snarkvm-gadgets 0.8.0

Gadgets for a decentralized virtual machine
// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Aleo Systems Inc.
// This file is part of the snarkVM library.

// The snarkVM library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// The snarkVM library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the snarkVM library. If not, see <>.

use std::{borrow::Borrow, marker::PhantomData};

use snarkvm_curves::{
    templates::twisted_edwards_extended::Affine as TEAffine,
    traits::{MontgomeryParameters, TwistedEdwardsParameters},
use snarkvm_fields::{Field, PrimeField};
use snarkvm_r1cs::{errors::SynthesisError, ConstraintSystem, Namespace};
use snarkvm_utilities::bititerator::BitIteratorBE;

use crate::{
    bits::{Boolean, ToBitsBEGadget, ToBytesGadget},
        curves::{CompressedGroupGadget, CurveGadget, GroupGadget},
        eq::{ConditionalEqGadget, EqGadget, NEqGadget},

pub mod test;

#[derivative(Debug, Clone)]
#[derivative(Debug(bound = "P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field"))]
pub struct MontgomeryAffineGadget<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> {
    pub x: FG,
    pub y: FG,
    #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
    _params: PhantomData<P>,
    #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
    _engine: PhantomData<F>,

mod montgomery_affine_impl {
    use std::ops::{AddAssign, MulAssign, SubAssign};

    use snarkvm_curves::templates::twisted_edwards_extended::Affine;
    use snarkvm_fields::{Field, One, Zero};
    use snarkvm_r1cs::Assignment;

    use super::*;

    impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> MontgomeryAffineGadget<P, F, FG> {
        pub fn new(x: FG, y: FG) -> Self {
            Self {
                _params: PhantomData,
                _engine: PhantomData,

        pub fn from_edwards_to_coords(p: &TEAffine<P>) -> Result<(P::BaseField, P::BaseField), SynthesisError> {
            let montgomery_point: Affine<P> = if p.y == P::BaseField::one() {
            } else if p.x == P::BaseField::zero() {
                Affine::new(P::BaseField::zero(), P::BaseField::zero())
            } else {
                let u = (P::BaseField::one() + p.y) * (P::BaseField::one() - p.y).inverse().unwrap();
                let v = u * p.x.inverse().unwrap();
                Affine::new(u, v)

            Ok((montgomery_point.x, montgomery_point.y))

        pub fn from_edwards<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(mut cs: CS, p: &TEAffine<P>) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let montgomery_coords = Self::from_edwards_to_coords(p)?;

            let u = FG::alloc(cs.ns(|| "u"), || Ok(montgomery_coords.0))?;

            let v = FG::alloc(cs.ns(|| "v"), || Ok(montgomery_coords.1))?;

            Ok(Self::new(u, v))

        pub fn into_edwards<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(
            mut cs: CS,
        ) -> Result<AffineGadget<P, F, FG>, SynthesisError> {
            // Compute u = x / y
            let u = FG::alloc(cs.ns(|| "u"), || {
                let mut t0 = self.x.get_value().get()?;

                match self.y.get_value().get()?.inverse() {
                    Some(invy) => {

                    None => Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero),

            u.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "u equals"), &self.y, &self.x)?;

            let v = FG::alloc(cs.ns(|| "v"), || {
                let mut t0 = self.x.get_value().get()?;
                let mut t1 = t0;

                match t1.inverse() {
                    Some(t1) => {

                    None => Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero),

            let xplusone = self.x.add_constant(cs.ns(|| "x plus one"), &P::BaseField::one())?;
            let xminusone = self.x.sub_constant(cs.ns(|| "x minus one"), &P::BaseField::one())?;
            v.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "v equals"), &xplusone, &xminusone)?;

            Ok(AffineGadget::new(u, v))

        pub fn add<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS, other: &Self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let lambda = FG::alloc(cs.ns(|| "lambda"), || {
                let mut n = other.y.get_value().get()?;

                let mut d = other.x.get_value().get()?;

                match d.inverse() {
                    Some(d) => {
                    None => Err(SynthesisError::DivisionByZero),
            let lambda_n = other.y.sub(cs.ns(|| "other.y - self.y"), &self.y)?;
            let lambda_d = other.x.sub(cs.ns(|| "other.x - self.x"), &self.x)?;
            lambda_d.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "lambda equals"), &lambda, &lambda_n)?;

            // Compute x'' = B*lambda^2 - A - x - x'
            let xprime = FG::alloc(cs.ns(|| "xprime"), || {
                Ok(lambda.get_value().get()?.square() * P::MontgomeryParameters::COEFF_B
                    - P::MontgomeryParameters::COEFF_A
                    - self.x.get_value().get()?
                    - other.x.get_value().get()?)

            let xprime_lc = self
                .add(cs.ns(|| "self.x + other.x"), &other.x)?
                .add(cs.ns(|| "+ xprime"), &xprime)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "+ A"), &P::MontgomeryParameters::COEFF_A)?;
            // (lambda) * (lambda) = (A + x + x' + x'')
            let lambda_b = lambda.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "lambda * b"), &P::MontgomeryParameters::COEFF_B)?;
            lambda_b.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "xprime equals"), &lambda, &xprime_lc)?;

            let yprime = FG::alloc(cs.ns(|| "yprime"), || {
                    + (lambda.get_value().get()? * (xprime.get_value().get()? - self.x.get_value().get()?))))

