sophia_api 0.7.2

A Rust toolkit for RDF and Linked Data - Core API
//! A quad source produces quads, and may also fail in the process.
//! The trait [`QuadSource`]
//! provides an API similar to (a subset of) the [`Iterator`] API,
//! with methods such as [`for_each_quad`] and [`try_for_each_quad`].
//! # Rationale (or Why not simply use `Iterator`?)
//! See the documentation of the [`triple::stream`] module.
//! [`for_each_quad`]: QuadSource::for_each_quad
//! [`try_for_each_quad`]: QuadSource::try_for_each_quad
//! [`triple::stream`]: crate::triple::stream

use std::error::Error;

use crate::dataset::*;
use crate::quad::streaming_mode::*;
use crate::quad::*;
pub use crate::triple::stream::{SinkError, SourceError, StreamError, StreamResult};

mod _filter;
pub use _filter::*;
mod _filter_map;
pub use _filter_map::*;
mod _iterator;
pub use _iterator::*;
mod _map;
pub use _map::*;

/// Type alias for referencing the `TermData` used in a `QuadSource`.
pub type QsTerm<S> =
    <<<S as QuadSource>::Quad as QuadStreamingMode>::UnsafeQuad as UnsafeQuad>::Term;

    since = "0.6.3",
    note = "Was renamed to QsTerm, according to naming conventions"
pub type QSTerm<S> = QsTerm<S>;

/// A quad source produces [`Quad`]s, and may also fail in the process.
/// Any iterator yielding [`Quad`]s wrapped in `Result`
/// implements the `QuadSource` trait.
pub trait QuadSource {
    /// The type of errors produced by this source.
    type Error: 'static + Error;

    /// Determine the type of [`Quad`]s
    /// that this quad source yields.
    /// (see [`streaming_mode`](super::streaming_mode)
    type Quad: QuadStreamingMode;

    /// Call f for at least one quad from this quad source, if any.
    /// Return false if there are no more quads in this source.
    fn try_for_some_quad<F, E>(&mut self, f: &mut F) -> StreamResult<bool, Self::Error, E>
        F: FnMut(StreamedQuad<Self::Quad>) -> Result<(), E>,
        E: Error;

    /// Call f for all quads from this quad source.
    fn try_for_each_quad<F, E>(&mut self, f: F) -> StreamResult<(), Self::Error, E>
        F: FnMut(StreamedQuad<Self::Quad>) -> Result<(), E>,
        E: Error,
        let mut f = f;
        while self.try_for_some_quad(&mut f)? {}
    /// Call f for at least one quad from this quad source, if any.
    /// Return false if there are no more quads in this source.
    fn for_some_quad<F>(&mut self, f: &mut F) -> Result<bool, Self::Error>
        F: FnMut(StreamedQuad<Self::Quad>),
        self.try_for_some_quad(&mut |t| -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
    /// Call f for all quads from this quad source.
    fn for_each_quad<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<(), Self::Error>
        F: FnMut(StreamedQuad<Self::Quad>),
        let mut f = f;
        while self.for_some_quad(&mut f)? {}
    /// Creates a quad source which uses a closure to determine if a quad should be yielded.
    fn filter_quads<F>(self, filter: F) -> FilterSource<Self, F>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(&StreamedQuad<Self::Quad>) -> bool,
        FilterSource {
            source: self,
    /// Creates a quad source that both filters and maps.
    fn filter_map_quads<F, T>(self, filter_map: F) -> FilterMapSource<Self, F>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(StreamedQuad<Self::Quad>) -> Option<T>,
        FilterMapSource {
            source: self,
    /// Takes a closure and creates quad source which yield the result of that closure for each quad.
    fn map_quads<F, T>(self, map: F) -> MapSource<Self, F>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(StreamedQuad<Self::Quad>) -> T,
        MapSource { source: self, map }
    /// Returns the bounds on the remaining length of the quad source.
    /// This method has the same contract as [`Iterator::size_hint`].
    /// [`Iterator::size_hint`]:
    fn size_hint_quads(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        (0, None)
    /// Collect these quads into a new dataset.
    fn collect_quads<D>(self) -> StreamResult<D, Self::Error, <D as Dataset>::Error>
        Self: Sized,
        D: CollectibleDataset,
    /// Insert all quads from this source into the given [MutableDataset].
    /// Stop on the first error (in the source or in the dataset).
    fn add_to_dataset<D: MutableDataset>(
        dataset: &mut D,
    ) -> StreamResult<usize, Self::Error, <D as MutableDataset>::MutationError>
        Self: Sized,

mod test;