sounding-analysis 0.3.0

Analysis capability for the sounding-base crate.
//! Functions and data types for analyzing soundings from the
//! [sounding-base]( crate.

// API
pub mod error;
pub use error::*;

pub use interpolation::linear_interpolate;

pub mod layers;
pub use layers::Layer;

pub mod levels;

pub mod parcel;
pub use parcel::Parcel;

pub mod profile;

// Internal use only

// 3rd party libs
extern crate failure;
extern crate failure_derive;
extern crate smallvec;

// framework libs
extern crate metfor;
extern crate sounding_base;

// dev only libs
extern crate sounding_validate;

// Modules
mod interpolation;
mod test_data;

// Internal use only
pub(crate) const VEC_SIZE: usize = 2;