solana_libra_types 0.0.1-sol5

Libra types
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

syntax = "proto3";

package types;

import "language_storage.proto";

// The statuses and errors produced by the VM can be categorized into a
// couple different types:
// 1. Validation Statuses: all the errors that can (/should) be
//    the result of executing the prologue -- these are primarily used by
//    the vm validator and AC.
// 2. Verification Errors: errors that are the result of performing
//    bytecode verification (happens at the time of publishing).
// 3. VM Invariant Errors: errors that arise from an internal invariant of
//    the VM being violated. These signify a problem with either the VM or
//    bytecode verifier.
// 4. Binary Errors: errors that can occur during the process of
//    deserialization of a transaction.
// 5. Runtime Statuses: errors that can arise from the execution of a
//    transaction (assuming the prologue executes without error). These are
//    errors that can occur during execution due to things such as division
//    by zero, running out of gas, etc. These do not signify an issue with
//    the VM.
message VMStatus {
    // e.g. assertion violation, out of gas
    uint64 major_status = 1;
    // Any substatus code. e.g. assertion error number
    bool has_sub_status = 2;
    uint64 sub_status = 3;
    bool has_message = 4;
    string message = 5;