solana_libra_bytecode_verifier 0.0.0

Solana Libra bytecode_verifier
// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! This module implements a checker for verifying that basic blocks in the bytecode instruction
//! sequence of a function use the evaluation stack in a balanced manner. Every basic block,
//! except those that end in Ret (return to caller) opcode, must leave the stack height the
//! same as at the beginning of the block. A basic block that ends in Ret opcode must increase
//! the stack height by the number of values returned by the function as indicated in its
//! signature. Additionally, the stack height must not dip below that at the beginning of the
//! block for any basic block.
use crate::control_flow_graph::{BasicBlock, VMControlFlowGraph};
use vm::{
    file_format::{Bytecode, CompiledModule, FunctionDefinition},

pub struct StackUsageVerifier<'a> {
    module: &'a CompiledModule,
    function_definition_view: FunctionDefinitionView<'a, CompiledModule>,
    cfg: &'a VMControlFlowGraph,

impl<'a> StackUsageVerifier<'a> {
    pub fn verify(
        module: &'a CompiledModule,
        function_definition: &'a FunctionDefinition,
        cfg: &'a VMControlFlowGraph,
    ) -> Vec<VMStaticViolation> {
        let function_definition_view = FunctionDefinitionView::new(module, function_definition);
        let verifier = Self {

        let mut errors = vec![];
        for (_, block) in verifier.cfg.blocks.iter() {
            errors.append(&mut verifier.verify_block(&block));

    fn verify_block(&self, block: &BasicBlock) -> Vec<VMStaticViolation> {
        let code = &self.function_definition_view.code().code;
        let mut stack_size_increment = 0;
        for i in block.entry..=block.exit {
            stack_size_increment += self.instruction_effect(&code[i as usize]);
            if stack_size_increment < 0 {
                return vec![VMStaticViolation::NegativeStackSizeInsideBlock(
                    block.entry as usize,
                    i as usize,

        if stack_size_increment == 0 {
        } else {
                block.entry as usize,

    fn instruction_effect(&self, instruction: &Bytecode) -> i32 {
        match instruction {
            Bytecode::Pop | Bytecode::BrTrue(_) | Bytecode::BrFalse(_) | Bytecode::StLoc(_) => -1,

            Bytecode::Ret => {
                let return_count = self.function_definition_view.signature().return_count() as i32;

            Bytecode::Branch(_) | Bytecode::BorrowField(_) => 0,

            | Bytecode::LdAddr(_)
            | Bytecode::LdStr(_)
            | Bytecode::LdTrue
            | Bytecode::LdFalse
            | Bytecode::CopyLoc(_)
            | Bytecode::MoveLoc(_)
            | Bytecode::BorrowLoc(_) => 1,

            Bytecode::Call(idx, _) => {
                let function_handle = self.module.function_handle_at(*idx);
                let signature = self.module.function_signature_at(function_handle.signature);
                let arg_count = signature.arg_types.len() as i32;
                let return_count = signature.return_types.len() as i32;
                return_count - arg_count

            Bytecode::Pack(idx, _) => {
                let struct_definition = self.module.struct_def_at(*idx);
                let num_fields = i32::from(struct_definition.field_count);
                1 - num_fields

            Bytecode::Unpack(idx, _) => {
                let struct_definition = self.module.struct_def_at(*idx);
                let num_fields = i32::from(struct_definition.field_count);
                num_fields - 1

            Bytecode::ReadRef => 0,

            Bytecode::WriteRef => -2,

            | Bytecode::Sub
            | Bytecode::Mul
            | Bytecode::Mod
            | Bytecode::Div
            | Bytecode::BitOr
            | Bytecode::BitAnd
            | Bytecode::Xor
            | Bytecode::Or
            | Bytecode::And
            | Bytecode::Eq
            | Bytecode::Neq
            | Bytecode::Lt
            | Bytecode::Gt
            | Bytecode::Le
            | Bytecode::Ge
            | Bytecode::Abort => -1,

            Bytecode::Not => 0,

            Bytecode::FreezeRef => 0,
            Bytecode::Exists(_, _) => 0,
            Bytecode::BorrowGlobal(_, _) => 0,
            Bytecode::ReleaseRef => -1,
            Bytecode::MoveFrom(_, _) => 0,
            Bytecode::MoveToSender(_, _) => -1,

            | Bytecode::GetTxnMaxGasUnits
            | Bytecode::GetGasRemaining
            | Bytecode::GetTxnPublicKey
            | Bytecode::GetTxnSequenceNumber
            | Bytecode::GetTxnSenderAddress => 1,
            Bytecode::CreateAccount => -1,
            Bytecode::EmitEvent => -3,

            Bytecode::LdByteArray(_) => 1,