sounding-wyoming-text-list 0.1.1

Library to parse HTML text from University of Wyoming with sounding data.


Library to parse and iterate over weather soundings retrieved from University of Wyoming.

Retrieve a sounding from the University of Wyoming page in the "Text: List" format, and then pass the text to the parse_text() function and it will return an iterator. The iterator returns (sounding_analysis::Sounding, std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, f64>) items.

The hash map contains indexes and values provided in the text that are not a part of the sounding_analysis::Sounding type. The keys in the hashmap should describe the values.

You may build a program that automatically downloads the soundings from the website or one that loads the text from disk, either way just pass the text into the parse_text() function and it will parse it for you.

The crate was originally built to support sonde, a sounding data viewer and analysis tool.