sp-arithmetic 2.0.0-alpha.8

Minimal fixed point arithmetic primitives and types for runtime.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Copyright (C) 2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// 	http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use primitive_types::U256;
use crate::{
	traits::{Bounded, Saturating, UniqueSaturatedInto, SaturatedConversion},
	PerThing, Perquintill,
use sp_std::{
	convert::{Into, TryFrom, TryInto},
	fmt, ops,

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use serde::{de, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};

/// A signed fixed-point number.
/// Can hold any value in the range [-170_141_183_460_469_231_731, 170_141_183_460_469_231_731]
/// with fixed-point accuracy of 10 ** 18.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Fixed128(i128);

const DIV: i128 = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000;

impl Fixed128 {
	/// Create self from a natural number.
	/// Note that this might be lossy.
	pub fn from_natural(int: i128) -> Self {

	/// Accuracy of `Fixed128`.
	pub const fn accuracy() -> i128 {

	/// Raw constructor. Equal to `parts / DIV`.
	pub const fn from_parts(parts: i128) -> Self {

	/// Creates self from a rational number. Equal to `n/d`.
	/// Note that this might be lossy. Only use this if you are sure that `n * DIV` can fit into an
	/// i128.
	pub fn from_rational<N: UniqueSaturatedInto<i128>>(n: N, d: NonZeroI128) -> Self {
		let n = n.unique_saturated_into();
		Self(n.saturating_mul(DIV.into()) / d.get())

	/// Consume self and return the inner raw `i128` value.
	/// Note this is a low level function, as the returned value is represented with accuracy.
	pub fn deconstruct(self) -> i128 {

	/// Takes the reciprocal(inverse) of Fixed128, 1/x
	pub fn recip(&self) -> Option<Self> {

	/// Checked add. Same semantic to `num_traits::CheckedAdd`.
	pub fn checked_add(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<Self> {

	/// Checked sub. Same semantic to `num_traits::CheckedSub`.
	pub fn checked_sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<Self> {

	/// Checked mul. Same semantic to `num_traits::CheckedMul`.
	pub fn checked_mul(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<Self> {
		let signum = self.0.signum() * rhs.0.signum();
		let mut lhs = self.0;
		if lhs.is_negative() {
			lhs = lhs.saturating_mul(-1);
		let mut rhs: i128 = rhs.0.saturated_into();
		if rhs.is_negative() {
			rhs = rhs.saturating_mul(-1);

			.and_then(|n| n.checked_div(U256::from(DIV)))
			.and_then(|n| TryInto::<i128>::try_into(n).ok())
			.map(|n| Self(n * signum))

	/// Checked div. Same semantic to `num_traits::CheckedDiv`.
	pub fn checked_div(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<Self> {
		if rhs.0.signum() == 0 {
			return None;
		if self.0 == 0 {
			return Some(*self);

		let signum = self.0.signum() / rhs.0.signum();
		let mut lhs: i128 = self.0;
		if lhs.is_negative() {
			lhs = lhs.saturating_mul(-1);
		let mut rhs: i128 = rhs.0.saturated_into();
		if rhs.is_negative() {
			rhs = rhs.saturating_mul(-1);

			.and_then(|n| n.checked_div(U256::from(rhs)))
			.and_then(|n| TryInto::<i128>::try_into(n).ok())
			.map(|n| Self(n * signum))

	/// Checked mul for int type `N`.
	pub fn checked_mul_int<N>(&self, other: &N) -> Option<N>
		N: Copy + TryFrom<i128> + TryInto<i128>,
		N::try_into(*other).ok().and_then(|rhs| {
			let mut lhs = self.0;
			if lhs.is_negative() {
				lhs = lhs.saturating_mul(-1);
			let mut rhs: i128 = rhs.saturated_into();
			let signum = self.0.signum() * rhs.signum();
			if rhs.is_negative() {
				rhs = rhs.saturating_mul(-1);

