solana-test-utils 0.1.19

Helper crate that can be used when writing tests against Solana (and more specifically Anchor) programs.
name = "solana-test-utils"
version = "0.1.19"
edition = "2018"
authors = ["Pavlos Polianidis <>"]
repository = ""
description = "Helper crate that can be used when writing tests against Solana (and more specifically Anchor) programs."
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["solana", "blockchain", "test", "anchor"]
license-file = "LICENSE"

# See more keys and their definitions at

bincode = "1.3.2"
solana-sdk = "1.9.5"
solana-program-test = "1.8.0"
anchor-lang = { version = "0.21.0", features = ["init-if-needed"] }
anchor-spl = "0.21.0"
spl-token = { version = "3.1.1", features = ["no-entrypoint"] }
spl-associated-token-account = { version = "1.0.3", features = ["no-entrypoint"] }
borsh = "0.9"
rs_merkle = "1.1.0"
futures = "0.3"
solana-program-runtime = "1.9.6"