songkick 0.1.0

Rust library for SongKick API

//!  A wrapper library for SongKick API
//!  For API Term of Use Agreement see [here](
//! # Examples
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use songkick::{SongKick};
//! use songkick::resources::Artist;
//! use songkick::endpoints::{SkEndpoint};
//! let sk = SongKick::new("API_KEY");
//! // RadioHead ID
//! let artists : Vec<Artist> = sk.artist.get(253846)
//! .and_then(|res| Ok(res.collect()))
//! .expect("Failed to fetch artist with id");
//! assert_eq!(1,artists.len());
//! ```


extern crate hyper;
extern crate url;
extern crate serde_json;

mod client;
mod result;
mod util;
pub mod options;
pub mod error;
pub mod resources;
pub mod endpoints;

pub use client::SongKick as SongKick;
pub use result::SkResultSet as SkResultSet;

use error::SkError;

/// Result type alias
pub type SkResult<T> = Result<T, SkError>;