spanr 0.1.0

A tool for proc-macro authors to visualize the spans on generated code.
# spanr

A tool for procedural macro authors to be able to interactively view and debug
the `Span`s on generated code.

## Screenshot


## Example usage


pub fn act_zero(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let res = match act_zero_impl(item) {
        Ok(tokens) => tokens,
        Err(e) => e.to_compile_error(),
    // Save the visualization to a file
    spanr::save_html(res.clone(), "tokens.html").unwrap();

## Building

This crate relies on unstable features from the `proc-macro2` crate, so it must
be built using a nightly compiler, and the `RUSTFLAGS` environment variable
must be configured:

RUSTFLAGS='--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt'