Trait snarkvm_marlin::snark::PolynomialCommitment[][src]

pub trait PolynomialCommitment<F>: Clone + Debug where
    F: Field
{ type UniversalParams: PCUniversalParams + Clone; type CommitterKey: PCCommitterKey + Clone; type VerifierKey: PCVerifierKey + Clone; type PreparedVerifierKey: PCPreparedVerifierKey<Self::VerifierKey> + Clone; type Commitment: PCCommitment + Clone; type PreparedCommitment: PCPreparedCommitment<Self::Commitment>; type Randomness: PCRandomness + Clone; type Proof: PCProof + Clone; type BatchProof: CanonicalSerialize + CanonicalDeserialize + Clone + From<Vec<Self::Proof, Global>> + Into<Vec<Self::Proof, Global>> + Debug; type Error: Error + From<Error>; fn setup<R>(
        max_degree: usize,
        rng: &mut R
    ) -> Result<Self::UniversalParams, Self::Error>
        R: RngCore
fn trim(
        parameters: &Self::UniversalParams,
        supported_degree: usize,
        supported_hiding_bound: usize,
        enforced_degree_bounds: Option<&[usize]>
    ) -> Result<(Self::CommitterKey, Self::VerifierKey), Self::Error>;
fn commit<'a>(
        ck: &Self::CommitterKey,
        polynomials: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledPolynomial<F>>,
        rng: Option<&mut dyn RngCore>
    ) -> Result<(Vec<LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>, Global>, Vec<Self::Randomness, Global>), Self::Error>;
fn open<'a>(
        ck: &Self::CommitterKey,
        labeled_polynomials: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledPolynomial<F>>,
        commitments: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>>,
        point: F,
        opening_challenge: F,
        rands: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Self::Randomness>,
        rng: Option<&mut dyn RngCore>
    ) -> Result<Self::Proof, Self::Error>
        Self::Randomness: 'a,
        Self::Commitment: 'a
fn check<'a, R>(
        vk: &Self::VerifierKey,
        commitments: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>>,
        point: F,
        values: impl IntoIterator<Item = F>,
        proof: &Self::Proof,
        opening_challenge: F,
        rng: &mut R
    ) -> Result<bool, Self::Error>
        R: RngCore,
        Self::Commitment: 'a
fn open_combinations_individual_opening_challenges<'a>(
        ck: &Self::CommitterKey,
        linear_combinations: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LinearCombination<F>>,
        polynomials: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledPolynomial<F>>,
        commitments: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>>,
        query_set: &BTreeSet<(String, F)>,
        opening_challenges: &dyn Fn(u64),
        rands: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Self::Randomness>
    ) -> Result<BatchLCProof<F, Self>, Self::Error>
        Self::Randomness: 'a,
        Self::Commitment: 'a
fn check_combinations_individual_opening_challenges<'a, R>(
        vk: &Self::VerifierKey,
        linear_combinations: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LinearCombination<F>>,
        commitments: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>>,
        eqn_query_set: &BTreeSet<(String, F)>,
        eqn_evaluations: &BTreeMap<(String, F), F>,
        proof: &BatchLCProof<F, Self>,
        opening_challenges: &dyn Fn(u64),
        rng: &mut R
    ) -> Result<bool, Self::Error>
        R: RngCore,
        Self::Commitment: 'a
; fn batch_open<'a>(
        ck: &Self::CommitterKey,
        labeled_polynomials: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledPolynomial<F>>,
        commitments: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>>,
        query_set: &BTreeSet<(String, F)>,
        opening_challenge: F,
        rands: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Self::Randomness>,
        rng: Option<&mut dyn RngCore>
    ) -> Result<Self::BatchProof, Self::Error>
        Self::Randomness: 'a,
        Self::Commitment: 'a
, { ... }
fn batch_check<'a, R>(
        vk: &Self::VerifierKey,
        commitments: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>>,
        query_set: &BTreeSet<(String, F)>,
        evaluations: &BTreeMap<(String, F), F>,
        proof: &Self::BatchProof,
        opening_challenge: F,
        rng: &mut R
    ) -> Result<bool, Self::Error>
        R: RngCore,
        Self::Commitment: 'a
, { ... }
fn open_combinations<'a>(
        ck: &Self::CommitterKey,
        linear_combinations: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LinearCombination<F>>,
        polynomials: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledPolynomial<F>>,
        commitments: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>>,
        query_set: &BTreeSet<(String, F)>,
        opening_challenge: F,
        rands: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Self::Randomness>,
        rng: Option<&mut dyn RngCore>
    ) -> Result<BatchLCProof<F, Self>, Self::Error>
        Self::Randomness: 'a,
        Self::Commitment: 'a
, { ... }
fn check_combinations<'a, R>(
        vk: &Self::VerifierKey,
        linear_combinations: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LinearCombination<F>>,
        commitments: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a LabeledCommitment<Self::Commitment>>,
        eqn_query_set: &BTreeSet<(String, F)>,
        eqn_evaluations: &BTreeMap<(String, F), F>,
        proof: &BatchLCProof<F, Self>,
        opening_challenge: F,
        rng: &mut R
    ) -> Result<bool, Self::Error>
        R: RngCore,
        Self::Commitment: 'a
, { ... } }
Expand description

