Struct solicit::http::connection::HttpConnection [] [src]

pub struct HttpConnection<S, R> where
    S: SendFrame,
    R: ReceiveFrame
{ pub receiver: R, pub sender: S, pub scheme: HttpScheme, // some fields omitted }

The struct implements the HTTP/2 connection level logic.

This means that the struct is a bridge between the low level raw frame reads/writes (i.e. what the SendFrame and ReceiveFrame traits do) and the higher session-level logic.

Therefore, it provides an API that exposes higher-level write operations, such as writing headers or data, that take care of all the underlying frame construction that is required.

Similarly, it provides an API for handling events that arise from receiving frames, without requiring the higher level to directly look at the frames themselves, rather only the semantic content within the frames.


The instance handling the reading of frames.

The instance handling the writing of frames.

The scheme of the connection


impl<S, R> HttpConnection<S, R> where
    S: SendFrame,
    R: ReceiveFrame

Creates a new HttpConnection that will use the given sender and receiver instances for writing and reading frames, respectively.

Creates a new HttpConnection that will use the given stream as its underlying transport layer.

This constructor is provided as a convenience when the underlying IO of the HTTP/2 connection should be based on the TransportStream interface.

The scheme of the connection is also provided.

A helper function that inserts the frames required to send the given headers onto the SendFrame stream.

The HttpConnection performs the HPACK encoding of the header block using an internal encoder.


  • headers - a headers list that should be sent.
  • stream_id - the ID of the stream on which the headers will be sent. The connection performs no checks as to whether the stream is a valid identifier.
  • end_stream - whether the stream should be closed from the peer's side immediately after sending the headers

A helper function that inserts a frame representing the given data into the SendFrame stream.

The HttpConnection itself does not track the flow control window and will happily send data that exceeds a particular stream's or the connection's flow control window size.


  • data - the data that should be sent on the connection
  • stream_id - the ID of the stream on which the data will be sent
  • end_stream - whether the stream should be closed from the peer's side immediately after sending the data (i.e. the last data frame closes the stream).

Sends the chunk of data provided by the given DataPrioritizer.


Returns the status of the operation. If the provider does not currently have any data that could be sent, returns SendStatus::Nothing. If any data is sent, returns SendStatus::Sent.

The method processes the next incoming frame, expecting it to be a SETTINGS frame. Additionally, the frame cannot be an ACK settings frame, but rather it should contain the peer's settings.

The method can be used when the receipt of the peer's preface needs to be asserted.

If the received frame is not a SETTINGS frame, an HttpError::UnableToConnect variant is returned. (TODO: Change this variant's name, as it is a byproduct of this method's legacy)

Handles the next frame incoming on the ReceiveFrame instance.

The HttpConnection takes care of parsing the frame and extracting the semantics behind it and passes this on to the higher level by invoking (possibly multiple) callbacks on the given Session instance. For information on which events can be passed to the session, check out the Session trait.

If the handling is successful, a unit Ok is returned; all HTTP and IO errors are propagated.