sound_stream 0.3.2

Provides a simple interface to the default audio input and output device streams on a user's system. failed to build sound_stream-0.3.2
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SoundStream Build Status

A simple-as-possible, fast audio I/O stream wrapping PortAudio for Rust! It looks like this:

for event in stream.by_ref() {
    match event {
        Event::In(input_buffer) => println!("Incoming audio!"),
        Event::Out(output_buffer, settings) => println!("Time to write to output!"),
        Event::Update(delta_time) => println!("Updatey stuff here."),


Add sound_stream to your Cargo.toml dependencies like so:

sound_stream = "*"

For more details, see the example.


SoundStream uses PortAudio as a cross-platform audio backend. The rust-portaudio dependency will first try to find an already installed version on your system before trying to download it and build PortAudio itself.


MIT - Same license as PortAudio.