somm_gorc 0.1.1

This crate contains gorc, the cosmos-ethereum bridge
use crate::{application::APP, prelude::*};
use abscissa_core::{Application, Command, Options, Runnable};
use somm_gravity_proto::gravity as proto;
use std::time::Duration;

#[derive(Command, Debug, Default, Options)]
pub struct SignDelegateKeysCmd {
        help = "sign-delegate-key [ethereum-key-name] [validator-address] (nonce)"
    pub args: Vec<String>,

impl Runnable for SignDelegateKeysCmd {
    fn run(&self) {
        let config = APP.config();
        abscissa_tokio::run_with_actix(&APP, async {
            let name = self.args.get(0).expect("ethereum-key-name is required");
            let key = config.load_clarity_key(name.clone());

            let val = self.args.get(1).expect("validator-address is required");
            let address = val.parse().expect("Could not parse address");

            let nonce: u64 = match self.args.get(2) {
                Some(nonce) => nonce.parse().expect("cannot parse nonce"),
                None => {
                    let timeout = Duration::from_secs(10);
                    let contact = deep_space::Contact::new(
                    .expect("Could not create contact");

                    let account_info = contact.get_account_info(address).await;
                    let account_info = account_info.expect("Did not receive account info");

            let msg = proto::DelegateKeysSignMsg {
                validator_address: val.clone(),

            let size = prost::Message::encoded_len(&msg);
            let mut buf = bytes::BytesMut::with_capacity(size);
            prost::Message::encode(&msg, &mut buf).expect("Failed to encode DelegateKeysSignMsg!");

            let signature = key.sign_ethereum_msg(&buf);

            println!("{}", signature);
        .unwrap_or_else(|e| {
            status_err!("executor exited with error: {}", e);