Crate sodg

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This is a memory structure with vertices and edges between them, which we call Surging Object DiGraph (SODG), because it expects modifications comping from a user (through Sodg::add, Sodg::bind, and Sodg::put) and then decides itself when it’s time to delete some vertices (something similar to “garbage collection”).

For example, here is how you create a simple di-graph with two vertices and an edge between them:

use sodg::Sodg;
let mut sodg = Sodg::empty();
sodg.bind(0, 1, "foo").unwrap();


A Relay that doesn’t even try to find anything, but returns an error.
A Relay that is made of a lambda function.
A wrapper of a plain text with graph-modifying instructions.
A struct that represents a Surging Object DiGraph (SODG).


An object-oriented representation of binary data in hexadecimal format, which can be put into vertices of the graph.


A relay that is used by Sodg::find() when it can’t find an attribute.

Type Definitions

A function that is called when a problem is found in Sodg.