				.and_then(|n| n.checked_div(U256::from(DIV)))
				.and_then(|n| TryInto::<i128>::try_into(n).ok())
				.and_then(|n| TryInto::<N>::try_into(n * signum).ok())

	/// Checked mul for int type `N`.
	pub fn saturating_mul_int<N>(&self, other: &N) -> N
		N: Copy + TryFrom<i128> + TryInto<i128> + Bounded,
		self.checked_mul_int(other).unwrap_or_else(|| {
				.map(|n| n.signum())
				.map(|n| n * self.0.signum())
				.map(|signum| {
					if signum.is_negative() {
					} else {

	/// Checked div for int type `N`.
	pub fn checked_div_int<N>(&self, other: &N) -> Option<N>
		N: Copy + TryFrom<i128> + TryInto<i128>,
			.and_then(|n| self.0.checked_div(n))
			.and_then(|n| n.checked_div(DIV))
			.and_then(|n| TryInto::<N>::try_into(n).ok())

	pub fn zero() -> Self {

	pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
		self.0 == 0

	/// Saturating absolute value. Returning MAX if `parts` == i128::MIN instead of overflowing.
	pub fn saturating_abs(&self) -> Self {
		if self.0 == i128::min_value() {
			return Fixed128::max_value();

		if self.0.is_negative() {
			Fixed128::from_parts(self.0 * -1)
		} else {

	pub fn is_positive(&self) -> bool {

	pub fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {

	/// Performs a saturated multiply and accumulate by unsigned number.
	/// Returns a saturated `int + (self * int)`.
	pub fn saturated_multiply_accumulate<N>(self, int: N) -> N
			N: TryFrom<u128> + From<u64> + UniqueSaturatedInto<u64> + Bounded + Clone + Saturating +
			ops::Rem<N, Output=N> + ops::Div<N, Output=N> + ops::Mul<N, Output=N> +
			ops::Add<N, Output=N>,
		let div = DIV as u128;
		let positive = self.0 > 0;
		// safe to convert as absolute value.
		let parts = self.0.checked_abs().map(|v| v as u128).unwrap_or(i128::max_value() as u128 + 1);

		// will always fit.
		let natural_parts = parts / div;
		// might saturate.
		let natural_parts: N = natural_parts.saturated_into();
		// fractional parts can always fit into u64.
		let perquintill_parts = (parts % div) as u64;

		let n = int.clone().saturating_mul(natural_parts);
		let p = Perquintill::from_parts(perquintill_parts) * int.clone();

		// everything that needs to be either added or subtracted from the original weight.
		let excess = n.saturating_add(p);

		if positive {
		} else {

/// Note that this is a standard, _potentially-panicking_, implementation. Use `Saturating` trait
/// for safe addition.
impl ops::Add for Fixed128 {
	type Output = Self;

	fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
		Self(self.0 + rhs.0)

/// Note that this is a standard, _potentially-panicking_, implementation. Use `Saturating` trait
/// for safe subtraction.
impl ops::Sub for Fixed128 {
	type Output = Self;

	fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
		Self(self.0 - rhs.0)

impl Saturating for Fixed128 {
	fn saturating_add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

	fn saturating_sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

	fn saturating_mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
		self.checked_mul(&rhs).unwrap_or_else(|| {
			if (self.0.signum() * rhs.0.signum()).is_negative() {
			} else {

	fn saturating_pow(self, exp: usize) -> Self {
		if exp == 0 {
			return Self::from_natural(1);

		let exp = exp as u64;
		let msb_pos = 64 - exp.leading_zeros();

		let mut result = Self::from_natural(1);
		let mut pow_val = self;
		for i in 0..msb_pos {
			if ((1 << i) & exp) > 0 {
				result = result.saturating_mul(pow_val);
			pow_val = pow_val.saturating_mul(pow_val);

impl Bounded for Fixed128 {
	fn min_value() -> Self {

	fn max_value() -> Self {

impl fmt::Debug for Fixed128 {
	#[cfg(feature = "std")]
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
		let integral = {
			let int = self.0 / DIV;
			let signum_for_zero = if int == 0 && self.is_negative() { "-" } else { "" };
			format!("{}{}", signum_for_zero, int)
		let fractional = format!("{:0>18}", (self.0 % DIV).abs());
		write!(f, "Fixed128({}.{})", integral, fractional)

