sounding-analysis 0.9.1

Analysis capability for the sounding-base crate.
//! This module finds significant layers such as the dendritic snow growth zone, the hail growth
//! zone, and inversions.
use smallvec::SmallVec;

use sounding_base::Profile::*;
use sounding_base::{DataRow, Profile, Sounding};

use error::AnalysisError::*;
use error::*;

const FREEZING: f64 = 0.0;

/// A layer in the atmosphere described by the values at the top and bottom.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Layer {
    /// Pressure at the bottom of the layer.
    pub bottom: DataRow,
    /// Pressure at the top of the layer.
    pub top: DataRow,

/// A list of layers.
pub type Layers = SmallVec<[Layer; ::VEC_SIZE]>;

impl Layer {
    /// Get the average lapse rate in C/km
    pub fn lapse_rate(&self) -> Result<f64> {
        let top_t =;
        let bottom_t = self.bottom.temperature.ok_or(MissingValue)?;

        let dt = top_t - bottom_t;
        let dz = self.height_thickness()?;

        Ok(dt / dz * 1000.0)

    /// Get the height thickness in meters
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(float_cmp))]
    pub fn height_thickness(&self) -> Result<f64> {
        let top =;
        let bottom = self.bottom.height.ok_or(MissingValue)?;
        if top == bottom {
        } else {
            Ok(top - bottom)

    /// Get the pressure thickness.
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(float_cmp))]
    pub fn pressure_thickness(&self) -> Result<f64> {
        let bottom_p = self.bottom.pressure.ok_or(MissingValue)?;
        let top_p =;
        if bottom_p == top_p {
        } else {
            Ok(bottom_p - top_p)

    /// Get the bulk wind shear (spd kts, direction degrees)
    pub fn wind_shear(&self) -> Result<(f64, f64)> {
        let top_spd =;
        let top_dir = -(90.0 +;
        let bottom_spd = self.bottom.speed.ok_or(MissingValue)?;
        let bottom_dir = -(90.0 + self.bottom.direction.ok_or(MissingValue)?);

        let top_u = top_dir.to_radians().cos() * top_spd;
        let top_v = top_dir.to_radians().sin() * top_spd;
        let bottom_u = bottom_dir.to_radians().cos() * bottom_spd;
        let bottom_v = bottom_dir.to_radians().sin() * bottom_spd;

        let du = top_u - bottom_u;
        let dv = top_v - bottom_v;

        let shear_spd = du.hypot(dv);
        let mut shear_dir = -(90.0 + dv.atan2(du).to_degrees());

        while shear_dir < 0.0 {
            shear_dir += 360.0;
        while shear_dir > 360.0 {
            shear_dir -= 360.0;

        Ok((shear_spd, shear_dir))

mod layer_tests {
    use super::*;
    use optional::some;
    use sounding_base::DataRow;

    fn make_test_layer() -> Layer {
        let mut bottom = DataRow::default();
        bottom.pressure = some(1000.0);
        bottom.temperature = some(20.0);
        bottom.height = some(5.0);
        bottom.speed = some(1.0);
        bottom.direction = some(180.0);

        let mut top = DataRow::default();
        top.pressure = some(700.0);
        top.temperature = some(-2.0);
        top.height = some(3012.0);
        top.speed = some(1.0);
        top.direction = some(90.0);

        Layer { bottom, top }

    fn approx_eq(a: f64, b: f64, tol: f64) -> bool {
        (a - b).abs() <= tol

    fn test_height_thickness() {
        let lyr = make_test_layer();
        println!("{:#?}", lyr);

    fn test_pressure_thickness() {
        let lyr = make_test_layer();
        println!("{:#?}", lyr);

    fn test_lapse_rate() {
        let lyr = make_test_layer();
            "{:#?}\n\n -- \n\n {} \n\n --",
        assert!(approx_eq(lyr.lapse_rate().unwrap(), -7.31626, 1.0e-5));

    fn test_wind_shear() {
        let lyr = make_test_layer();
            "{:#?}\n\n -- \n\n {:#?} \n\n --",
        let (speed_shear, direction_shear) = lyr.wind_shear().unwrap();
        assert!(approx_eq(speed_shear, ::std::f64::consts::SQRT_2, 1.0e-5));
        assert!(approx_eq(direction_shear, 45.0, 1.0e-5));

/// Find the dendtritic growth zones throughout the profile. It is unusual, but possible there is
/// more than one.
/// If there are none, then an empty vector is returned.
pub fn dendritic_snow_zone(snd: &Sounding) -> Result<Layers> {
    temperature_layer(snd, -12.0, -18.0, 300.0)