            let xres = self.x.sub(cs.ns(|| "xres"), &xprime)?;
            let yres = self.y.add(cs.ns(|| "yres"), &yprime)?;
            lambda.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "yprime equals"), &xres, &yres)?;
            Ok(MontgomeryAffineGadget::new(xprime, yprime))

#[derivative(Debug, Clone)]
#[derivative(Debug(bound = "P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field"))]
pub struct AffineGadget<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> {
    pub x: FG,
    pub y: FG,
    #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
    _params: PhantomData<P>,
    #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
    _engine: PhantomData<F>,

impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> AffineGadget<P, F, FG> {
    pub fn new(x: FG, y: FG) -> Self {
        Self {
            _params: PhantomData,
            _engine: PhantomData,

    pub fn alloc_without_check<Fn, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(mut cs: CS, value_gen: Fn) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
        Fn: FnOnce() -> Result<TEAffine<P>, SynthesisError>,
        let (x, y) = match value_gen() {
            Ok(fe) => (Ok(fe.x), Ok(fe.y)),
            _ => (

        let x = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x"), || x)?;
        let y = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y"), || y)?;

        Ok(Self::new(x, y))

impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> PartialEq for AffineGadget<P, F, FG> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.x == other.x && self.y == other.y

impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> Eq for AffineGadget<P, F, FG> {}

mod affine_impl {
    use std::ops::Neg;

    use snarkvm_curves::traits::AffineCurve;
    use snarkvm_fields::{Field, One, PrimeField};
    use snarkvm_r1cs::Assignment;

    use super::*;

    impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> GroupGadget<TEAffine<P>, F>
        for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
        type Value = TEAffine<P>;
        type Variable = (FG::Variable, FG::Variable);

        fn get_value(&self) -> Option<Self::Value> {
            match (self.x.get_value(), self.y.get_value()) {
                (Some(x), Some(y)) => Some(TEAffine::new(x, y)),
                (..) => None,

        fn get_variable(&self) -> Self::Variable {
            (self.x.get_variable(), self.y.get_variable())

        fn zero<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(mut cs: CS) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            Ok(Self::new(FG::zero(cs.ns(|| "zero"))?, FG::one(cs.ns(|| "one"))?))

        /// Optimized constraints for checking Edwards point addition from ZCash
        /// developers Daira Hopwood and Sean Bowe. Requires only 6 constraints
        /// compared to 7 for the straightforward version we had earlier.
        fn add<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS, other: &Self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let a = P::COEFF_A;
            let d = P::COEFF_D;

            // Compute U = (x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2)
            let u1 = self
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "-A * x1"), &a.neg())?
                .add(cs.ns(|| "-A * x1 + y1"), &self.y)?;
            let u2 = other.x.add(cs.ns(|| "x2 + y2"), &other.y)?;

            let u = u1.mul(cs.ns(|| "(-A * x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2)"), &u2)?;

            // Compute v0 = x1 * y2
            let v0 = other.y.mul(&mut cs.ns(|| "v0"), &self.x)?;

            // Compute v1 = x2 * y1
            let v1 = other.x.mul(&mut cs.ns(|| "v1"), &self.y)?;

            // Compute C = d*v0*v1
            let v2 = v0
                .mul(cs.ns(|| "v0 * v1"), &v1)?
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "D * v0 * v1"), &d)?;

            // Compute x3 = (v0 + v1) / (1 + v2)
            let x3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x3"), || {
                let t0 = v0.get_value().get()? + v1.get_value().get()?;
                let t1 = P::BaseField::one() + v2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let v2_plus_one = v2.add_constant(cs.ns(|| "v2 + 1"), &one)?;
            let v0_plus_v1 = v0.add(cs.ns(|| "v0 + v1"), &v1)?;
            x3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check x3"), &v2_plus_one, &v0_plus_v1)?;

            // Compute y3 = (U + a * v0 - v1) / (1 - v2)
            let y3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y3"), || {
                let t0 = u.get_value().get()? + (a * v0.get_value().get()?) - v1.get_value().get()?;
                let t1 = P::BaseField::one() - v2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let one_minus_v2 = v2
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "v2 - 1"), &(-one))?
                .negate(cs.ns(|| "1 - v2"))?;
            let a_v0 = v0.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * v0"), &a)?;
            let u_plus_a_v0_minus_v1 = u
                .add(cs.ns(|| "u + a * v0"), &a_v0)?
                .sub(cs.ns(|| "u + a * v0 - v1"), &v1)?;

            y3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check y3"), &one_minus_v2, &u_plus_a_v0_minus_v1)?;

            Ok(Self::new(x3, y3))

        fn add_constant<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(
            mut cs: CS,
            other: &TEAffine<P>,
        ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let a = P::COEFF_A;
            let d = P::COEFF_D;
            let other_x = other.x;
            let other_y = other.y;

            // Compute U = (x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2)
            let u1 = self
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "-A * x1"), &a.neg())?
                .add(cs.ns(|| "-A * x1 + y1"), &self.y)?;
            let u2 = other_x + other_y;

            let u = u1.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "(-A * x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2)"), &u2)?;

            // Compute v0 = x1 * y2
            let v0 = self.x.mul_by_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "v0"), &other_y)?;

            // Compute v1 = x2 * y1
            let v1 = self.y.mul_by_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "v1"), &other.x)?;

