sparkpost 0.0.1

Rust bindings for sparkpost email api v1
# spark_post
## WIP initial release
version 0.0.1 only supports transmission api for sending emails.
as sparkpost has a huge api.

Please open an issue on [gitlab]( if you need support or additional features

### Usage
sparkpost = "0.0.1"


### Example
extern crate sparkpost;

use sparkpost::{Transmission, Message};

let tm = Transmission::new("api_key".into(), "".into());
let email: Message = Message::new("", "Name")
         .add_recipient("", Some("Name"))
         .set_subject("My Awesome email 😎")
         .set_html("<h1>html body of the email</h1>")
         .set_text("text body of the email");
let result = tm.send(&email);

match result {
        println!("{:#?}", response);
    Err(e) => println("{:#?}", e);

### TODO
- [X] send email
- [ ] other api features