/// Find the hail growth zones throughout the profile. It is very unusual, but possible there is
/// more than one.
/// If there are none, then an empty vector is returned.
pub fn hail_growth_zone(snd: &Sounding) -> Result<Layers> {
    temperature_layer(snd, -10.0, -30.0, 1.0)

fn temperature_layer(
    snd: &Sounding,
    warm_side: f64,
    cold_side: f64,
    top_pressure: f64,
) -> Result<Layers> {
    use interpolation::{linear_interp, linear_interpolate_sounding};
    let mut to_return: Layers = Layers::new();

    let t_profile = snd.get_profile(Temperature);
    let p_profile = snd.get_profile(Pressure);

    if t_profile.is_empty() || p_profile.is_empty() {
        return Err(AnalysisError::MissingProfile);

    izip!(p_profile, t_profile)
        // remove levels with missing values
        .filter_map(|pair| {
            if pair.0.is_some() && pair.1.is_some() {
                let (p, t) = (pair.0.unpack(), pair.1.unpack());
                Some((p, t))
            } else {
        // Stop above a certain level
        .take_while(|&(p, _)| p > top_pressure)
        // find temperature layers
            Ok((None, None, None)),
            |acc: Result<(Option<f64>, Option<f64>, Option<_>)>, (p, t)| {
                match acc {
                    // We're not in a target layer currently
                    Ok((Some(last_p), Some(last_t), None)) => {
                        if last_t < cold_side && t >= cold_side && t <= warm_side {
                            // We crossed into a target layer from the cold side
                            let target_p = linear_interp(cold_side, last_t, t, last_p, p);
                            let bottom = linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, target_p)?;
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), Some(bottom)))
                        } else if last_t > warm_side && t >= cold_side && t <= warm_side {
                            // We crossed into a target layer from the warm side
                            let target_p = linear_interp(warm_side, last_t, t, last_p, p);
                            let bottom = linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, target_p)?;
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), Some(bottom)))
                        } else if (last_t < cold_side && t >= warm_side)
                            || (last_t > warm_side && t <= cold_side)
                            // We crossed completely through a target layer
                            let warm_p = linear_interp(warm_side, last_t, t, last_p, p);
                            let cold_p = linear_interp(cold_side, last_t, t, last_p, p);
                            let bottom = linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, warm_p.max(cold_p))?;
                            let top = linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, warm_p.min(cold_p))?;
                            to_return.push(Layer { bottom, top });
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), None))
                        } else {
                            // We weren't in a target layer
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), None))

                    // We're in a target layer, let's see if we passed out
                    Ok((Some(last_p), Some(last_t), Some(bottom))) => {
                        if t < cold_side {
                            // We crossed out of a target layer on the cold side
                            let target_p = linear_interp(cold_side, last_t, t, last_p, p);
                            let top = linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, target_p)?;
                            to_return.push(Layer { bottom, top });
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), None))
                        } else if t > warm_side {
                            // We crossed out of a target layer on the warm side
                            let target_p = linear_interp(warm_side, last_t, t, last_p, p);
                            let top = linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, target_p)?;
                            to_return.push(Layer { bottom, top });
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), None))
                        } else {
                            // We're still in a target layer
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), Some(bottom)))

                    // Propagate errors
                    e @ Err(_) => e,

                    // First row, lets get started
                    Ok((None, None, None)) => {
                        if t <= warm_side && t >= cold_side {
                            // Starting out in a target layer
                            let dr = linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, p)?;
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), Some(dr)))
                        } else {
                            // Not starting out in a target layer
                            Ok((Some(p), Some(t), None))

                    // No other combinations are possible
                    _ => unreachable!(),
        // Swap my list into the result.
        .and_then(|_| Ok(to_return))

/// Assuming it is below freezing at the surface, this will find the warm layers aloft using the
/// dry bulb temperature. Does not look above 500 hPa.
pub fn warm_temperature_layer_aloft(snd: &Sounding) -> Result<Layers> {
    warm_layer_aloft(snd, Temperature)