	#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
	fn fmt(&self, _: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

impl<P: PerThing> From<P> for Fixed128 {
	fn from(val: P) -> Self {
		let accuracy = P::ACCURACY.saturated_into().max(1) as i128;
		let value = val.deconstruct().saturated_into() as i128;
		Fixed128::from_rational(value, NonZeroI128::new(accuracy).unwrap())

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl Fixed128 {
	fn i128_str(&self) -> String {
		format!("{}", &self.0)

	fn try_from_i128_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
		let parts: i128 = s.parse().map_err(|_| "invalid string input")?;

// Manual impl `Serialize` as serde_json does not support i128.
// TODO: remove impl if issue https://github.com/serde-rs/json/issues/548 fixed.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl Serialize for Fixed128 {
	fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
		S: Serializer,

// Manual impl `Serialize` as serde_json does not support i128.
// TODO: remove impl if issue https://github.com/serde-rs/json/issues/548 fixed.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Fixed128 {
	fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
		D: Deserializer<'de>,
		let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?;
		Fixed128::try_from_i128_str(&s).map_err(|err_str| de::Error::custom(err_str))

mod tests {
	use super::*;
	use crate::{Perbill, Percent, Permill, Perquintill};

	fn max() -> Fixed128 {

	fn min() -> Fixed128 {

	fn fixed128_semantics() {
		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(5, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		let b = Fixed128::from_rational(10, NonZeroI128::new(4).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.0, 5 * DIV / 2);
		assert_eq!(a, b);

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(-5, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a, Fixed128::from_natural(-5));

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(5, NonZeroI128::new(-1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a, Fixed128::from_natural(-5));

		// biggest value that can be created.
		assert_ne!(max(), Fixed128::from_natural(170_141_183_460_469_231_731));
		assert_eq!(max(), Fixed128::from_natural(170_141_183_460_469_231_732));

		// the smallest value that can be created.
		assert_ne!(min(), Fixed128::from_natural(-170_141_183_460_469_231_731));
		assert_eq!(min(), Fixed128::from_natural(-170_141_183_460_469_231_732));

	fn fixed128_operation() {
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(2);
		let b = Fixed128::from_natural(1);
		assert_eq!(a.checked_add(&b), Some(Fixed128::from_natural(1 + 2)));
		assert_eq!(a.checked_sub(&b), Some(Fixed128::from_natural(2 - 1)));
		assert_eq!(a.checked_mul(&b), Some(Fixed128::from_natural(1 * 2)));
			Some(Fixed128::from_rational(2, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap()))

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(5, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		let b = Fixed128::from_rational(3, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
			Some(Fixed128::from_rational(8, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap()))
			Some(Fixed128::from_rational(2, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap()))
			Some(Fixed128::from_rational(15, NonZeroI128::new(4).unwrap()))
			Some(Fixed128::from_rational(10, NonZeroI128::new(6).unwrap()))

		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(120);
		assert_eq!(a.checked_div_int(&2i32), Some(60));

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(20, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.checked_div_int(&2i32), Some(10));

		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(120);
		assert_eq!(a.checked_mul_int(&2i32), Some(240));

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(1, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.checked_mul_int(&20i32), Some(10));

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(-1, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.checked_mul_int(&20i32), Some(-10));

	fn saturating_mul_should_work() {
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(-1);
		assert_eq!(min().saturating_mul(a), max());

		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(125).saturating_mul(a).deconstruct(), -125 * DIV);

