spacetimedb-standalone 0.8.2

An executable for running a single SpacetimeDB standalone instance

name = "spacetimedb-standalone"

version.workspace = true

edition.workspace = true

license-file = "LICENSE"

description = "An executable for running a single SpacetimeDB standalone instance"


name = "spacetimedb"   # The name of the target.

path = "src/"   # The source file of the target.

test = true            # Is tested by default.

bench = false          # Benching off, because of

doc = false            # Is documented by default.

plugin = false         # Used as a compiler plugin (deprecated).

proc-macro = false     # Set to `true` for a proc-macro library.

harness = true         # Use libtest harness.

required-features = [] # Features required to build this target (N/A for lib)


spacetimedb-core.workspace = true

spacetimedb-lib = { workspace = true, features = ["cli"] }

spacetimedb-client-api.workspace = true

anyhow.workspace = true

async-trait.workspace = true

axum.workspace = true

clap = { workspace = true, features = ["derive", "string"] }

dirs.workspace = true

hostname.workspace = true

http.workspace = true

log.workspace = true

openssl.workspace = true

prometheus.workspace = true

scopeguard.workspace = true

sled.workspace = true

tokio.workspace = true

tower-http.workspace = true


serde_json.workspace = true