[][src]Crate sorted_iter

This crate provides set and relational operations for all iterators in the standard library that are known at compile time to be sorted.

Set operations

use sorted_iter::SortedIteratorExt;

let primes = btreeset! { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13u64 }.into_iter();
let fibs = btreeset! { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13u64 }.into_iter();
let fib_primes = primes.intersection(fibs);

For available set operations, see SortedIterator. For sorted iterators in the std lib, see instances the for SortedByItem marker trait.

Relational operations

use sorted_iter::SortedPairIteratorExt;

let cities = btreemap! { 1 => "New York", 2 => "Tokyo", 3u8 => "Berlin" }.into_iter();
let countries = btreemap! { 1 => "USA", 2 => "Japan", 3u8 => "Germany" }.into_iter();
let cities_and_countries = cities.join(countries);

For available relational operations, see SortedPairIterator. For sorted iterators in the std lib, see instances the for SortedByKey marker trait.

Transformations that retain order are allowed

use sorted_iter::*;

let odd = (1..31).step_by(2);
let multiples_of_3 = (3..30).step_by(3);
let either = odd.union(multiples_of_3);

Transformations that can change the order lose the sorted property

This example deliberately fails to compile
use sorted_iter::*;

// we have no idea what map does to the order. could be anything!
let a = (1..31).map(|x| -x);
let b = (3..30).step_by(3);
let either = a.union(b); // does not compile!

Assuming sort ordering

For most std lib iterators, this library already provides instances. But there will occasionally be an iterator from a third party library where you know that it is properly sorted.

For this case, there is an escape hatch:

// the assume_ extensions have to be implicitly imported
use sorted_iter::*;
use sorted_iter::assume::*;
let odd = vec![1,3,5,7u8].into_iter().assume_sorted_by_item();
let even = vec![2,4,6,8u8].into_iter().assume_sorted_by_item();
let all = odd.union(even);
let cities = vec![(1u8, "New York")].into_iter().assume_sorted_by_key();
let countries = vec![(1u8, "USA")].into_iter().assume_sorted_by_key();
let cities_and_countries = cities.join(countries);

Marking your own iterators

If you have a library and want to mark some iterators as sorted, this is possible by implementing the appropriate marker trait, SortedByItem or SortedByKey.

// marker traits are not at top level, since usually you don't need them
use sorted_iter::sorted_iterator::SortedByItem;
use sorted_iter::sorted_pair_iterator::SortedByKey;

struct MySortedIter<T> { whatever: T }
struct MySortedPairIter<K, V> { whatever: (K, V) }
impl<T> SortedByItem for MySortedIter<T> {}
impl<K, V> SortedByKey for MySortedPairIter<K, V> {}



extension traits for unchecked conversions from iterators to sorted iterators


implementation of the sorted_iterator set operations


implementation of the sorted_pair_iterator relational operations



set operations for iterators where the items are sorted according to the natural order


relational operations for iterators of pairs where the items are sorted according to the key