sonant 0.1.0

A Rust port of the Sonant 4K synth with streaming support.
//! A Rust port of the [Sonant 4K synth]( with streaming
//! support.
//! Sonant [(C) 2008-2009 Jake Taylor](
//! [ Ferris / Youth Uprising ]
//! # Crate features
//! - `std` (default) - Allow `std::error::Error`. Disable default features to use `sonant` in a
//!   `no_std` environment.

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

mod consts;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod errors;
mod song;
mod synth;

pub use song::{Error, Song};
pub use synth::Synth;