            // Compute C = d*v0*v1
            let v2 = v0
                .mul(cs.ns(|| "v0 * v1"), &v1)?
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "D * v0 * v1"), &d)?;

            // Compute x3 = (v0 + v1) / (1 + v2)
            let x3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x3"), || {
                let t0 = v0.get_value().get()? + v1.get_value().get()?;
                let t1 = P::BaseField::one() + v2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let v2_plus_one = v2.add_constant(cs.ns(|| "v2 + 1"), &one)?;
            let v0_plus_v1 = v0.add(cs.ns(|| "v0 + v1"), &v1)?;
            x3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check x3"), &v2_plus_one, &v0_plus_v1)?;

            // Compute y3 = (U + a * v0 - v1) / (1 - v2)
            let y3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y3"), || {
                let t0 = u.get_value().get()? + (a * v0.get_value().get()?) - v1.get_value().get()?;
                let t1 = P::BaseField::one() - v2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let one_minus_v2 = v2
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "v2 - 1"), &(-one))?
                .negate(cs.ns(|| "1 - v2"))?;
            let a_v0 = v0.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * v0"), &a)?;
            let u_plus_a_v0_minus_v1 = u
                .add(cs.ns(|| "u + a * v0"), &a_v0)?
                .sub(cs.ns(|| "u + a * v0 - v1"), &v1)?;

            y3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check y3"), &one_minus_v2, &u_plus_a_v0_minus_v1)?;

            Ok(Self::new(x3, y3))

        fn double_in_place<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&mut self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
            let a = P::COEFF_A;

            // xy
            let xy = self.x.mul(cs.ns(|| "x * y"), &self.y)?;
            let x2 = self.x.square(cs.ns(|| "x * x"))?;
            let y2 = self.y.square(cs.ns(|| "y * y"))?;

            let a_x2 = x2.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2"), &a)?;

            // Compute x3 = (2xy) / (ax^2 + y^2)
            let x3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x3"), || {
                let t0 = xy.get_value().get()?.double();
                let t1 = a * x2.get_value().get()? + y2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let a_x2_plus_y2 = a_x2.add(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2 + y^2"), &y2)?;
            let two_xy = xy.double(cs.ns(|| "2xy"))?;
            x3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check x3"), &a_x2_plus_y2, &two_xy)?;

            // Compute y3 = (y^2 - ax^2) / (2 - ax^2 - y^2)
            let two = P::BaseField::one().double();
            let y3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y3"), || {
                let a_x2 = a * x2.get_value().get()?;
                let t0 = y2.get_value().get()? - a_x2;
                let t1 = two - a_x2 - y2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let y2_minus_a_x2 = y2.sub(cs.ns(|| "y^2 - ax^2"), &a_x2)?;
            let two_minus_ax2_minus_y2 = a_x2
                .add(cs.ns(|| "ax2 + y2"), &y2)?
                .negate(cs.ns(|| "-ax2 - y2"))?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "2 -ax2 - y2"), &two)?;

            y3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check y3"), &two_minus_ax2_minus_y2, &y2_minus_a_x2)?;
            self.x = x3;
            self.y = y3;


        fn negate<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            Ok(Self::new(self.x.negate(cs.ns(|| "negate x"))?, self.y.clone()))

        fn cost_of_add() -> usize {
            4 + 2 * FG::cost_of_mul()

        fn cost_of_double() -> usize {
            4 + FG::cost_of_mul()

    impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> AllocGadget<TEAffine<P>, F>
        for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
        Self: GroupGadget<TEAffine<P>, F>,
        fn alloc_constant<
            Fn: FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>,
            T: Borrow<TEAffine<P>>,
            CS: ConstraintSystem<F>,
            mut cs: CS,
            value_gen: Fn,
        ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let (x, y) = match value_gen() {
                Ok(ge) => {
                    let ge = *ge.borrow();
                    (Ok(ge.x), Ok(ge.y))
                _ => (

            let d = P::COEFF_D;
            let a = P::COEFF_A;

            let x = FG::alloc_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "x"), || x)?;
            let y = FG::alloc_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "y"), || y)?;

            // Check that ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2
            // We do this by checking that ax^2 - 1 = y^2 * (dx^2 - 1)
            let x2 = x.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "x^2"))?;
            let y2 = y.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "y^2"))?;

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let d_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2"), &d)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            let a_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2"), &a)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            d_x2_minus_one.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "on curve check"), &y2, &a_x2_minus_one)?;

            Ok(Self::new(x, y))

        fn alloc<Fn: FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>, T: Borrow<TEAffine<P>>, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(
            mut cs: CS,
            value_gen: Fn,
        ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let (x, y) = match value_gen() {
                Ok(ge) => {
                    let ge = *ge.borrow();
                    (Ok(ge.x), Ok(ge.y))
                _ => (

            let d = P::COEFF_D;
            let a = P::COEFF_A;

            let x = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x"), || x)?;
            let y = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y"), || y)?;

            // Check that ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2
            // We do this by checking that ax^2 - 1 = y^2 * (dx^2 - 1)
            let x2 = x.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "x^2"))?;
            let y2 = y.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "y^2"))?;