/// Assuming the wet bulb temperature is below freezing at the surface, this will find the warm
/// layers aloft using the wet bulb temperature. Does not look above 500 hPa.
pub fn warm_wet_bulb_layer_aloft(snd: &Sounding) -> Result<Layers> {
    warm_layer_aloft(snd, WetBulb)

fn warm_layer_aloft(snd: &Sounding, var: Profile) -> Result<Layers> {
    use std::f64::MAX;

    assert!(var == Temperature || var == WetBulb);

    let mut to_return: Layers = Layers::new();

    let t_profile = snd.get_profile(var);
    let p_profile = snd.get_profile(Pressure);

    if t_profile.is_empty() || p_profile.is_empty() {
        return Err(AnalysisError::MissingProfile);

    izip!(p_profile, t_profile)
        // Remove levels without pressure AND temperature data
        .filter_map(|pair| {
            if pair.0.is_some() && pair.1.is_some() {
                let (p, t) = (pair.0.unpack(), pair.1.unpack());
                Some((p, t))
            } else {
        // Ignore anything above 500 hPa, extremely unlikely for a warm layer up there.
        .take_while(|&(p, _)| p > 500.0)
        // Find the warm layers!
            Ok((MAX, MAX, None)),
            |last_iter_res: Result<(_, _, _)>, (p, t)| {
                let (last_p, last_t, mut bottom) = last_iter_res?;
                if last_t <= FREEZING && t > FREEZING && bottom.is_none() {
                    // Entering a warm layer.
                    let bottom_p = ::interpolation::linear_interp(FREEZING, last_t, t, last_p, p);
                    bottom = Some(::interpolation::linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, bottom_p)?);
                if bottom.is_some() && last_t > FREEZING && t <= FREEZING {
                    // Crossed out of a warm layer
                    let top_p = ::interpolation::linear_interp(FREEZING, last_t, t, last_p, p);
                    let top = ::interpolation::linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, top_p)?;
                        let bottom = bottom.unwrap();
                        to_return.push(Layer { bottom, top });
                    bottom = None;

                Ok((p, t, bottom))


/// Assuming a warm layer aloft given by `warm_layers`, measure the cold surface layer.
pub fn cold_surface_temperature_layer(snd: &Sounding, warm_layers: &[Layer]) -> Result<Layer> {
    cold_surface_layer(snd, Temperature, warm_layers)

fn cold_surface_layer(snd: &Sounding, var: Profile, warm_layers: &[Layer]) -> Result<Layer> {
    debug_assert!(var == Temperature || var == WetBulb);

    if warm_layers.is_empty() {
        return Err(InvalidInput);

    let t_profile = snd.get_profile(var);
    let p_profile = snd.get_profile(Pressure);

    if t_profile.is_empty() || p_profile.is_empty() {
        // Should not happen since we SHOULD HAVE already used these to get the warm layers
        return Err(MissingProfile);

    izip!(0usize.., p_profile, t_profile)
        // Remove levels with missing data
        .filter_map(|triplet| {
            if triplet.1.is_some() && triplet.2.is_some() {
                let (i, t) = (triplet.0, triplet.2.unpack());
                Some((i, t))
            } else {
        // Map it to an error if the temperature is above freezing.
        .map(|(i, t)| {
            if t > FREEZING {
            } else {
        // Only take the first one, we want the surface layer, or the lowest layer available
        // If there is nothing to get, there was no valid data in the profile.
        // Map the result into a data row!
        .and_then(|index| snd.get_data_row(index).ok_or(InvalidInput))
        // Package it up in a layer
        .map(|bottom| Layer {
            top: warm_layers[0].bottom,

/// Get a layer that has a certain thickness, like 3km or 6km.
pub fn layer_agl(snd: &Sounding, meters_agl: f64) -> Result<Layer> {
    use std::f64::MAX;

    let tgt_elev = {
        let elev = snd.get_station_info().elevation();
        if elev.is_some() {
            elev.unpack() + meters_agl
        } else {
            return Err(MissingValue);

    let h_profile = snd.get_profile(GeopotentialHeight);
    let p_profile = snd.get_profile(Pressure);

    if h_profile.is_empty() || p_profile.is_empty() {
        return Err(MissingProfile);

    let bottom = snd.surface_as_data_row();

    izip!(p_profile, h_profile)
        // filter out levels with missing data
        .filter_map(|pair| {
            if pair.0.is_some() && pair.1.is_some() {
                let (p, h) = (pair.0.unpack(), pair.1.unpack());
                Some((p, h))
            } else {
        // find the pressure at the target geopotential height, to be used later for interpolation.
            Ok((MAX, 0.0f64, None)),
            |acc: Result<(_, _, Option<_>)>, (p, h)| {
                match acc {
                    // We have not yet found the target pressure to interpolate everything to, so
                    // check the current values.
                    Ok((last_p, last_h, None)) => {
                        if h > tgt_elev {
                            // If we finally jumped above our target, we have it bracketed, interpolate
                            // and find target pressure.
                            let tgt_p =
                                ::interpolation::linear_interp(tgt_elev, last_h, h, last_p, p);
                            Ok((MAX, MAX, Some(tgt_p)))
                        } else {
                            // Keep climbing up the profile.
                            Ok((p, h, None))
                    // We have found the target pressure on the last iteration, pass it through
                    ok @ Ok((_, _, Some(_))) => ok,
                    // There was an error, keep passing it through.
                    e @ Err(_) => e,
        // Extract the target pressure
        .and_then(|(_, _, opt)| opt.ok_or(NotEnoughData))
        // Do the interpolation.
        .and_then(|target_p| ::interpolation::linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, target_p))
        // Compose into a layer
        .map(|top| Layer { bottom, top })

