snarkvm-synthesizer 0.9.11

Synthesizer for a decentralized virtual machine
// Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Aleo Systems Inc.
// This file is part of the snarkVM library.

// The snarkVM library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// The snarkVM library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the snarkVM library. If not, see <>.

use crate::{Opcode, Operand, Registers, Stack};
use console::{
    program::{Literal, LiteralType, Plaintext, PlaintextType, Register, RegisterType, Value},

/// BHP256 is a collision-resistant function that processes inputs in 256-bit chunks.
pub type CommitBHP256<N> = CommitInstruction<N, { Committer::BHP256 as u8 }>;
/// BHP512 is a collision-resistant function that processes inputs in 512-bit chunks.
pub type CommitBHP512<N> = CommitInstruction<N, { Committer::BHP512 as u8 }>;
/// BHP768 is a collision-resistant function that processes inputs in 768-bit chunks.
pub type CommitBHP768<N> = CommitInstruction<N, { Committer::BHP768 as u8 }>;
/// BHP1024 is a collision-resistant function that processes inputs in 1024-bit chunks.
pub type CommitBHP1024<N> = CommitInstruction<N, { Committer::BHP1024 as u8 }>;

/// Pedersen64 is a collision-resistant function that processes inputs in 64-bit chunks.
pub type CommitPED64<N> = CommitInstruction<N, { Committer::PED64 as u8 }>;
/// Pedersen128 is a collision-resistant function that processes inputs in 128-bit chunks.
pub type CommitPED128<N> = CommitInstruction<N, { Committer::PED128 as u8 }>;

enum Committer {

/// Commits the operand into the declared type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct CommitInstruction<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> {
    /// The operand as `input`.
    operands: Vec<Operand<N>>,
    /// The destination register.
    destination: Register<N>,

impl<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> CommitInstruction<N, VARIANT> {
    /// Returns the opcode.
    pub const fn opcode() -> Opcode {
        match VARIANT {
            0 => Opcode::Commit("commit.bhp256"),
            1 => Opcode::Commit("commit.bhp512"),
            2 => Opcode::Commit("commit.bhp768"),
            3 => Opcode::Commit("commit.bhp1024"),
            4 => Opcode::Commit("commit.ped64"),
            5 => Opcode::Commit("commit.ped128"),
            _ => panic!("Invalid 'commit' instruction opcode"),

    /// Returns the operands in the operation.
    pub fn operands(&self) -> &[Operand<N>] {
        // Sanity check that the operands is exactly two inputs.
        debug_assert!(self.operands.len() == 2, "Commit operations must have two operands");
        // Return the operands.

    /// Returns the destination register.
    pub fn destinations(&self) -> Vec<Register<N>> {

impl<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> CommitInstruction<N, VARIANT> {
    /// Evaluates the instruction.
    pub fn evaluate<A: circuit::Aleo<Network = N>>(
        stack: &Stack<N>,
        registers: &mut Registers<N, A>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // Ensure the number of operands is correct.
        if self.operands.len() != 2 {
            bail!("Instruction '{}' expects 2 operands, found {} operands", Self::opcode(), self.operands.len())

        // Retrieve the input and randomizer.
        let input = registers.load(stack, &self.operands[0])?;
        let randomizer = registers.load(stack, &self.operands[1])?;
        // Retrieve the randomizer.
        let randomizer = match randomizer {
            Value::Plaintext(Plaintext::Literal(Literal::Scalar(randomizer), ..)) => randomizer,
            _ => bail!("Invalid randomizer type for the commit evaluation, expected a scalar"),

        // Commit the input.
        let output = match VARIANT {
            0 => Literal::Field(N::commit_bhp256(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)?),
            1 => Literal::Field(N::commit_bhp512(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)?),
            2 => Literal::Field(N::commit_bhp768(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)?),
            3 => Literal::Field(N::commit_bhp1024(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)?),
            4 => Literal::Group(N::commit_ped64(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)?),
            5 => Literal::Group(N::commit_ped128(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)?),
            _ => bail!("Invalid 'commit' variant: {VARIANT}"),
        // Store the output., &self.destination, Value::Plaintext(Plaintext::from(output)))

    /// Executes the instruction.
    pub fn execute<A: circuit::Aleo<Network = N>>(
        stack: &Stack<N>,
        registers: &mut Registers<N, A>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        use circuit::ToBits;

        // Ensure the number of operands is correct.
        if self.operands.len() != 2 {
            bail!("Instruction '{}' expects 2 operands, found {} operands", Self::opcode(), self.operands.len())

        // Retrieve the input and randomizer.
        let input = registers.load_circuit(stack, &self.operands[0])?;
        let randomizer = registers.load_circuit(stack, &self.operands[1])?;
        // Retrieve the randomizer.
        let randomizer = match randomizer {
            circuit::Value::Plaintext(circuit::Plaintext::Literal(circuit::Literal::Scalar(randomizer), ..)) => {
            _ => bail!("Invalid randomizer type for the commit execution, expected a scalar"),

