sparkly 0.1.2

A pretty-printing library based on Wadler's "A Prettier Printer" with support for ANSI styling.


A pretty-printing library based on Wadler's "A Prettier Printer" with support for ANSI styling.

I'm using this to walk myself through the paper and understand it well enough to implement; plus it doesn't look like there's an existing implementation of this.

Features and Optional Dependencies

termion: Allows the width and color support of the terminal to be autodetected.


  • When impl Trait is stabilized, use impl Display instead of the Display struct.
  • no_std support.
  • Opt-in unicode-width
  • Windows (before 10) support? A good project might be a (&mut Write, &str, Style) -> IoResult<()> function that uses Windows syscalls there and ANSI everywhere else.