soroban-wasmi 0.16.0-soroban2

Soroban fork of Parity WebAssembly interpreter
use super::{
use crate::{GuardedEntity, Index};
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};

pub trait StepMeter: core::fmt::Debug {
    /// The maximum number of instructions to run between calls to charge_cpu.
    fn max_insn_step(&self) -> u64 {

    /// Charge the externals for a given block of instructions having executed.
    fn charge_cpu(&self, _insns: u64) -> Result<(), crate::core::TrapCode> {

    /// Charge the externals for a given amount of linear memory being allocated.
    fn charge_mem(&self, _bytes: u64) -> Result<(), crate::core::TrapCode> {

struct NullStepMeter;
impl StepMeter for NullStepMeter {}

/// A unique store index.
/// # Note
/// Used to protect against invalid entity indices.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct StoreIdx(u32);

impl Index for StoreIdx {
    fn into_usize(self) -> usize {
        self.0 as usize

    fn from_usize(value: usize) -> Self {
        let value = value.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|error| {
            panic!("index {value} is out of bounds as store index: {error}")

impl StoreIdx {
    /// Returns a new unique [`StoreIdx`].
    fn new() -> Self {
        /// A static store index counter.
        static CURRENT_STORE_IDX: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
        let next_idx = CURRENT_STORE_IDX.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);

/// A stored entity.
pub type Stored<Idx> = GuardedEntity<StoreIdx, Idx>;

/// The store that owns all data associated to Wasm modules.
pub struct Store<T> {
    /// The unique store index.
    /// Used to protect against invalid entity indices.
    store_idx: StoreIdx,
    /// Stored linear memories.
    memories: Arena<MemoryIdx, MemoryEntity>,
    /// Stored tables.
    tables: Arena<TableIdx, TableEntity>,
    /// Stored global variables.
    globals: Arena<GlobalIdx, GlobalEntity>,
    /// Stored Wasm or host functions.
    funcs: Arena<FuncIdx, FuncEntity<T>>,
    /// Stored module instances.
    instances: Arena<InstanceIdx, InstanceEntity>,
    /// The [`Engine`] in use by the [`Store`].
    /// Amongst others the [`Engine`] stores the Wasm function definitions.
    engine: Engine,
    /// User provided state.
    user_state: T,
    /// Measures execution costs and traps when over budget.
    step_meter: std::rc::Rc<dyn StepMeter>,

impl<T> Store<T> {
    /// Creates a new store.
    pub fn new(engine: &Engine, user_state: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            store_idx: StoreIdx::new(),
            memories: Arena::new(),
            tables: Arena::new(),
            globals: Arena::new(),
            funcs: Arena::new(),
            instances: Arena::new(),
            engine: engine.clone(),
            step_meter: std::rc::Rc::new(NullStepMeter),

    /// Returns the [`Engine`] that this store is associated with.
    pub fn engine(&self) -> &Engine {

    /// Returns a shared reference to the user provided state.
    pub fn state(&self) -> &T {

    /// Returns a shared reference to the user provided state.
    pub fn state_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.user_state

    /// Consumes `self` and returns its user provided state.
    pub fn into_state(self) -> T {

    /// Returns the current [`StepMeter`].
    pub fn get_step_meter(&self) -> std::rc::Rc<dyn StepMeter> {

    /// Installs a new [`StepMeter`].
    pub fn set_step_meter(&mut self, step_meter: std::rc::Rc<dyn StepMeter>) {
        self.step_meter = step_meter

    /// Allocates a new function type to the store.
    pub(super) fn alloc_func_type(&mut self, func_type: FuncType) -> DedupFuncType {

    /// Allocates a new global variable to the store.
    pub(super) fn alloc_global(&mut self, global: GlobalEntity) -> Global {
        Global::from_inner(Stored::new(self.store_idx, self.globals.alloc(global)))

    /// Allocates a new table to the store.
    pub(super) fn alloc_table(&mut self, table: TableEntity) -> Table {
        Table::from_inner(Stored::new(self.store_idx, self.tables.alloc(table)))

    /// Allocates a new linear memory to the store.
    pub(super) fn alloc_memory(&mut self, memory: MemoryEntity) -> Memory {
        Memory::from_inner(Stored::new(self.store_idx, self.memories.alloc(memory)))

    /// Allocates a new Wasm or host function to the store.
    pub(super) fn alloc_func(&mut self, func: FuncEntity<T>) -> Func {
        Func::from_inner(Stored::new(self.store_idx, self.funcs.alloc(func)))

    /// Allocates a new [`Instance`] to the store.
    /// # Note
    /// The resulting uninitialized [`Instance`] can be used to initialize [`Instance`] entities
    /// that require an [`Instance`] handle upon construction such as [`Func`].
    /// Using the [`Instance`] before fully initializing it using [`Store::initialize_instance`]
    /// will cause an execution panic.
    pub(super) fn alloc_instance(&mut self) -> Instance {

    /// Fully initializes the [`Instance`].
    /// # Note
    /// After this operation the [`Instance`] can be used.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the [`Instance`] does not belong to the [`Store`].
    /// - If the [`Instance`] is unknown to the [`Store`].
    /// - If the [`Instance`] already has been fully initialized.
    pub(super) fn initialize_instance(&mut self, instance: Instance, initialized: InstanceEntity) {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(instance.into_inner());
        let entity = self.instances.get_mut(entity_index).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "the store has no reference to the given instance: {:?}",
            "encountered an already initialized instance: {:?}",
            "encountered an uninitialized new instance entity: {:?}",
        *entity = initialized;

