
//!         Interaction::Intersects,
//!     )
//!     .unwrap() // spatial_join can fail, but we'll assume it won't here
//!     .collect(); // we actually get an iterator, but let's collect it into a Vector.
//! assert_eq!(
//!     results,
//!     vec![SJoinRow {
//!         big_index: 0,
//!         small_index: 0
//!     }]
//! );
//! ```
//! For a slightly more complicated, we'll take a box and a smaller
//! box and verify that the big box contains the smaller box, and
//! we'll do it all in parallel.
//! ```
//! use spatial_join::*;
//! use geo::{Coordinate, Geometry, Point, Rect};
//!    use rayon::prelude::*;
//! let idx = Config::new()
//!     .parallel(vec![Geometry::Rect(Rect::new(
//!         Coordinate { x: -1., y: -1. },
//!         Coordinate { x: 1., y: 1. },
//!     ))])
//!     .unwrap();
//! let results: Vec<_> = idx
//!     .spatial_join(
//!         vec![Geometry::Rect(Rect::new(
//!             Coordinate { x: -0.5, y: -0.5 },
//!             Coordinate { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 },
//!     ))],
//!         Interaction::Contains,
//!     )
//!     .unwrap()
//!     .collect();
//! assert_eq!(
//!     results,
//!     vec![SJoinRow {
//!         big_index: 0,
//!         small_index: 0
//!     }]
//! );
//! ```
//! ## Crate Features
//! - `parallel`
//!   - Enabled by default.
//!   - This adds a dependency on
//!     [`rayon`]( and provides a
//!     [`parallel`](./struct.Config.html#method.parallel) method that
//!     returns a [`ParSpatialIndex`](./struct.ParSpatialIndex.html)
//!     just like the [`SpatialIndex`](./struct.SpatialIndex.html)
//!     that [`serial`](./struct.Config.html#method.serial) returns
//!     except that all the methods return `Result<impl
//!     ParallelIterator>` instead of `Result<impl Iterator>`.
//! ## Geographic
//! Right now, this entire crate assumes that you're dealing with
//! euclidean geometry on a two-dimensional plane. But that's unusual:
//! typically you've got geographic coordinates (longitude and
//! latitude measured in decimal degrees). To use the tools in this
//! package correctly, you should really reproject your geometries
//! into an appropriate euclidean coordinate system. That might be
//! require you to do a lot of extra work if the extent of your
//! geometry sets exceeds what any reasonable projection can handle.
//! Alternatively, you can just pretend that geodetic coordinates are
//! euclidean. For spatial-joins that will mostly work if all of your
//! geometries steer well-clear of the anti-meridian (longitude=±180
//! degrees) and the polar regions as well.
//! For proximity maps, you'll need to pick an appropriate
//! `max_distance` value measured in decimal degrees which will be
//! used for both longitude and latitude offsets
//! simulataneously. That's challenging because while one degree of
//! latitude is always the same (about 110 km), one degree of
//! longitude changes from about 110 km at the equator to 0 km at the
//! poles. If your geometry sets have a narrow extant and are near the
//! equator, you might be able to find a `max_distance` value that
//! works, but that's pretty unlikely.
//! ## Performance
//! * You'll notice that our API specifies geometry sequences in terms
//!   of `small` and `big`. In order to construct a spatial index
//!   object, we have to build a series of R-trees, one per geometry
//!   type, using bulk loading. This process is expensive
//!   (`O(n*log(n))`) so you'll probably get better overall performance
//!   if you index the smaller sequence.
//! * Because the spatial-join and proximity-map operations are
//!   implemented as iterators, you can process very large data-sets
//!   with low memory usage. But you do need to keep both the `small`
//!   and `large` geometry sequence in memory, in addition to rtrees
//!   for the `small` sequence. Note that in some cases, specifically
//!   whenever we're processing a heap-bound element of the `large`
//!   sequence (i.e., Polygons or LineStrings), we will buffer all
//!   matching result records for each such `large` geometry.
//! * If you use a non-zero `max_distance` value, then any
//!   spatial-join operations will be somewhat slower since
//!   `max_distance` effectively buffers `small` geometries in the
//!   r-trees. You'll still get the correct answer, but it might take
//!   longer. The larger the `max_distance` value, the longer it will
//!   take.
//! ## License
//! This package is licensed under the [Apache License, Version
//! 2.0](
//! ## Contribution
//! Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution
//! intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as
//! defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above,
//! without any additional terms or conditions.

use rstar::RTree;

mod structs;
pub use structs::*;

mod validation;

mod conv;

mod relates;

mod rtrees;
use rtrees::FakeRegion;

// todo:
// simplify (we need a better name): convert polygons to rects and triangles (and maybe LineStrings if you add the extra point) and convert linestrings to lines when possible
// a new proptest: make a random (but at least 1x1) grid of boxes where boxes range in size from 1.5 to 0.5. really, make a grid of sizes. from this grid, we should be able to make an actual seq of rects (or polys!) and an sjoin result set
// test idea for geo crate: linestring/polys that store their data in linearly in simd friendly fashion (xs: array, ys: array, exterior_len:usize, smallvec of hole offsets)...criterion test for whether that makes MapCoords faster for projection
// avoid 2x alloc for every non copyable big_geo; first, move vec::new to join_outer; then use a thread_local
// python interface (feature)
//   either slow with wkb interface or implement in geos->geo conversion in the libgeos crate

