snmalloc-rs 0.2.13

rust bindings of snmalloc.


MSVC/MinGW/Linux/MacOS: travis ci

FreeBSD: Build Status

snmalloc-rs provides a wrapper for microsoft/snmalloc to make it usable as a global allocator for rust. snmalloc is a research allocator. Its key design features are:

  • Memory that is freed by the same thread that allocated it does not require any synchronising operations.
  • Freeing memory in a different thread to initially allocated it, does not take any locks and instead uses a novel message passing scheme to return the memory to the original allocator, where it is recycled.
  • The allocator uses large ranges of pages to reduce the amount of meta-data required.

Some old benchmark results are available in the snmalloc paper. Some recent benchmark results are listed at bench_suite. There are three features defined in this crate:

  • debug: Enable the Debug mode in snmalloc.
  • 1mib: Use the 1mib chunk configuration.
  • cache-friendly: Make the allocator more cache friendly (setting CACHE_FRIENDLY_OFFSET to 64 in building the library).

To use snmalloc-rs add it as a dependency:

# Cargo.toml
snmalloc-rs = "0.2"

To set SnMalloc as the global allocator add this to your project:

static ALLOC: snmalloc_rs::SnMalloc = snmalloc_rs::SnMalloc;

For MinGW Users

mingw version is only tested on nightly branch with MSYS environment. We are using dynamic linking method. Hence, please make sure the following libs are in your PATH:

  • winpthread
  • atomic
  • stdc++
  • gcc_s

Notice: since version 0.2.12, we no longer require you to provide additional environment variables for mingw target.

For Android Cross-Compilation

  • ANDROID_NDK must be provided as an environment variable
  • ANDROID_PLATFORM can be passed as an optional environment variable
  • ANDROID_ABI used by CMake is detected automatically
  • feature android-lld can be used to set the linker of snmalloc to lld
  • feature android-shared-std can be used to set the STL library of snmalloc to c++_shared (it uses c++_static by default)



  • upstream large realloc fix and minor updates


  • improve mingw support


  • add android support
  • upstream support x86
  • upstream support android
  • upstream fix callback

for older versions, see CHANGELOG