solana-sdk 0.20.1

Solana SDK
//! @brief Solana Rust-based BPF program entrypoint and its parameter types

extern crate alloc;

use crate::{account_info::AccountInfo, pubkey::Pubkey};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::mem::size_of;
use core::slice::{from_raw_parts, from_raw_parts_mut};

/// User implemented program entrypoint
/// program_id: Program ID of the currently executing program
/// accounts: Accounts passed as part of the instruction
/// data: Instruction data
pub type ProcessInstruction =
    fn(program_id: &Pubkey, accounts: &mut [AccountInfo], data: &[u8]) -> bool;

/// Programs indicate success with a return value of 0
pub const SUCCESS: u32 = 0;

/// Declare entrypoint of the program.
/// Deserialize the program input parameters and call
/// the user defined `ProcessInstruction`.  Users must call
/// this function otherwise an entrypoint for
/// their program will not be created.
macro_rules! entrypoint {
    ($process_instruction:ident) => {
        pub unsafe extern "C" fn entrypoint(input: *mut u8) -> u32 {
            unsafe {
                let (program_id, mut accounts, data) = $crate::entrypoint::deserialize(input);
                $process_instruction(&program_id, &mut accounts, &data)

/// Deserialize the input parameters
pub unsafe fn deserialize<'a>(input: *mut u8) -> (&'a Pubkey, Vec<AccountInfo<'a>>, &'a [u8]) {
    let mut offset: usize = 0;

    // Number of accounts present

    let num_accounts = *(input.add(offset) as *const u64) as usize;
    offset += size_of::<u64>();

    // Account Infos

    let mut accounts = Vec::with_capacity(num_accounts);
    for _ in 0..num_accounts {
        let is_signer = {
            let is_signer_val = *(input.add(offset) as *const u64);
            (is_signer_val != 0)
        offset += size_of::<u64>();

        let key: &Pubkey = &*(input.add(offset) as *const Pubkey);
        offset += size_of::<Pubkey>();

        let lamports = &mut *(input.add(offset) as *mut u64);
        offset += size_of::<u64>();

        let data_length = *(input.add(offset) as *const u64) as usize;
        offset += size_of::<u64>();

        let data = { from_raw_parts_mut(input.add(offset), data_length) };
        offset += data_length;

        let owner: &Pubkey = &*(input.add(offset) as *const Pubkey);
        offset += size_of::<Pubkey>();

        accounts.push(AccountInfo {

    // Instruction data

    let data_length = *(input.add(offset) as *const u64) as usize;
    offset += size_of::<u64>();

    let data = { from_raw_parts(input.add(offset), data_length) };
    offset += data_length;

    // Program Id

    let program_id: &Pubkey = &*(input.add(offset) as *const Pubkey);

    (program_id, accounts, data)