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let d_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2"), &d)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            let a_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2"), &a)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            d_x2_minus_one.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "on curve check"), &y2, &a_x2_minus_one)?;
            Ok(Self::new(x, y))

        fn alloc_checked<Fn: FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>, T: Borrow<TEAffine<P>>, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(
            mut cs: CS,
            value_gen: Fn,
        ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let cofactor_weight = BitIteratorBE::new(P::COFACTOR).filter(|b| *b).count();
            // If we multiply by r, we actually multiply by r - 2.
            let r_minus_1 = (-P::ScalarField::one()).to_repr();
            let r_weight = BitIteratorBE::new(&r_minus_1).filter(|b| *b).count();

            // We pick the most efficient method of performing the prime order check:
            // If the cofactor has lower hamming weight than the scalar field's modulus,
            // we first multiply by the inverse of the cofactor, and then, after allocating,
            // multiply by the cofactor. This ensures the resulting point has no cofactors
            // Else, we multiply by the scalar field's modulus and ensure that the result
            // is zero.
            if cofactor_weight < r_weight {
                let ge = Self::alloc(cs.ns(|| "Alloc checked"), || {
                    value_gen().map(|ge| ge.borrow().mul_by_cofactor_inv())
                let mut seen_one = false;
                let mut result = Self::zero(cs.ns(|| "result"))?;
                for (i, b) in BitIteratorBE::new(P::COFACTOR).enumerate() {
                    let mut cs = cs.ns(|| format!("Iteration {}", i));

                    let old_seen_one = seen_one;
                    if seen_one {
                        result.double_in_place(cs.ns(|| "Double"))?;
                    } else {
                        seen_one = b;

                    if b {
                        result = if old_seen_one {
                            result.add(cs.ns(|| "Add"), &ge)?
                        } else {
            } else {
                let ge = Self::alloc(cs.ns(|| "Alloc checked"), value_gen)?;
                let mut seen_one = false;
                let mut result = Self::zero(cs.ns(|| "result"))?;
                // Returns bits in big-endian order
                for (i, b) in BitIteratorBE::new(r_minus_1).enumerate() {
                    let mut cs = cs.ns(|| format!("Iteration {}", i));

                    let old_seen_one = seen_one;
                    if seen_one {
                        result.double_in_place(cs.ns(|| "Double"))?;
                    } else {
                        seen_one = b;

                    if b {
                        result = if old_seen_one {
                            result.add(cs.ns(|| "Add"), &ge)?
                        } else {
                let neg_ge = ge.negate(cs.ns(|| "Negate ge"))?;
                neg_ge.enforce_equal(cs.ns(|| "Check equals"), &result)?;

        fn alloc_input<Fn: FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>, T: Borrow<TEAffine<P>>, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(
            mut cs: CS,
            value_gen: Fn,
        ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let (x, y) = match value_gen() {
                Ok(ge) => {
                    let ge = *ge.borrow();
                    (Ok(ge.x), Ok(ge.y))
                _ => (

            let d = P::COEFF_D;
            let a = P::COEFF_A;

            let x = FG::alloc_input(&mut cs.ns(|| "x"), || x)?;
            let y = FG::alloc_input(&mut cs.ns(|| "y"), || y)?;

            // Check that ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2
            // We do this by checking that ax^2 - 1 = y^2 * (dx^2 - 1)
            let x2 = x.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "x^2"))?;
            let y2 = y.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "y^2"))?;

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let d_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2"), &d)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            let a_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2"), &a)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            d_x2_minus_one.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "on curve check"), &y2, &a_x2_minus_one)?;
            Ok(Self::new(x, y))

mod projective_impl {
    use std::ops::Neg;

    use snarkvm_curves::{
        templates::twisted_edwards_extended::Projective as TEProjective,
        traits::{AffineCurve, ProjectiveCurve},
    use snarkvm_fields::{Field, One, PrimeField, Zero};
    use snarkvm_r1cs::Assignment;

    use super::*;

    /// Based on 2 input bits, output on a group element from a 4 element table.
    /// 00 => table[0]
    /// 10 => table[1]
    /// 01 => table[2]
    /// 11 => table[3]
    fn two_bit_lookup_helper<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>, CS>(
        mut cs: CS,
        bits: [Boolean; 2],
        mut table: [TEProjective<P>; 4],
    ) -> Result<AffineGadget<P, F, FG>, SynthesisError>
        CS: ConstraintSystem<F>,
        TEProjective::batch_normalization(&mut table);
        let x_s = [table[0].x, table[1].x, table[2].x, table[3].x];
        let y_s = [table[0].y, table[1].y, table[2].y, table[3].y];

        let x: FG = FG::two_bit_lookup(cs.ns(|| "Lookup x"), &bits[..], &x_s)?;
        let y: FG = FG::two_bit_lookup(cs.ns(|| "Lookup y"), &bits[..], &y_s)?;

        Ok(AffineGadget::new(x, y))

    impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> GroupGadget<TEProjective<P>, F>
        for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
        type Value = TEProjective<P>;
        type Variable = (FG::Variable, FG::Variable);

        fn get_value(&self) -> Option<Self::Value> {
            match (self.x.get_value(), self.y.get_value()) {
                (Some(x), Some(y)) => Some(TEAffine::new(x, y).into()),
                (..) => None,

        fn get_variable(&self) -> Self::Variable {
            (self.x.get_variable(), self.y.get_variable())

        fn zero<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(mut cs: CS) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            Ok(Self::new(FG::zero(cs.ns(|| "zero"))?, FG::one(cs.ns(|| "one"))?))

