solana_libra_ir_to_bytecode_syntax 0.0.1-sol5

Libra ir to bytecode syntax



f ∈ FieldName     // [a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*
p ∈ ProcedureName // [a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*
m ∈ ModuleName    // [a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*
n ∈ StructName    // [a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*
x ∈ Var           // [a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]*


k ∈ Kind ::=
| R // Linear resource struct value. Must be used, cannot be copied
| V // Non-resource struct value. Can be silently discarded, can be copied

g ∈ GroundType ::=
| bool
| u64       // unsigned 64 bit integer
| address   // 32 byte account address
| bytearray // immutable, arbitrarily sized array of bytes

d ∈ ModuleAlias ::=
| m         // module name that is an alias to a declared module, addr.m
| Self      // current module

t ∈ BaseType ::=
| g     // ground type
| k#d.n // struct 'n' declared in the module referenced by 'd' with kind 'k'
// the kind 'k' cannot differ from the declared kind

𝛕 ∈ Type ::=
| t      // base type
| &t     // immutable reference to a base type
| &mut t // mutable reference to a base type

𝛕-list ∈ [Type] ::=
| unit            // empty type list.
// in the actual syntax, it is represented by the abscense of a type
| 𝛕_1 * ... * 𝛕_j // 'j' >= 1. list of multiple types. used for multiple return values


u ∈ Unsigned64        // Unsigned, 64-bit Integer
addr ∈ AccountAddress // addresses of blockchain accounts
bytes ∈ ByteArray     // byte array of arbitrary length
v ∈ Value ::=
| true
| false
| u        // u64 literal
| 0xaddr   // 32 byte address literal
| b"bytes" // arbitrary length bytearray literal


o ∈ VarOp ::=
| copy(x) // returns value bound to 'x'
| move(x) // moves the value out of 'x', i.e. returns the value and makes 'x' unusable

r ∈ ReferenceOp ::=
| &x        // type: 't -> &mut t'
// creates an exclusive, mutable reference to a local
| &e.f      // type: '&t_1 -> &t_2' or '&mut t_1 -> &mut t_2'
// borrows a new reference to field 'f' of the struct 't_1'. inherits exclusive or shared from parent
// 't_1' must be a struct declared in the current module, i.e. 'f' is "private"
| *e        // type: '&t -> t' or '&mut t -> t'. Dereferencing. Not valid for resources

e ∈ Exp ::=
| v
| o
| r
| n { f_1: e_1, ... , f_j: e_j } // type: '𝛕-list -> k#Self.n'
// "constructor" for 'n'
// "packs" the values, binding them to the fields, and creates a new instance of 'n'
// 'n' must be declared in the current module
// boolean operators
| !e_1
| e_1 || e_2
| e_1 && e_2
// u64 operators
| e_1 >= e_2
| e_1 <= e_2
| e_1 > e_2
| e_1 < e_2
| e_1 + e_2
| e_1 - e_2
| e_1 * e_2
| e_1 / e_2
| e_1 % e_2
| e_1 ^ e_2
| e_1 | e_2
| e_g & e_2
// operators over any ground type
| e_1 == e_2
| e_1 != e_2


// module operators are available only inside the module that declares n.
mop ∈ ModuleOp ::=
| move_to_sender<n>(e) // type: 'Self.n -> unit'
// publishes resource struct 'n' under sender's address
// fails if there is already a resource present for 'Self.n'
| move_from<n>(e)      // type: 'address -> Self.n'
// removes the resource struct 'n' at the specified address
// fails if there is no resource present for 'Self.n'
| borrow_global<n>(e)  // type: 'address -> &mut Self.n'
// borrows a mutable reference to the resource struct 'n' at the specified address
// fails if there is no resource
// fails if it is already borrowed in this transaction's execution
| exists<n>(e)         // type: 'address -> bool', s.t. 'n' is a resource struct
// returns 'true' if the resource struct 'n' at the specified address exists
// returns 'false' otherwise

builtin ∈ Builtin ::=
| create_account(e)         // type: 'addr -> unit'
// creates new account at the specified address, failing if it already exists
| release(e)                // type: '&t -> unit' or '&mut t -> unit'
// releases the reference given
| freeze(x)                 // type: '&mut t -> &t'
// coerce a mutable reference to an immutable reference
| get_txn_gas_unit_price()  // type: 'unit -> u64'
// gives the price specified per gas unit
| get_txn_max_gas_units()   // type: 'unit -> u64'
// gives the tranaction's maximum amount of usable gas units
| get_txn_public_key()      // type: 'unit -> bytearray'
// gives the transaction's public key
| get_txn_sender()          // type: 'unit -> address'
// gives the transaction's sender's account address
| get_txn_sequence_number() // type: 'unit -> u64'
// gives the sequence number for this transaction
| get_gas_remaining()       // type: 'unit -> u64'
// gives the amount of gas gas units remaining before the transaction execution will be forced to halt execution

call ∈ Call ::=
| mop
| builtin
| d.p(e_1, ..., e_j) // procedure 'p' defined in the module referenced by 'd'

c ∈ Cmd ::=
| x = e                               // assign the result of evaluating 'e' to 'x'
| x_1, ..., x_j = call                // Invokes 'call', assigns result to 'x_1' to 'x_j'
| call                                // Invokes 'call' that has a return type of 'unit'
| *x = e                              // mutation, s.t. 'x: &mut t' and 'e: t' and 't' is not of resource kind
| assert(e_1, e_2)                    // type: 'bool * u64 -> unit'
// halts execution with error code 'e_2' if 'e_1' evaluates to 'false'
| break                               // exit a loop
| continue                            // return to the top of a loop
| return e_1, ..., e_n                // return values from procedure
| n { f_1: x_1, ... , f_j: x_j } = e  // "de-constructor" for 'n'
// "unpacks" a struct value 'e: _#Self.n'
// value for 'f_i' is bound to local 'x_i'


s ∈ Stmt ::=
| if (e) { s_1 } else { s_2 } // conditional
| if (e) { s }                // conditional without else branch
| while (e) { s }             // while loop
| loop { s }                  // loops forever
| c;                          // command
| s_1 s_2                     // sequencing


idecl ∈ Import ::=
| import addr.m_1 as m_2; // imports 'addr.m_1' with the alias 'm_2'
| import addr.m_1;        // imports 'addr.m_1' with the alias 'm_1'


sdecl ∈ StructDecl ::=
| resource n { f_1: t_1, ..., f_j: t_j } // declaration of a resource struct
| struct n { f_1: t_1, ..., f_j: t_j }   // declaration of a non-resource (value) struct
// s.t. any 't_i' is not of resource kind

body ∈ ProcedureBody ::=
| let x_1; ... let x_j; s // The locals declared in this procedure, and the code for that procedure

pdecl ∈ ProcedureDecl ::=
| (public?) p(x_1: 𝛕_1, ..., x_j: 𝛕_j): 𝛕-list { body } // declaration of a defined procedure
// the procedure may be public, or internal to the module
| native (public?) p(x_1: 𝛕_1, ..., x_j: 𝛕_j): 𝛕-list; // declaration of a native procedure
// the implementation is provided by the VM
// the procedure may be public, or internal to the module

mdecl ∈ ModuleDecl ::=
| module m { idecl_1 ... idecl_i sdecl_1 ... sdecl_j pdecl_1 ... pdecl_k }

Transaction Scripts

TransactionScript ::=
// declaration of the transaction scripts procedure
// the 'main' procedure must be 'public' and any parameters must have a ground type
| idecl_1 ... idecl_i public main(x_1: g_1, ..., x_j: g_j) { s }