sounding-base 0.10.0

Data formats and algorithms for atmospheric soundings. The base crate is meant to be a common base for other crates to build on. These crates may be for managing a data-store, displaying data, or saving and loading files.
name = "sounding-base"
version = "0.10.0"
authors = ["Ryan Leach <>"]
description = """Data formats and algorithms for atmospheric soundings. The base crate is meant to
              be a common base for other crates to build on. These crates may be for managing a 
              data-store, displaying data, or saving and loading files."""
repository = ""
readme = ""
license-file = "LICENSE"
exclude = ["**/*.rs.bk",".gitignore",".vscode/**/*"]
categories = ["science"]
keywords = ["weather","sounding","meteorology", "skew-t"]
edition = "2018"

chrono = "^0.4"
metfor = {version = "^0.7", features = ["use_optional"]}
optional = "^0.5.0"