        /// Optimized constraints for checking Edwards point addition from ZCash
        /// developers Daira Hopwood and Sean Bowe. Requires only 6 constraints
        /// compared to 7 for the straightforward version we had earlier.
        fn add<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS, other: &Self) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let a = P::COEFF_A;
            let d = P::COEFF_D;

            // Compute U = (x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2)
            let u1 = self
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "-A * x1"), &a.neg())?
                .add(cs.ns(|| "-A * x1 + y1"), &self.y)?;
            let u2 = other.x.add(cs.ns(|| "x2 + y2"), &other.y)?;

            let u = u1.mul(cs.ns(|| "(-A * x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2)"), &u2)?;

            // Compute v0 = x1 * y2
            let v0 = other.y.mul(&mut cs.ns(|| "v0"), &self.x)?;

            // Compute v1 = x2 * y1
            let v1 = other.x.mul(&mut cs.ns(|| "v1"), &self.y)?;

            // Compute C = d*v0*v1
            let v2 = v0
                .mul(cs.ns(|| "v0 * v1"), &v1)?
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "D * v0 * v1"), &d)?;

            // Compute x3 = (v0 + v1) / (1 + v2)
            let x3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x3"), || {
                let t0 = v0.get_value().get()? + v1.get_value().get()?;
                let t1 = P::BaseField::one() + v2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let v2_plus_one = v2.add_constant(cs.ns(|| "v2 + 1"), &one)?;
            let v0_plus_v1 = v0.add(cs.ns(|| "v0 + v1"), &v1)?;
            x3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check x3"), &v2_plus_one, &v0_plus_v1)?;

            // Compute y3 = (U + a * v0 - v1) / (1 - v2)
            let y3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y3"), || {
                let t0 = u.get_value().get()? + (a * v0.get_value().get()?) - v1.get_value().get()?;
                let t1 = P::BaseField::one() - v2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let one_minus_v2 = v2
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "v2 - 1"), &(-one))?
                .negate(cs.ns(|| "1 - v2"))?;
            let a_v0 = v0.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * v0"), &a)?;
            let u_plus_a_v0_minus_v1 = u
                .add(cs.ns(|| "u + a * v0"), &a_v0)?
                .sub(cs.ns(|| "u + a * v0 - v1"), &v1)?;

            y3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check y3"), &one_minus_v2, &u_plus_a_v0_minus_v1)?;

            Ok(Self::new(x3, y3))

        fn add_constant<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(
            mut cs: CS,
            other: &TEProjective<P>,
        ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            let a = P::COEFF_A;
            let d = P::COEFF_D;
            let other = other.into_affine();
            let other_x = other.x;
            let other_y = other.y;

            // Compute U = (x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2)
            let u1 = self
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "-A * x1"), &a.neg())?
                .add(cs.ns(|| "-A * x1 + y1"), &self.y)?;
            let u2 = other_x + other_y;

            let u = u1.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "(-A * x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2)"), &u2)?;

            // Compute v0 = x1 * y2
            let v0 = self.x.mul_by_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "v0"), &other_y)?;

            // Compute v1 = x2 * y1
            let v1 = self.y.mul_by_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "v1"), &other.x)?;

            // Compute C = d*v0*v1
            let v2 = v0
                .mul(cs.ns(|| "v0 * v1"), &v1)?
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "D * v0 * v1"), &d)?;

            // Compute x3 = (v0 + v1) / (1 + v2)
            let x3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x3"), || {
                let t0 = v0.get_value().get()? + v1.get_value().get()?;
                let t1 = P::BaseField::one() + v2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let v2_plus_one = v2.add_constant(cs.ns(|| "v2 + 1"), &one)?;
            let v0_plus_v1 = v0.add(cs.ns(|| "v0 + v1"), &v1)?;
            x3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check x3"), &v2_plus_one, &v0_plus_v1)?;

            // Compute y3 = (U + a * v0 - v1) / (1 - v2)
            let y3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y3"), || {
                let t0 = u.get_value().get()? + (a * v0.get_value().get()?) - v1.get_value().get()?;
                let t1 = P::BaseField::one() - v2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let one_minus_v2 = v2
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "v2 - 1"), &(-one))?
                .negate(cs.ns(|| "1 - v2"))?;
            let a_v0 = v0.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * v0"), &a)?;
            let u_plus_a_v0_minus_v1 = u
                .add(cs.ns(|| "u + a * v0"), &a_v0)?
                .sub(cs.ns(|| "u + a * v0 - v1"), &v1)?;

            y3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check y3"), &one_minus_v2, &u_plus_a_v0_minus_v1)?;

            Ok(Self::new(x3, y3))

        fn double_in_place<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&mut self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
            let a = P::COEFF_A;

            // xy
            let xy = self.x.mul(cs.ns(|| "x * y"), &self.y)?;
            let x2 = self.x.square(cs.ns(|| "x * x"))?;
            let y2 = self.y.square(cs.ns(|| "y * y"))?;

            let a_x2 = x2.mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2"), &a)?;

            // Compute x3 = (2xy) / (ax^2 + y^2)
            let x3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x3"), || {
                let t0 = xy.get_value().get()?.double();
                let t1 = a * x2.get_value().get()? + y2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)

            let a_x2_plus_y2 = a_x2.add(cs.ns(|| "v2 + 1"), &y2)?;
            let two_xy = xy.double(cs.ns(|| "2xy"))?;
            x3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check x3"), &a_x2_plus_y2, &two_xy)?;