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(1, NonZeroI128::new(5).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(125).saturating_mul(a).deconstruct(), 25 * DIV);

	fn saturating_mul_int_works() {
		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(10, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.saturating_mul_int(&i32::max_value()), i32::max_value());

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(-10, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.saturating_mul_int(&i32::max_value()), i32::min_value());

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(3, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.saturating_mul_int(&100i8), i8::max_value());

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(10, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.saturating_mul_int(&123i128), 1230);

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(-10, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.saturating_mul_int(&123i128), -1230);

		assert_eq!(max().saturating_mul_int(&2i128), 340_282_366_920_938_463_463);

		assert_eq!(max().saturating_mul_int(&i128::min_value()), i128::min_value());

		assert_eq!(min().saturating_mul_int(&i128::max_value()), i128::min_value());

		assert_eq!(min().saturating_mul_int(&i128::min_value()), i128::max_value());

	fn zero_works() {
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::zero(), Fixed128::from_natural(0));

	fn is_zero_works() {

	fn checked_div_with_zero_should_be_none() {
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(1);
		let b = Fixed128::from_natural(0);
		assert_eq!(a.checked_div(&b), None);
		assert_eq!(b.checked_div(&a), Some(b));

	fn checked_div_int_with_zero_should_be_none() {
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(1);
		assert_eq!(a.checked_div_int(&0i32), None);
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(0);
		assert_eq!(a.checked_div_int(&1i32), Some(0));

	fn checked_div_with_zero_dividend_should_be_zero() {
		let a = Fixed128::zero();
		let b = Fixed128::from_parts(1);

		assert_eq!(a.checked_div(&b), Some(Fixed128::zero()));

	fn under_flow_should_be_none() {
		let b = Fixed128::from_natural(1);
		assert_eq!(min().checked_sub(&b), None);

	fn over_flow_should_be_none() {
		let a = Fixed128::from_parts(i128::max_value() - 1);
		let b = Fixed128::from_parts(2);
		assert_eq!(a.checked_add(&b), None);

		let a = Fixed128::max_value();
		let b = Fixed128::from_rational(2, NonZeroI128::new(1).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.checked_mul(&b), None);

		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(255);
		let b = 2u8;
		assert_eq!(a.checked_mul_int(&b), None);

		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(256);
		let b = 1u8;
		assert_eq!(a.checked_div_int(&b), None);

		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(256);
		let b = -1i8;
		assert_eq!(a.checked_div_int(&b), None);

	fn checked_div_int_should_work() {
		// 256 / 10 = 25 (25.6 as int = 25)
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(256);
		let result = a.checked_div_int(&10i128).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, 25);

		// 256 / 100 = 2 (2.56 as int = 2)
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(256);
		let result = a.checked_div_int(&100i128).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, 2);

		// 256 / 1000 = 0 (0.256 as int = 0)
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(256);
		let result = a.checked_div_int(&1000i128).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, 0);

		// 256 / -1 = -256
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(256);
		let result = a.checked_div_int(&-1i128).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, -256);

		// -256 / -1 = 256
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(-256);
		let result = a.checked_div_int(&-1i128).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, 256);

		// 10 / -5 = -2
		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(20, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		let result = a.checked_div_int(&-5i128).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, -2);

		// -170_141_183_460_469_231_731 / -2 = 85_070_591_730_234_615_865
		let result = min().checked_div_int(&-2i128).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, 85_070_591_730_234_615_865);

		// 85_070_591_730_234_615_865 * -2 = -170_141_183_460_469_231_730
		let result = Fixed128::from_natural(result).checked_mul_int(&-2i128).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, -170_141_183_460_469_231_730);

	fn perthing_into_fixed_i128() {
		let ten_percent_percent: Fixed128 = Percent::from_percent(10).into();
		assert_eq!(ten_percent_percent.deconstruct(), DIV / 10);

		let ten_percent_permill: Fixed128 = Permill::from_percent(10).into();
		assert_eq!(ten_percent_permill.deconstruct(), DIV / 10);

		let ten_percent_perbill: Fixed128 = Perbill::from_percent(10).into();
		assert_eq!(ten_percent_perbill.deconstruct(), DIV / 10);

		let ten_percent_perquintill: Fixed128 = Perquintill::from_percent(10).into();
		assert_eq!(ten_percent_perquintill.deconstruct(), DIV / 10);

	fn recip_should_work() {
		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(2);
			Some(Fixed128::from_rational(1, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap()))

