soroban-test 20.3.4

Soroban Test Framework
Soroban Test

Test framework wrapping Soroban CLI.

Provides a way to run tests against a local sandbox; running against RPC endpoint _coming soon_.


- `TestEnv` is a test environment for running tests isolated from each other.
- `TestEnv::with_default` invokes a closure, which is passed a reference to a random `TestEnv`.
- `TestEnv::new_assert_cmd` creates an `assert_cmd::Command` for a given subcommand and sets the current
   directory to be the same as `TestEnv`.
- `TestEnv::cmd` is a generic function which parses a command from a string.
   Note, however, that it uses `shlex` to tokenize the string. This can cause issues
   for commands which contain strings with `"`s. For example, `{"hello": "world"}` becomes
   `{hello:world}`. For that reason it's recommended to use `TestEnv::cmd_arr` instead.
- `TestEnv::cmd_arr` is a generic function which takes an array of `&str` which is passed directly to clap.
   This is the preferred way since it ensures no string parsing footguns.
- `TestEnv::invoke` a convenience function for using the invoke command.


use soroban_test::{TestEnv, Wasm};

const WASM: &Wasm = &Wasm::Release("soroban_hello_world_contract");
const FRIEND: &str = "friend";

fn invoke() {
    TestEnv::with_default(|workspace| {