            // Compute y3 = (y^2 - ax^2) / (2 - ax^2 - y^2)
            let two = P::BaseField::one().double();
            let y3 = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y3"), || {
                let a_x2 = a * x2.get_value().get()?;
                let t0 = y2.get_value().get()? - a_x2;
                let t1 = two - a_x2 - y2.get_value().get()?;
                Ok(t0 * t1.inverse().get()?)
            let y2_minus_a_x2 = y2.sub(cs.ns(|| "y^2 - ax^2"), &a_x2)?;
            let two_minus_ax2_minus_y2 = a_x2
                .add(cs.ns(|| "ax2 + y2"), &y2)?
                .negate(cs.ns(|| "-ax2 - y2"))?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "2 -ax2 - y2"), &two)?;

            y3.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "check y3"), &two_minus_ax2_minus_y2, &y2_minus_a_x2)?;
            self.x = x3;
            self.y = y3;


        fn negate<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
            Ok(Self::new(self.x.negate(cs.ns(|| "negate x"))?, self.y.clone()))

        fn scalar_multiplication<'a, CS, I, B>(
            &mut self,
            mut cs: CS,
            scalar_bits_with_base_powers: I,
        ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>
            CS: ConstraintSystem<F>,
            I: Iterator<Item = (B, &'a TEProjective<P>)>,
            B: Borrow<Boolean>,
            let scalar_bits_with_base_powers: Vec<_> = scalar_bits_with_base_powers
                .map(|(bit, base)| (*bit.borrow(), *base))
            let zero = TEProjective::zero();
            for (i, bits_base_powers) in scalar_bits_with_base_powers.chunks(2).enumerate() {
                let mut cs = cs.ns(|| format!("Chunk {}", i));
                if bits_base_powers.len() == 2 {
                    let bits = [bits_base_powers[0].0, bits_base_powers[1].0];
                    let base_powers = [bits_base_powers[0].1, bits_base_powers[1].1];
                    let table = [zero, base_powers[0], base_powers[1], base_powers[0] + base_powers[1]];
                    let adder: Self = two_bit_lookup_helper(cs.ns(|| "two bit lookup"), bits, table)?;
                    *self = <Self as GroupGadget<TEProjective<P>, F>>::add(self, &mut cs.ns(|| "Add"), &adder)?;
                } else if bits_base_powers.len() == 1 {
                    let bit = bits_base_powers[0].0;
                    let base_power = bits_base_powers[0].1;
                    let new_encoded = self.add_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "Add base power"), &base_power)?;
                    *self = Self::conditionally_select(&mut cs.ns(|| "Conditional Select"), &bit, &new_encoded, self)?;


        fn symmetric_scalar_multiplication<'a, CS, I, B>(
            &mut self,
            mut cs: CS,
            scalar_bits_with_base_powers: I,
        ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>
            CS: ConstraintSystem<F>,
            I: Iterator<Item = (B, &'a TEProjective<P>)>,
            B: Borrow<Boolean>,
            let scalar_bits_with_base_powers: Vec<_> = scalar_bits_with_base_powers
                .map(|(bit, base)| (*bit.borrow(), *base))
            for (i, bits_base_powers) in scalar_bits_with_base_powers.chunks(2).enumerate() {
                let mut cs = cs.ns(|| format!("Chunk {}", i));
                if bits_base_powers.len() == 2 {
                    // The symmetric hash with two-bit lookup has the result incremented by:
                    //   1. g_i*g_{i+1} if the first input bit is 0 and the second input bit is 0.
                    //   2. g_i^-1*g_{i+1} if the first input bit is 1 and the second input bit is 0.
                    //   3. g_i*g_{i+1}^-1 if the first input bit is 0 and the second input bit is 1.
                    //   4. g_i^-1*g_{i+1}^-1 if the first input bit is 1 and the second input bit is 1.
                    let bits = [bits_base_powers[0].0, bits_base_powers[1].0];
                    let base_powers = [bits_base_powers[0].1, bits_base_powers[1].1];
                    let table = [
                        base_powers[0] + base_powers[1],
                        base_powers[0].neg() + base_powers[1],
                        base_powers[0] + base_powers[1].neg(),
                        base_powers[0].neg() + base_powers[1].neg(),
                    let adder: Self = two_bit_lookup_helper(cs.ns(|| "two bit lookup"), bits, table)?;
                    *self = <Self as GroupGadget<TEProjective<P>, F>>::add(self, &mut cs.ns(|| "Add"), &adder)?;
                } else if bits_base_powers.len() == 1 {
                    let bit = bits_base_powers[0].0;
                    let base_power = bits_base_powers[0].1;
                    let new_encoded_plus = self.add_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "Add base power plus"), &base_power)?;
                    let new_encoded_minus =
                        self.add_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "Add base power minus"), &base_power.neg())?;
                    *self = Self::conditionally_select(
                        &mut cs.ns(|| "Conditional Select"),


