Module snarkvm_wasm::traits[][src]



Returns addition of self + other in the constraint system.

If condition is true, return first; else, select second.

If condition == 1, then enforces that self and other are equal; otherwise, it doesn’t enforce anything.

Returns division of self / other in the constraint system.

Specifies how to convert variables of type FpGadget<F> to a variable of type Self

Single bit binary adder with carry bit sum = (a XOR b) XOR carry carry = a AND b OR carry AND (a XOR b) Returns (sum, carry)

The interface for a singed or unsigned integer gadget.

Returns multiplication of self * other in the constraint system.

Returns a negated representation of self in the constraint system.

Returns exponentiation of self ** other in the constraint system.

Returns the bitwise sum of a n-bit number with carry bit

This implements constraints for SNARK verifiers.

Sign extends an array of bits to the desired length. Expects least significant bit first

Returns subtraction of self - other in the constraint system.

Uses three bits to perform a lookup into a table, where the last bit performs negation

Specifies how to convert a variable of type Self to variables of type FpGadget<F>

Uses two bits to perform a lookup into a table

Performs a bitwise XOR operation between self and other in the constraint system.