solana_libra_crypto 0.0.1-sol5

Libra crypto
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// This is necessary for the derive macros which rely on being used in a
// context where the crypto crate is external
use crate as solana_libra_crypto;
use crate::{
    bls12381::{BLS12381PrivateKey, BLS12381PublicKey, BLS12381Signature},
    ed25519::{Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey, Ed25519Signature},

use crate::hash::HashValue;

use proptest::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use solana_libra_crypto_derive::{
    PrivateKey, PublicKey, Signature, SigningKey, SilentDebug, ValidKey, VerifyingKey,

// Here we aim to make a point about how we can build an enum generically
// on top of a few choice signing scheme types. This enum implements the
// VerifyingKey, SigningKey for precisely the types selected for that enum
// (here, Ed25519(PublicKey|PrivateKey|Signature) and BLS(...)).
// Note that we do not break type safety (see towards the end), and that
// this enum can safely be put into the usual collection (Vec, HashMap).
// Note also that *nothing* in this definition requires knowing the details
// of the enum, so all of the below declarations can¹ be generated by a
// macro for any enum type making a coherent choice of concrete alternatives.

    Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, ValidKey, PublicKey, VerifyingKey,
#[PrivateKeyType = "PrivateK"]
#[SignatureType = "Sig"]
enum PublicK {

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, SilentDebug, ValidKey, PrivateKey, SigningKey)]
#[PublicKeyType = "PublicK"]
#[SignatureType = "Sig"]
enum PrivateK {

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Signature)]
#[PublicKeyType = "PublicK"]
#[PrivateKeyType = "PrivateK"]
enum Sig {

// End of declarations — let's now prove type safety //
proptest! {

    fn test_keys_mix(
        hash in any::<HashValue>(),
        ed_keypair1 in uniform_keypair_strategy::<Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey>(),
        ed_keypair2 in uniform_keypair_strategy::<Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey>(),
        bls_keypair in uniform_keypair_strategy::<BLS12381PrivateKey, BLS12381PublicKey>()
    ) {
        // this is impossible to write statically, due to the trait not being
        // object-safe (voluntarily)
        // let mut l: Vec<Box<dyn PrivateKey>> = vec![];
        let mut l: Vec<Ed25519PrivateKey> = vec![];
        let ed_key = l.pop().unwrap();
        let signature = ed_key.sign_message(&hash);

        // This is business as usual
        prop_assert!(signature.verify(&hash, &ed_keypair1.public_key).is_ok());

        // This is impossible to write, and generates:
        // expected struct `ed25519::Ed25519PublicKey`, found struct `bls12381::BLS12381PublicKey`
        // prop_assert!(signature.verify(&hash, &bls_keypair.public_key).is_ok());

        let mut l2: Vec<PrivateK> = vec![];

        let ed_key = l2.pop().unwrap();
        let ed_signature = ed_key.sign_message(&hash);

        // This is still business as usual
        let ed_pubkey2 = PublicK::Ed(ed_keypair2.public_key);
        let good_sigver = ed_signature.verify(&hash, &ed_pubkey2);
        prop_assert!(good_sigver.is_ok(), "{:?}", good_sigver);

        // but this still fails, as expected
        let bls_pubkey = PublicK::BLS(bls_keypair.public_key);
        let bad_sigver = ed_signature.verify(&hash, &bls_pubkey);
        prop_assert!(bad_sigver.is_err(), "{:?}", bad_sigver);

        // And now just in case we're confused again, we pop in the
        // reverse direction
        let bls_key = l2.pop().unwrap();
        let bls_signature = bls_key.sign_message(&hash);

        // This is still business as usual
        let good_sigver = bls_signature.verify(&hash, &bls_pubkey);
        prop_assert!(good_sigver.is_ok(), "{:?}", good_sigver);

        // but this still fails, as expected
        let bad_sigver = bls_signature.verify(&hash, &ed_pubkey2);
        prop_assert!(bad_sigver.is_err(), "{:?}", bad_sigver);