        fn masked_scalar_multiplication<'a, CS, I, B>(
            &mut self,
            mut cs: CS,
            scalar_bits_with_base_powers: I,
            mask_bits_with_mask_powers: I,
        ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError>
            CS: ConstraintSystem<F>,
            I: Iterator<Item = (B, &'a TEProjective<P>)>,
            B: Borrow<Boolean>,
            for (i, ((bit, base), (mask, mask_base))) in
                let mut cs = cs.ns(|| format!("Bit {}", i));
                // The masking algorithm specifies that the result must be incremented by:
                //   1. h_i^-1 if the input bit is 0 and the mask is 0.
                //   2. g_i*h_i^-1 if the input bit is 1 and the mask is 0.
                //   3. g_i^-1*h_i if the input bit is 0 and the mask is 1.
                //   4. h_i if the input bit is 1 and the mask is 1.
                let bits = [*bit.borrow(), *mask.borrow()];
                let table = [
                    mask_base.neg() + base,
                    base.neg() + mask_base,
                let adder: Self = two_bit_lookup_helper(cs.ns(|| "two bit lookup"), bits, table)?;
                *self = <Self as GroupGadget<TEProjective<P>, F>>::add(self, &mut cs.ns(|| "Add"), &adder)?;


        fn three_bit_signed_digit_scalar_multiplication<'a, CS, I, J, K, B>(
            mut cs: CS,
            bases: &[B],
            scalars: K,
        ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
            CS: ConstraintSystem<F>,
            I: Borrow<[Boolean]>,
            J: Iterator<Item = I>,
            K: Iterator<Item = J>,
            B: Borrow<[TEProjective<P>]>,
            const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 3;
            let mut edwards_result: Option<AffineGadget<P, F, FG>> = None;
            let mut result: Option<MontgomeryAffineGadget<P, F, FG>> = None;

            let mut process_segment_result =
                |mut cs: Namespace<_, _>, result: &MontgomeryAffineGadget<P, F, FG>| -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
                    let segment_result = result.into_edwards(cs.ns(|| "segment result"))?;
                    match edwards_result {
                        None => {
                            edwards_result = Some(segment_result);
                        Some(ref mut edwards_result) => {
                            *edwards_result = GroupGadget::<TEAffine<P>, F>::add(
                                cs.ns(|| "edwards addition"),


            // Compute ∏(h_i^{m_i}) for all i.
            let mut x_coeffs = Vec::with_capacity(4);
            let mut y_coeffs = Vec::with_capacity(4);
            for (segment_i, (segment_bits_chunks, segment_powers)) in {
                for (i, (bits, base_power)) in {
                    let base_power = base_power.borrow();

                    let bits = bits
                        .to_bits_be(&mut cs.ns(|| format!("Convert Scalar {}, {} to bits", segment_i, i)))?;
                    if bits.len() != CHUNK_SIZE {
                        return Err(SynthesisError::Unsatisfiable);

                    let mut acc_power = *base_power;
                    for _ in 0..4 {
                        let p = acc_power;
                        let (x, y) =
                            MontgomeryAffineGadget::<P, F, FG>::from_edwards_to_coords(&p.into_affine()).unwrap();
                        acc_power += base_power;

                    let precomp = Boolean::and(
                        cs.ns(|| format!("precomp in window {}, {}", segment_i, i)),

                    let x = FG::zero(cs.ns(|| format!("x in window {}, {}", segment_i, i)))?
                            cs.ns(|| format!("add bool 00 in window {}, {}", segment_i, i)),
                            cs.ns(|| format!("add bool 01 in window {}, {}", segment_i, i)),
                            x_coeffs[1] - x_coeffs[0],
                            cs.ns(|| format!("add bool 10 in window {}, {}", segment_i, i)),
                            x_coeffs[2] - x_coeffs[0],
                            cs.ns(|| format!("add bool 11 in window {}, {}", segment_i, i)),
                            x_coeffs[3] - x_coeffs[2] - x_coeffs[1] + x_coeffs[0],

                    let y = FG::three_bit_cond_neg_lookup(
                        cs.ns(|| format!("y lookup in window {}, {}", segment_i, i)),

                    let tmp = MontgomeryAffineGadget::new(x, y);

                    match result {
                        None => {
                            result = Some(tmp);
                        Some(ref mut result) => {
                            *result = tmp.add(cs.ns(|| format!("addition of window {}, {}", segment_i, i)), result)?;

                process_segment_result(cs.ns(|| format!("window {}", segment_i)), &result.unwrap())?;
                result = None;
            if result.is_some() {
                process_segment_result(cs.ns(|| "leftover"), &result.unwrap())?;

        fn cost_of_add() -> usize {
            4 + 2 * FG::cost_of_mul()

        fn cost_of_double() -> usize {
            4 + FG::cost_of_mul()

    impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> CurveGadget<TEProjective<P>, F>
        for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>

    impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>>
        CompressedGroupGadget<TEProjective<P>, F> for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
        type BaseFieldGadget = FG;

        fn to_x_coordinate(&self) -> Self::BaseFieldGadget {

    impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> AllocGadget<TEProjective<P>, F>
        for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
        Self: GroupGadget<TEProjective<P>, F>,
        fn alloc_constant<FN, T, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(mut cs: CS, value_gen: FN) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
            FN: FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>,
            T: Borrow<TEProjective<P>>,
            let (x, y) = match value_gen() {
                Ok(ge) => {
                    let ge = ge.borrow().into_affine();
                    (Ok(ge.x), Ok(ge.y))
                _ => (

            let d = P::COEFF_D;
            let a = P::COEFF_A;

            let x = FG::alloc_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "x"), || x)?;
            let y = FG::alloc_constant(&mut cs.ns(|| "y"), || y)?;