/// Get a layer defined by two pressure levels. `bottom_p` > `top_p`
pub fn pressure_layer(snd: &Sounding, bottom_p: f64, top_p: f64) -> Result<Layer> {
    let sfc_pressure = snd.surface_as_data_row().pressure;

    if sfc_pressure.is_some() && sfc_pressure.unwrap() < bottom_p {
        return Err(InvalidInput);

    let bottom = ::interpolation::linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, bottom_p)?;
    let top = ::interpolation::linear_interpolate_sounding(snd, top_p)?;

    Ok(Layer { bottom, top })

/// Get all inversion layers up to a specified pressure.
pub fn inversions(snd: &Sounding, top_p: f64) -> Result<Layers> {
    use std::f64::MAX;

    let mut to_return: Layers = Layers::new();

    let t_profile = snd.get_profile(Temperature);
    let p_profile = snd.get_profile(Pressure);

    if t_profile.is_empty() || p_profile.is_empty() {
        return Err(AnalysisError::MissingProfile);

    izip!(0usize.., p_profile, t_profile)
        // Filter out rows without both temperature and pressure.
        .filter_map(|triple| {
            if triple.1.is_some() && triple.2.is_some() {
                let (i, p, t) = (triple.0, triple.1.unpack(), triple.2.unpack());
                Some((i, p, t))
            } else {
        // Filter out rows above the top pressure
        .filter_map(|(i, p, t)| if p < top_p { None } else { Some((i, t)) })
        // Capture the inversion layers
            (0, MAX, None),
            |(last_i, last_t, mut bottom_opt), (i, t)| {
                if bottom_opt.is_none() && last_t < t {
                    // Coming into an inversion
                    bottom_opt = snd.get_data_row(last_i);
                } else if bottom_opt.is_some() && last_t > t {
                    // Leaving an inversion
                    if let Some(layer) = bottom_opt.and_then(|bottom| {
                            .and_then(|top| Some(Layer { bottom, top }))
                    }) {
                        bottom_opt = None;
                (i, t, bottom_opt)


/// Get a surface based inversion.
pub fn sfc_based_inversion(snd: &Sounding) -> Result<Option<Layer>> {
    let t_profile = snd.get_profile(Temperature);
    let p_profile = snd.get_profile(Pressure);
    let h_profile = snd.get_profile(GeopotentialHeight);

    if t_profile.is_empty() || p_profile.is_empty() || h_profile.is_empty() {
        return Err(AnalysisError::MissingProfile);

    izip!(0usize.., p_profile, h_profile, t_profile)
        // Remove levels with missing data
        .filter_map(|tuple| {
            if tuple.1.is_some() && tuple.2.is_some() && tuple.2.is_some() {
            } else {
        // Get the first one.
        // Map Option to Result
        // Map the result into a data row
        .and_then(|index| snd.get_data_row(index).ok_or(AnalysisError::MissingValue))
        // Now find the top
        .and_then(|bottom_row| {
            let sfc_t = bottom_row.temperature;
            if sfc_t.is_some() {
                let sfc_t = sfc_t.unpack();
                let val = izip!(0usize.., p_profile, t_profile, h_profile)
                    // Remove levels with missing data
                    .filter_map(|tuple| {
                        if tuple.1.is_some() && tuple.2.is_some() && tuple.3.is_some() {
                            let (i, p, t) = (tuple.0, tuple.1.unpack(), tuple.2.unpack());
                            Some((i, p, t))
                        } else {
                    // This is the first one!
                    // Only look up to about 700 hPa
                    .take_while(|(_, p, _)| *p > 690.0)
                    // Remove those cooler than the surface
                    .filter(|(_, _, t)| *t > sfc_t)
                    .fold(None, |max_t_info, (i, _, t)| {
                        if let Some((max_t, _max_t_idx)) = max_t_info {
                            if t > max_t {
                                Some((t, i))
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            Some((t, i))

                match val {
                    Some((_, idx)) => snd
                        .and_then(|top_row| {
                            Ok(Some(Layer {
                                bottom: bottom_row,
                                top: top_row,
                    None => Ok(None),
            } else {