Crate sokol

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Native bindings to the sokol header-only, cross-platform C libraries.


This is a minimal example of using sokol::app and sokol::gfx to create a window, then clear its content each frame with a solid color.

struct ExampleApp {
    pass_action: SgPassAction,

impl SappCallbacks for ExampleApp {
    fn sapp_init(&mut self) {
        sg_setup(&SgDesc {

    fn sapp_frame(&mut self) {
        sg_begin_default_pass(&pass_action, sapp_width(), sapp_height());

    fn sapp_cleanup(&mut self) {
fn main() {
    let app = ExampleApp {
        pass_action: SgPassAction {
            colors: vec!(
                SgColorAttachmentAction {
                    action: SgAction::Clear,
                    val: [0.5, 0.0, 0.25, 1.0],

    sapp_main(app, SappDesc {
        window_title: "Example".to_string(),


sokol::app - cross-platform application wrapper
sokol::audio - cross-platform audio-streaming API
sokol::gfx - simple 3D API wrapper
sokol::time - simple cross-platform time measurement