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Delaunay triangulations for the rust eco system.


  • A 2D Delaunay triangulation: DelaunayTriangulation
  • Uses exact geometric predicate evaluation, preventing construction errors due to precision loss.
  • A 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation: ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation
  • Supports vertex removal
  • Serde support with the serde feature.
  • no_std support with default-features = false
  • Natural neighbor interpolation: NaturalNeighbor


  • pub use delaunay_core::HierarchyHintGeneratorWithBranchFactor;


  • Handle types used for traversal and modification of triangulations.
  • Internals that must be published due to technical reasons. This is not the place you are looking for. A change to these items is not considered to be a breaking change.
  • Iterators over various elements of Delaunay triangulations.




  • The largest allowed coordinate value that can be inserted into Delaunay triangulations. This value is equal to 2201.
  • The smallest allowed coordinate value greater than zero that can be inserted into Delaunay triangulations. This value is equal to 2-142.


  • Implements general functions for triangulations over floating point data types.
  • An object with position.
  • A structure used to speed up common operations on delaunay triangulations like insertion and geometry queries by providing hints on where to start searching for elements.
  • A coordinate type that can be used with a triangulation.
  • Defines common operations on triangulations.


  • Prevents underflow issues of a position by setting any coordinate that is too small to zero.
  • Checks if a coordinate value is suitable for insertion into a Delaunay triangulation.
  • Checks if a vertex is suitable for insertion into a Delaunay triangulation.

Type Aliases§

  • A hint generator based on a hierarchy of triangulations optimized for randomly accessing elements of the triangulation.