[][src]Trait sophia::graph::MutableGraph

pub trait MutableGraph: for<'x> Graph<'x> {
    type MutationError: CoercibleWith<Error> + CoercibleWith<Never>;
    fn insert<T, U, V>(
        &mut self,
        s: &Term<T>,
        p: &Term<U>,
        o: &Term<V>
    ) -> MGResult<Self, bool>
        T: TermData,
        U: TermData,
        V: TermData
fn remove<T, U, V>(
        &mut self,
        s: &Term<T>,
        p: &Term<U>,
        o: &Term<V>
    ) -> MGResult<Self, bool>
        T: TermData,
        U: TermData,
        V: TermData
; fn inserter(&mut self) -> Inserter<Self> { ... }
fn insert_all<'a, TS>(
        &mut self,
        src: &mut TS
    ) -> CoercedResult<usize, TS::Error, Self::MutationError>
        TS: TripleSource<'a>,
        TS::Error: CoercibleWith<Self::MutationError>
, { ... }
fn remover(&mut self) -> Remover<Self> { ... }
fn remove_all<'a, TS>(
        &mut self,
        src: &mut TS
    ) -> CoercedResult<usize, TS::Error, Self::MutationError>
        TS: TripleSource<'a>,
        TS::Error: CoercibleWith<Self::MutationError>
, { ... }
fn remove_matching<S: ?Sized, P: ?Sized, O: ?Sized>(
        &mut self,
        ms: &S,
        mp: &P,
        mo: &O
    ) -> MGResult<Self, usize>
        S: TermMatcher,
        P: TermMatcher,
        O: TermMatcher,
        Self::Error: Into<Self::MutationError>,
        Never: CoercibleWith<Self::MutationError>,
        Self::MutationError: From<CoercedError<Never, Self::MutationError>>
, { ... }
fn retain<S: ?Sized, P: ?Sized, O: ?Sized>(
        &mut self,
        ms: &S,
        mp: &P,
        mo: &O
    ) -> MGResult<Self, ()>
        S: TermMatcher,
        P: TermMatcher,
        O: TermMatcher,
        Self::Error: Into<Self::MutationError>,
        Never: CoercibleWith<Self::MutationError>,
        Self::MutationError: From<CoercedError<Never, Self::MutationError>>
, { ... } }

Generic trait for mutable RDF graphs.

NB: the semantics of this trait allows a graph to contain duplicate triples; see also SetGraph.

Associated Types

type MutationError: CoercibleWith<Error> + CoercibleWith<Never>

The error type that this graph may raise during mutations.

Must be either Never (for infallible graphs) or Error.

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Required methods

fn insert<T, U, V>(
    &mut self,
    s: &Term<T>,
    p: &Term<U>,
    o: &Term<V>
) -> MGResult<Self, bool> where
    T: TermData,
    U: TermData,
    V: TermData

Insert the given triple in this graph.

Return true iff the triple was actually inserted.

NB: unless this graph also implements SetGraph, a return value of true does not mean that the triple was not already in the graph, only that the graph now has one more occurence of it.

fn remove<T, U, V>(
    &mut self,
    s: &Term<T>,
    p: &Term<U>,
    o: &Term<V>
) -> MGResult<Self, bool> where
    T: TermData,
    U: TermData,
    V: TermData

Insert the given triple in this graph.

Return true iff the triple was actually removed.

NB: unless this graph also implements SetGraph, a return value of true does not mean that the triple is not still contained in the graph, only that the graph now has one less occurence of it.

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Provided methods

fn inserter(&mut self) -> Inserter<Self>

Return a TripleSink that will insert into this graph all the triples it receives.

fn insert_all<'a, TS>(
    &mut self,
    src: &mut TS
) -> CoercedResult<usize, TS::Error, Self::MutationError> where
    TS: TripleSource<'a>,
    TS::Error: CoercibleWith<Self::MutationError>, 

Insert into this graph all triples from the given source.

fn remover(&mut self) -> Remover<Self>

Return a TripleSink that will remove from this graph all the triples it receives.

fn remove_all<'a, TS>(
    &mut self,
    src: &mut TS
) -> CoercedResult<usize, TS::Error, Self::MutationError> where
    TS: TripleSource<'a>,
    TS::Error: CoercibleWith<Self::MutationError>, 

Remove from this graph all triples from the given source.

fn remove_matching<S: ?Sized, P: ?Sized, O: ?Sized>(
    &mut self,
    ms: &S,
    mp: &P,
    mo: &O
) -> MGResult<Self, usize> where
    S: TermMatcher,
    P: TermMatcher,
    O: TermMatcher,
    Self::Error: Into<Self::MutationError>,
    Never: CoercibleWith<Self::MutationError>,
    Self::MutationError: From<CoercedError<Never, Self::MutationError>>, 

Remove all triples matching the given matchers.

Note that the default implementation is rather naive, and could be improved in specific implementations of the trait.

fn retain<S: ?Sized, P: ?Sized, O: ?Sized>(
    &mut self,
    ms: &S,
    mp: &P,
    mo: &O
) -> MGResult<Self, ()> where
    S: TermMatcher,
    P: TermMatcher,
    O: TermMatcher,
    Self::Error: Into<Self::MutationError>,
    Never: CoercibleWith<Self::MutationError>,
    Self::MutationError: From<CoercedError<Never, Self::MutationError>>, 

Keep only the triples matching the given matchers.

Note that the default implementation is rather naive, and could be improved in specific implementations of the trait.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl MutableGraph for Vec<[BoxTerm; 3]>[src]

type MutationError = Never

impl<BH> MutableGraph for HashSet<[BoxTerm; 3], BH> where
    BH: BuildHasher

type MutationError = Never

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impl<D, E, F> MutableGraph for DatasetGraph<D, E, Option<Term<F>>> where
    D: MutableDataset,
    E: BorrowMut<D>,
    F: TermData

type MutationError = D::MutationError

impl<I> MutableGraph for HashGraph<I> where
    I: TermIndexMap,
    I::Index: Hash,
    <I::Factory as TermFactory>::TermData: 'static, 

type MutationError = Never

impl<T> MutableGraph for OpsWrapper<T> where
    T: IndexedGraph + for<'a> Graph<'a, Triple = [&'a Term<<T as IndexedGraph>::TermData>; 3]>, 

type MutationError = Never

impl<T> MutableGraph for SpoWrapper<T> where
    T: IndexedGraph + for<'a> Graph<'a, Triple = [&'a Term<<T as IndexedGraph>::TermData>; 3]>, 

type MutationError = Never

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