snarkvm-synthesizer 0.9.11

Synthesizer for a decentralized virtual machine
// Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Aleo Systems Inc.
// This file is part of the snarkVM library.

// The snarkVM library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// The snarkVM library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the snarkVM library. If not, see <>.

// TODO (howardwu): Remove me after tracing.
// TODO (howardwu): Update the return type on `execute` after stabilizing the interface.

extern crate tracing;

pub mod block;
pub use block::*;

pub mod coinbase_puzzle;
pub use coinbase_puzzle::*;

pub mod process;
pub use process::*;

pub mod program;
pub use program::*;

pub mod snark;
pub use snark::*;

pub mod store;
pub use store::*;

pub mod vm;
pub use vm::*;

pub(crate) mod test_helpers {
    use crate::{
        store::{ConsensusMemory, ConsensusStore},
    use console::{
        prelude::{Network, TestRng},

    use anyhow::{bail, Result};

    type CurrentNetwork = Testnet3;

    pub struct TestLedger<N: Network> {
        /// The VM state.
        vm: VM<N, ConsensusMemory<N>>,

    impl TestLedger<CurrentNetwork> {
        /// Initializes a new instance of the ledger.
        pub fn new(rng: &mut TestRng) -> Result<Self> {
            // Initialize the genesis block.
            let genesis = crate::vm::test_helpers::sample_genesis_block(rng);

            // Initialize the consensus store.
            let store = ConsensusStore::<CurrentNetwork, ConsensusMemory<CurrentNetwork>>::open(None)?;
            // Initialize a new VM.
            let vm = VM::from(store)?;

            // Initialize the ledger.
            let mut ledger = Self { vm };
            // Add the genesis block.
            // Return the ledger.

    impl<N: Network> TestLedger<N> {
        /// Adds the given block as the next block in the chain.
        pub fn add_next_block(&mut self, block: &Block<N>) -> Result<()> {

        /// Returns the block for the given block height.
        pub fn get_block(&self, height: u32) -> Result<Block<N>> {
            // Retrieve the block hash.
            let block_hash = match self.vm.block_store().get_block_hash(height)? {
                Some(block_hash) => block_hash,
                None => bail!("Block {height} does not exist in storage"),
            // Retrieve the block.
            match self.vm.block_store().get_block(&block_hash)? {
                Some(block) => Ok(block),
                None => bail!("Block {height} ('{block_hash}') does not exist in storage"),

        /// Returns a state path for the given commitment.
        pub fn to_state_path(&self, commitment: &Field<N>) -> Result<StatePath<N>> {

// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
//     use super::*;
//     use crate::Circuit;
//     use snarkvm_utilities::rand::TestRng;
//     type CurrentAleo = Circuit;
//     type CurrentNetwork = <Circuit as Environment>::Network;
//     const ITERATIONS: usize = 100;
//     // use crate::snark::UniversalSRS;
//     fn check_batch_verify(mode: Mode, batch_size: usize) {
//         let rng = &mut TestRng::default();
//         // Initialize the ledger.
//         let ledger = crate::state_path::test_helpers::TestLedger::new(rng).unwrap();
//         // Retrieve the genesis block.
//         let genesis = ledger.get_block(0).unwrap();
//         // Construct the assignments.
//         let mut assignments = Vec::with_capacity(batch_size);
//         // Construct the verification inputs.
//         let mut inputs = vec![];
//         for _ in 0..batch_size {
//             let commitment = genesis.commitments().next().unwrap();
//             // Construct the console state path.
//             let console_state_path = ledger.to_state_path(commitment).unwrap();
//             // Construct the circuit state path.
//             let circuit_state_path = StatePath::<CurrentAleo>::new(mode, console_state_path.clone());
//             // Ensure the state path is valid.
//             let is_valid = circuit_state_path.verify();
//             assert!(is_valid.eject_value());
//             assert!(CurrentAleo::is_satisfied());
//             let assignment = CurrentAleo::eject_assignment_and_reset();
//             Circuit::reset();
//             inputs.push(vec![<Circuit as Environment>::BaseField::one(), **console_state_path.state_root]);
//             assignments.push(assignment);
//         }
//         // Construct the proving and verifying keys.
//         let universal_srs = UniversalSRS::<CurrentNetwork>::load().unwrap();
//         let function_name = console::Identifier::<CurrentNetwork>::from_str(&format!("state_paths_{batch_size}")).unwrap();
//         let (proving_key, verifying_key) = universal_srs.to_circuit_key(&function_name, &assignments[0]).unwrap();
//         // Generate the batch proof.
//         let batch_proof = proving_key.prove_batch(&function_name, &assignments, rng).unwrap();
//         // Verify the batch proof.
//         let batch_verify = verifying_key.verify_batch(&function_name, inputs.as_slice(), &batch_proof);
//         assert!(batch_verify);
//     }
//     #[test]
//     fn test_state_path_batch_1() {
//         check_batch_verify(Mode::Private, 1);
//     }
//     #[test]
//     fn test_state_path_batch_2() {
//         check_batch_verify(Mode::Private, 2);
//     }
//     #[test]
//     fn test_state_path_batch_4() {
//         check_batch_verify(Mode::Private, 4);
//     }
//     #[test]
//     fn test_state_path_batch_8() {
//         check_batch_verify(Mode::Private, 8);
//     }
// }