// geographic:
// keep SpatialIndex as the external facade, but move all the code into a PlanarSpatialIndex and add a GeographicSpatialIndex
// use geo's HaversineDistance for proptest comparison
// GeoSI has a hashmap from ZoneID to PlanarSpatialIndex
// for each geo in big, generate a tinyset and intersect that with the set of ZoneIDs available in small.
// geos with empty intersections get dropped on the floor. geos with only one intersection are easy: they translate into a call against a single PSI. make a vec of pairs of PSP and matching Big children and then flat_map a call that invokes the right submethod on them. flatten the result. and then chain the next part.
// we still need to handle the case of Big geo sets that cover multiple Small PSPs: for each big geo, we concat the results of running it against all Small PSPs but then buffer into a smallvec, sort and dedup; it would be faster if we could do this per small geo type, but meh that's an optimization that's probably not worth it.

pub struct SpatialIndex {
    small: SplitGeoSeq,
    point_tree: RTree<FakeRegion>,
    line_tree: RTree<FakeRegion>,
    poly_tree: RTree<FakeRegion>,
    ls_tree: RTree<FakeRegion>,
    rect_tree: RTree<FakeRegion>,
    tri_tree: RTree<FakeRegion>,
    config: Config,

#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
pub struct ParSpatialIndex(SpatialIndex);

mod index;

mod naive;

mod proptests;

mod tests {
    use std::convert::TryInto;

    use geo::Point;
    use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;

    #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
    use rayon::prelude::*;

    use super::*;
    use index::*;

    pub fn test_prox_map<Small, Big, E1, E2, E3, E4>(
        config: Config,
        small: Small,
        big: Big,
        mut expected: Vec<ProxMapRow>,
    ) where
        Small: TryInto<SplitGeoSeq, Error = E1> + Clone + TryInto<Par<SplitGeoSeq>, Error = E2>,
        Big: TryInto<SplitGeoSeq, Error = E3> + Clone + TryInto<Par<SplitGeoSeq>, Error = E4>,
        E1: std::any::Any + std::fmt::Debug,
        E2: std::any::Any + std::fmt::Debug,
        E3: std::any::Any + std::fmt::Debug,
        E4: std::any::Any + std::fmt::Debug,
        let small_geoms = sgs_try_into(small.clone())
            .expect("small conversion")
        let big_geoms = sgs_try_into(big.clone()).expect("big conversion").to_vec();
        let mut expected_geoms: Vec<_> = expected
            .map(|pmr| ProxMapGeoRow {
                big_index: pmr.big_index,
                small_index: pmr.small_index,
                distance: pmr.distance,
                big: big_geoms[pmr.big_index].clone(),
                small: small_geoms[pmr.small_index].clone(),
        let _expected_geoms2 = expected_geoms.clone();

        let si = config
            .expect("construction succeeded");
        let mut actual = si.proximity_map(big.clone()).unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        assert_eq!(actual, expected);

        let mut actual_geoms = si
        assert_eq!(actual_geoms, expected_geoms);

        #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
            let si = config
                .expect("construction succeeded");
            let mut actual = si.proximity_map(big.clone()).unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>();
            assert_eq!(actual, expected);

            let mut actual_geoms = si
            assert_eq!(actual_geoms, _expected_geoms2);

    pub fn test_spatial_join<Small, Big, E1, E2, E3, E4>(
        config: Config,
        small: Small,
        big: Big,
        interaction: Interaction,
        mut expected: Vec<SJoinRow>,
    ) where
        Small: TryInto<SplitGeoSeq, Error = E1> + Clone + TryInto<Par<SplitGeoSeq>, Error = E2>,
        Big: TryInto<SplitGeoSeq, Error = E3> + Clone + TryInto<Par<SplitGeoSeq>, Error = E4>,
        E1: std::any::Any + std::fmt::Debug,
        E2: std::any::Any + std::fmt::Debug,
        E3: std::any::Any + std::fmt::Debug,
        E4: std::any::Any + std::fmt::Debug,
        let small_geoms = sgs_try_into(small.clone())
            .expect("small conversion")
        let big_geoms = sgs_try_into(big.clone()).expect("big conversion").to_vec();
        let mut expected_geoms: Vec<_> = expected
            .map(|sjr| SJoinGeoRow {
                big_index: sjr.big_index,
                small_index: sjr.small_index,
                big: big_geoms[sjr.big_index].clone(),
                small: small_geoms[sjr.small_index].clone(),
        let _expected_geoms2 = expected_geoms.clone();

        let si = config
            .expect("construction succeeded");
        let mut actual = si
            .spatial_join(big.clone(), interaction)
        assert_eq!(actual, expected);

        let mut actual_geoms = si
            .spatial_join_with_geos(big.clone(), interaction)
        assert_eq!(actual_geoms, expected_geoms);

        #[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
            let si = config
                .expect("construction succeeded");
            let mut actual = si
                .spatial_join(big.clone(), interaction)
            assert_eq!(actual, expected);

            let mut actual_geoms = si
                .spatial_join_with_geos(big.clone(), interaction)
            assert_eq!(actual_geoms, _expected_geoms2);

    fn simple_index_self() {
            vec![Point::new(1., 1.)],
            vec![Point::new(1., 1.)],
            vec![ProxMapRow {
                big_index: 0,
                small_index: 0,
                distance: 0.,

    fn simple_index_some_other() {
            vec![Point::new(1., 1.)],
            vec![Point::new(2., 1.)],
            vec![ProxMapRow {
                big_index: 0,
                small_index: 0,
                distance: 1.0,

    fn simple_index_none() {
            vec![Point::new(1., 1.)],
            vec![Point::new(2., 1.)],
    // for all pairs of types, verift that prox map finds and doesn't find depending on max_distance