        // Commits the input.
        let output = match VARIANT {
            0 => circuit::Literal::Field(A::commit_bhp256(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)),
            1 => circuit::Literal::Field(A::commit_bhp512(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)),
            2 => circuit::Literal::Field(A::commit_bhp768(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)),
            3 => circuit::Literal::Field(A::commit_bhp1024(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)),
            4 => circuit::Literal::Group(A::commit_ped64(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)),
            5 => circuit::Literal::Group(A::commit_ped128(&input.to_bits_le(), &randomizer)),
            _ => bail!("Invalid 'commit' variant: {VARIANT}"),
        // Convert the output to a stack value.
        let output = circuit::Value::Plaintext(circuit::Plaintext::Literal(output, Default::default()));
        // Store the output.
        registers.store_circuit(stack, &self.destination, output)

    /// Returns the output type from the given program and input types.
    pub fn output_types(&self, _stack: &Stack<N>, input_types: &[RegisterType<N>]) -> Result<Vec<RegisterType<N>>> {
        // Ensure the number of input types is correct.
        if input_types.len() != 2 {
            bail!("Instruction '{}' expects 2 inputs, found {} inputs", Self::opcode(), input_types.len())
        // Ensure the number of operands is correct.
        if self.operands.len() != 2 {
            bail!("Instruction '{}' expects 2 operands, found {} operands", Self::opcode(), self.operands.len())

        // TODO (howardwu): If the operation is Pedersen, check that it is within the number of bits.

        match VARIANT {
            0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 => Ok(vec![RegisterType::Plaintext(PlaintextType::Literal(LiteralType::Field))]),
            _ => bail!("Invalid 'commit' variant: {VARIANT}"),

impl<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> Parser for CommitInstruction<N, VARIANT> {
    /// Parses a string into an operation.
    fn parse(string: &str) -> ParserResult<Self> {
        // Parse the opcode from the string.
        let (string, _) = tag(*Self::opcode())(string)?;
        // Parse the whitespace from the string.
        let (string, _) = Sanitizer::parse_whitespaces(string)?;
        // Parse the first operand from the string.
        let (string, first) = Operand::parse(string)?;
        // Parse the whitespace from the string.
        let (string, _) = Sanitizer::parse_whitespaces(string)?;
        // Parse the second operand from the string.
        let (string, second) = Operand::parse(string)?;
        // Parse the whitespace from the string.
        let (string, _) = Sanitizer::parse_whitespaces(string)?;
        // Parse the "into" from the string.
        let (string, _) = tag("into")(string)?;
        // Parse the whitespace from the string.
        let (string, _) = Sanitizer::parse_whitespaces(string)?;
        // Parse the destination register from the string.
        let (string, destination) = Register::parse(string)?;

        Ok((string, Self { operands: vec![first, second], destination }))

impl<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> FromStr for CommitInstruction<N, VARIANT> {
    type Err = Error;

    /// Parses a string into an operation.
    fn from_str(string: &str) -> Result<Self> {
        match Self::parse(string) {
            Ok((remainder, object)) => {
                // Ensure the remainder is empty.
                ensure!(remainder.is_empty(), "Failed to parse string. Found invalid character in: \"{remainder}\"");
                // Return the object.
            Err(error) => bail!("Failed to parse string. {error}"),

impl<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> Debug for CommitInstruction<N, VARIANT> {
    /// Prints the operation as a string.
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        Display::fmt(self, f)

impl<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> Display for CommitInstruction<N, VARIANT> {
    /// Prints the operation to a string.
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        // Ensure the number of operands is 2.
        if self.operands.len() != 2 {
            eprintln!("The number of operands must be 2, found {}", self.operands.len());
            return Err(fmt::Error);
        // Print the operation.
        write!(f, "{} ", Self::opcode())?;
        self.operands.iter().try_for_each(|operand| write!(f, "{} ", operand))?;
        write!(f, "into {}", self.destination)

impl<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> FromBytes for CommitInstruction<N, VARIANT> {
    /// Reads the operation from a buffer.
    fn read_le<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> IoResult<Self> {
        // Initialize the vector for the operands.
        let mut operands = Vec::with_capacity(2);
        // Read the operands.
        for _ in 0..2 {
            operands.push(Operand::read_le(&mut reader)?);
        // Read the destination register.
        let destination = Register::read_le(&mut reader)?;

        // Return the operation.
        Ok(Self { operands, destination })

impl<N: Network, const VARIANT: u8> ToBytes for CommitInstruction<N, VARIANT> {
    /// Writes the operation to a buffer.
    fn write_le<W: Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> IoResult<()> {
        // Ensure the number of operands is 2.
        if self.operands.len() != 2 {
            return Err(error(format!("The number of operands must be 2, found {}", self.operands.len())));
        // Write the operands.
        self.operands.iter().try_for_each(|operand| operand.write_le(&mut writer))?;
        // Write the destination register.
        self.destination.write_le(&mut writer)

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use console::network::Testnet3;

    type CurrentNetwork = Testnet3;

    fn test_parse() {
        let (string, commit) = CommitBHP512::<CurrentNetwork>::parse("commit.bhp512 r0 r1 into r2").unwrap();
        assert!(string.is_empty(), "Parser did not consume all of the string: '{string}'");
        assert_eq!(commit.operands.len(), 2, "The number of operands is incorrect");
        assert_eq!(commit.operands[0], Operand::Register(Register::Locator(0)), "The first operand is incorrect");
        assert_eq!(commit.operands[1], Operand::Register(Register::Locator(1)), "The second operand is incorrect");
        assert_eq!(commit.destination, Register::Locator(2), "The destination register is incorrect");