Describes the interface for a polynomial commitment scheme that allows a sender to commit to multiple polynomials and later provide a succinct proof of evaluation for the corresponding commitments at a query set Q, while enforcing per-polynomial degree bounds.

Associated Types

The universal parameters for the commitment scheme. These are “trimmed” down to Self::CommitterKey and Self::VerifierKey by Self::trim.

The committer key for the scheme; used to commit to a polynomial and then open the commitment to produce an evaluation proof.

The verifier key for the scheme; used to check an evaluation proof.

The prepared verifier key for the scheme; used to check an evaluation proof.

The commitment to a polynomial.

The prepared commitment to a polynomial.

The commitment randomness.

The evaluation proof for a single point.

The evaluation proof for a query set.

The error type for the scheme.

Required methods

Constructs public parameters when given as input the maximum degree degree for the polynomial commitment scheme.

Specializes the public parameters for polynomials up to the given supported_degree and for enforcing degree bounds in the range 1..=supported_degree.

Outputs a commitments to polynomials. If polynomials[i].is_hiding(), then the i-th commitment is hiding up to polynomials.hiding_bound() queries. rng should not be None if polynomials[i].is_hiding() == true for any i.

If for some i, polynomials[i].is_hiding() == false, then the corresponding randomness is Self::Randomness::empty().

If for some i, polynomials[i].degree_bound().is_some(), then that polynomial will have the corresponding degree bound enforced.

On input a list of labeled polynomials and a query point, open outputs a proof of evaluation of the polynomials at the query point.

Verifies that values are the evaluations at point of the polynomials committed inside commitments.

On input a list of polynomials, linear combinations of those polynomials, and a query set, open_combination outputs a proof of evaluation of the combinations at the points in the query set.

Check combinations with individual challenges.

Provided methods

On input a list of labeled polynomials and a query set, open outputs a proof of evaluation of the polynomials at the points in the query set.

Checks that values are the true evaluations at query_set of the polynomials committed in labeled_commitments.

On input a list of polynomials, linear combinations of those polynomials, and a query set, open_combination outputs a proof of evaluation of the combinations at the points in the query set.

Checks that evaluations are the true evaluations at query_set of the linear combinations of polynomials committed in commitments.

Implementations on Foreign Types

Outputs a commitment to polynomial.

Checks that values are the true evaluations at query_set of the polynomials committed in labeled_commitments.

On input a list of polynomials, linear combinations of those polynomials, and a query set, open_combination outputs a proof of evaluation of the combinations at the points in the query set.

Check combinations with individual challenges.


Constructs public parameters when given as input the maximum degree max_degree for the polynomial commitment scheme.

Specializes the public parameters for polynomials up to the given supported_degree and for enforcing degree bounds in the range 1..=supported_degree.

Outputs a commitment to polynomial.

On input a polynomial p and a point point, outputs a proof for the same.

Verifies that value is the evaluation at x of the polynomial committed inside comm.

Checks that values are the true evaluations at query_set of the polynomials committed in labeled_commitments.

On input a list of polynomials, linear combinations of those polynomials, and a query set, open_combination outputs a proof of evaluation of the combinations at the points in the query set.

Check combinations with individual challenges.