    /// Unpacks and checks the stored entity index.
    /// # Panics
    /// If the stored entity does not originate from this store.
    fn unwrap_index<Idx>(&self, stored: Stored<Idx>) -> Idx
        Idx: Index,
        stored.entity_index(self.store_idx).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "encountered foreign entity in store: {}",

    /// Returns a shared reference to the associated entity of the signature.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the deduplicated function type does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the deduplicated function type cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_func_type(&self, func_type: DedupFuncType) -> FuncType {
        self.engine.resolve_func_type(func_type, Clone::clone)

    /// Returns a shared reference to the associated entity of the global variable.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the global variable does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the global variable cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_global(&self, global: Global) -> &GlobalEntity {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(global.into_inner());
        self.globals.get(entity_index).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "failed to resolve stored global variable: {:?}",

    /// Returns an exclusive reference to the associated entity of the global variable.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the global variable does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the global variable cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_global_mut(&mut self, global: Global) -> &mut GlobalEntity {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(global.into_inner());
        self.globals.get_mut(entity_index).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "failed to resolve stored global variable: {:?}",

    /// Returns a shared reference to the associated entity of the table.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the table does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the table cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_table(&self, table: Table) -> &TableEntity {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(table.into_inner());
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to resolve stored table: {:?}", entity_index))

    /// Returns an exclusive reference to the associated entity of the table.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the table does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the table cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_table_mut(&mut self, table: Table) -> &mut TableEntity {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(table.into_inner());
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to resolve stored table: {:?}", entity_index))

    /// Returns a shared reference to the associated entity of the linear memory.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the linear memory does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the linear memory cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_memory(&self, memory: Memory) -> &MemoryEntity {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(memory.into_inner());
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to resolve stored linear memory: {:?}", entity_index))

    /// Returns an exclusive reference to the associated entity of the linear memory.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the linear memory does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the linear memory cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_memory_mut(&mut self, memory: Memory) -> &mut MemoryEntity {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(memory.into_inner());
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to resolve stored linear memory: {:?}", entity_index))

    /// Returns a shared reference to the associated entity of the Wasm or host function.
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the Wasm or host function does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the Wasm or host function cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_func(&self, func: Func) -> &FuncEntity<T> {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(func.into_inner());
        self.funcs.get(entity_index).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "failed to resolve stored Wasm or host function: {:?}",

    /// Returns a shared reference to the associated entity of the [`Instance`].
    /// # Panics
    /// - If the Wasm or host function does not originate from this store.
    /// - If the Wasm or host function cannot be resolved to its entity.
    pub(super) fn resolve_instance(&self, instance: Instance) -> &InstanceEntity {
        let entity_index = self.unwrap_index(instance.into_inner());
        self.instances.get(entity_index).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "failed to resolve stored module instance: {:?}",

/// A trait used to get shared access to a [`Store`] in `wasmi`.
pub trait AsContext {
    /// The user state associated with the [`Store`], aka the `T` in `Store<T>`.
    type UserState;

    /// Returns the store context that this type provides access to.
    fn as_context(&self) -> StoreContext<Self::UserState>;

/// A trait used to get exclusive access to a [`Store`] in `wasmi`.
pub trait AsContextMut: AsContext {
    /// Returns the store context that this type provides access to.
    fn as_context_mut(&mut self) -> StoreContextMut<Self::UserState>;

/// A temporary handle to a `&Store<T>`.
/// This type is sutable for [`AsContext`] trait bounds on methods if desired.
/// For more information, see [`Store`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct StoreContext<'a, T> {
    pub(super) store: &'a Store<T>,

impl<'a, T: AsContext> From<&'a T> for StoreContext<'a, T::UserState> {
    fn from(ctx: &'a T) -> Self {

impl<'a, T: AsContext> From<&'a mut T> for StoreContext<'a, T::UserState> {
    fn from(ctx: &'a mut T) -> Self {

impl<'a, T: AsContextMut> From<&'a mut T> for StoreContextMut<'a, T::UserState> {
    fn from(ctx: &'a mut T) -> Self {

/// A temporary handle to a `&mut Store<T>`.
/// This type is sutable for [`AsContextMut`] or [`AsContext`] trait bounds on methods if desired.
/// For more information, see [`Store`].
pub struct StoreContextMut<'a, T> {
    pub(super) store: &'a mut Store<T>,

impl<T> AsContext for &'_ T
    T: AsContext,
    type UserState = T::UserState;

    fn as_context(&self) -> StoreContext<'_, T::UserState> {

impl<T> AsContext for &'_ mut T
    T: AsContext,
    type UserState = T::UserState;

    fn as_context(&self) -> StoreContext<'_, T::UserState> {

impl<T> AsContextMut for &'_ mut T
    T: AsContextMut,
    fn as_context_mut(&mut self) -> StoreContextMut<'_, T::UserState> {

impl<T> AsContext for StoreContext<'_, T> {
    type UserState = T;

    fn as_context(&self) -> StoreContext<'_, Self::UserState> {
        StoreContext { store: }

impl<T> AsContext for StoreContextMut<'_, T> {
    type UserState = T;

    fn as_context(&self) -> StoreContext<'_, Self::UserState> {
        StoreContext { store: }

impl<T> AsContextMut for StoreContextMut<'_, T> {
    fn as_context_mut(&mut self) -> StoreContextMut<'_, Self::UserState> {
        StoreContextMut {
            store: &mut *,

impl<T> AsContext for Store<T> {
    type UserState = T;

    fn as_context(&self) -> StoreContext<'_, Self::UserState> {
        StoreContext { store: self }

impl<T> AsContextMut for Store<T> {
    fn as_context_mut(&mut self) -> StoreContextMut<'_, Self::UserState> {
        StoreContextMut { store: self }