		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(2);
		assert_eq!(a.recip().unwrap().checked_mul_int(&4i32), Some(2i32));

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(100, NonZeroI128::new(121).unwrap());
			Some(Fixed128::from_rational(121, NonZeroI128::new(100).unwrap()))

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(1, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.recip().unwrap().checked_mul(&a), Some(Fixed128::from_natural(1)));

		let a = Fixed128::from_natural(0);
		assert_eq!(a.recip(), None);

		let a = Fixed128::from_rational(-1, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		assert_eq!(a.recip(), Some(Fixed128::from_natural(-2)));

	fn serialize_deserialize_should_work() {
		let two_point_five = Fixed128::from_rational(5, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&two_point_five).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(serialized, "\"2500000000000000000\"");
		let deserialized: Fixed128 = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(deserialized, two_point_five);

		let minus_two_point_five = Fixed128::from_rational(-5, NonZeroI128::new(2).unwrap());
		let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&minus_two_point_five).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(serialized, "\"-2500000000000000000\"");
		let deserialized: Fixed128 = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(deserialized, minus_two_point_five);

	fn saturating_abs_should_work() {
		// normal
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_parts(1).saturating_abs(), Fixed128::from_parts(1));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_parts(-1).saturating_abs(), Fixed128::from_parts(1));

		// saturating
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::min_value().saturating_abs(), Fixed128::max_value());

	fn is_positive_negative_should_work() {
		let positive = Fixed128::from_parts(1);

		let negative = Fixed128::from_parts(-1);

		let zero = Fixed128::zero();

	fn fmt_should_work() {
		let positive = Fixed128::from_parts(1000000000000000001);
		assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", positive), "Fixed128(1.000000000000000001)");
		let negative = Fixed128::from_parts(-1000000000000000001);
		assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", negative), "Fixed128(-1.000000000000000001)");

		let positive_fractional = Fixed128::from_parts(1);
		assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", positive_fractional), "Fixed128(0.000000000000000001)");
		let negative_fractional = Fixed128::from_parts(-1);
		assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", negative_fractional), "Fixed128(-0.000000000000000001)");

		let zero = Fixed128::zero();
		assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", zero), "Fixed128(0.000000000000000000)");

	fn saturating_pow_should_work() {
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(2).saturating_pow(0), Fixed128::from_natural(1));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(2).saturating_pow(1), Fixed128::from_natural(2));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(2).saturating_pow(2), Fixed128::from_natural(4));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(2).saturating_pow(3), Fixed128::from_natural(8));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(2).saturating_pow(50), Fixed128::from_natural(1125899906842624));

		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(1).saturating_pow(1000), Fixed128::from_natural(1));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(-1).saturating_pow(1000), Fixed128::from_natural(1));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(-1).saturating_pow(1001), Fixed128::from_natural(-1));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(1).saturating_pow(usize::max_value()), Fixed128::from_natural(1));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(-1).saturating_pow(usize::max_value()), Fixed128::from_natural(-1));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(-1).saturating_pow(usize::max_value() - 1), Fixed128::from_natural(1));

		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(114209).saturating_pow(4), Fixed128::from_natural(170137997018538053761));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(114209).saturating_pow(5), Fixed128::max_value());

		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(1).saturating_pow(usize::max_value()), Fixed128::from_natural(1));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(0).saturating_pow(usize::max_value()), Fixed128::from_natural(0));
		assert_eq!(Fixed128::from_natural(2).saturating_pow(usize::max_value()), Fixed128::max_value());