songbird 0.2.0-beta.3

An async Rust library for the Discord voice API.

project logo

Songbird is an async, cross-library compatible voice system for Discord, written in Rust. The library offers:

  • A standalone gateway frontend compatible with serenity and twilight using the "gateway" and "[serenity/twilight]-[rustls/native]" features. You can even run driverless, to help manage your lavalink sessions.
  • A standalone driver for voice calls, via the "driver" feature. If you can create a ConnectionInfo using any other gateway, or language for your bot, then you can run the songbird voice driver.
  • And, by default, a fully featured voice system featuring events, queues, RT(C)P packet handling, seeking on compatible streams, shared multithreaded audio stream caches, and direct Opus data passthrough from DCA files.


Songbird's gateway functionality requires you to specify the GUILD_VOICE_STATES intent.


Full examples showing various types of functionality and integrations can be found in this crate's examples directory.


Songbird's logo is based upon the copyright-free image "Black-Capped Chickadee" by George Gorgas White.