sodoken 0.0.10

libsodium wrapper providing tokio safe memory secure api access.
# sodoken

lib SOdium + haDOKEN = SODOKEN!

libsodium wrapper providing tokio safe memory secure api access.


[![License: MIT](](
[![License: Apache-2.0](](

This crate-level documentation mainly describes how to work with the
sodoken buffer types. Please see the individual module-level documentation
for usage examples and descriptions of individual crypto functions.

##### Sodoken Buffers

Sodoken buffers provide implementors with the ability to optionally
use secured memory (mlock + mprotect) to mitigate some secret exposure
channels like disk swapping. Buffers created with `new_mem_locked`
are secured, buffers created with `new_no_lock` are not.

Please note that on most systems, locked memory is a finite resource,
so you should use it for private keys, but not everything.

All buffers are shallow-cloned by default, so `buf.clone()` or any of the
`buf.to_*()` apis will give you a reference to the same buffer. You
can deep clone the buffers with the `buf.deep_clone_mem_locked()` or
`buf.deep_clone_no_lock()` apis.

In general, the steps for working with sodoken apis are:
- create a writable buffer
- shallow clone that buffer into an api
- translate that buffer into a read-only version for future use

##### Buffer Example

// create a writable buffer
let salt: sodoken::BufWriteSized<{ sodoken::hash::argon2id::SALTBYTES }> =

// shallow clone that buffer into an api

// translate that buffer into a read-only version for future use
let salt = salt.to_read_sized();

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0