            // Check that ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2
            // We do this by checking that ax^2 - 1 = y^2 * (dx^2 - 1)
            let x2 = x.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "x^2"))?;
            let y2 = y.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "y^2"))?;

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let d_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2"), &d)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            let a_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2"), &a)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            d_x2_minus_one.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "on curve check"), &y2, &a_x2_minus_one)?;

            Ok(Self::new(x, y))

        fn alloc<FN, T, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(mut cs: CS, value_gen: FN) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
            FN: FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>,
            T: Borrow<TEProjective<P>>,
            let (x, y) = match value_gen() {
                Ok(ge) => {
                    let ge = ge.borrow().into_affine();
                    (Ok(ge.x), Ok(ge.y))
                _ => (

            let d = P::COEFF_D;
            let a = P::COEFF_A;

            let x = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "x"), || x)?;
            let y = FG::alloc(&mut cs.ns(|| "y"), || y)?;

            // Check that ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2
            // We do this by checking that ax^2 - 1 = y^2 * (dx^2 - 1)
            let x2 = x.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "x^2"))?;
            let y2 = y.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "y^2"))?;

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let d_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2"), &d)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            let a_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2"), &a)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            d_x2_minus_one.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "on curve check"), &y2, &a_x2_minus_one)?;
            Ok(Self::new(x, y))

        fn alloc_checked<FN, T, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(mut cs: CS, value_gen: FN) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
            FN: FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>,
            T: Borrow<TEProjective<P>>,
            let cofactor_weight = BitIteratorBE::new(P::COFACTOR).filter(|b| *b).count();
            // If we multiply by r, we actually multiply by r - 2.
            let r_minus_1 = (-P::ScalarField::one()).to_repr();
            let r_weight = BitIteratorBE::new(&r_minus_1).filter(|b| *b).count();

            // We pick the most efficient method of performing the prime order check:
            // If the cofactor has lower hamming weight than the scalar field's modulus,
            // we first multiply by the inverse of the cofactor, and then, after allocating,
            // multiply by the cofactor. This ensures the resulting point has no cofactors
            // Else, we multiply by the scalar field's modulus and ensure that the result
            // is zero.
            if cofactor_weight < r_weight {
                let ge = Self::alloc(cs.ns(|| "Alloc checked"), || {
                    value_gen().map(|ge| ge.borrow().into_affine().mul_by_cofactor_inv().into_projective())
                let mut seen_one = false;
                let mut result = Self::zero(cs.ns(|| "result"))?;
                for (i, b) in BitIteratorBE::new(P::COFACTOR).enumerate() {
                    let mut cs = cs.ns(|| format!("Iteration {}", i));

                    let old_seen_one = seen_one;
                    if seen_one {
                        result.double_in_place(cs.ns(|| "Double"))?;
                    } else {
                        seen_one = b;

                    if b {
                        result = if old_seen_one {
                            result.add(cs.ns(|| "Add"), &ge)?
                        } else {
            } else {
                let ge = Self::alloc(cs.ns(|| "Alloc checked"), value_gen)?;
                let mut seen_one = false;
                let mut result = Self::zero(cs.ns(|| "result"))?;
                // Returns bits in big-endian order
                for (i, b) in BitIteratorBE::new(r_minus_1).enumerate() {
                    let mut cs = cs.ns(|| format!("Iteration {}", i));

                    let old_seen_one = seen_one;
                    if seen_one {
                        result.double_in_place(cs.ns(|| "Double"))?;
                    } else {
                        seen_one = b;

                    if b {
                        result = if old_seen_one {
                            result.add(cs.ns(|| "Add"), &ge)?
                        } else {
                let neg_ge = ge.negate(cs.ns(|| "Negate ge"))?;
                neg_ge.enforce_equal(cs.ns(|| "Check equals"), &result)?;

        fn alloc_input<FN, T, CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(mut cs: CS, value_gen: FN) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError>
            FN: FnOnce() -> Result<T, SynthesisError>,
            T: Borrow<TEProjective<P>>,
            let (x, y) = match value_gen() {
                Ok(ge) => {
                    let ge = ge.borrow().into_affine();
                    (Ok(ge.x), Ok(ge.y))
                _ => (

            let d = P::COEFF_D;
            let a = P::COEFF_A;

            let x = FG::alloc_input(&mut cs.ns(|| "x"), || x)?;
            let y = FG::alloc_input(&mut cs.ns(|| "y"), || y)?;

            // Check that ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2
            // We do this by checking that ax^2 - 1 = y^2 * (dx^2 - 1)
            let x2 = x.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "x^2"))?;
            let y2 = y.square(&mut cs.ns(|| "y^2"))?;

            let one = P::BaseField::one();
            let d_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2"), &d)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "d * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            let a_x2_minus_one = x2
                .mul_by_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2"), &a)?
                .add_constant(cs.ns(|| "a * x^2 - 1"), &one.neg())?;

            d_x2_minus_one.mul_equals(cs.ns(|| "on curve check"), &y2, &a_x2_minus_one)?;

            Ok(Self::new(x, y))

impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> CondSelectGadget<F>
    for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
    fn conditionally_select<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(
        mut cs: CS,
        cond: &Boolean,
        first: &Self,
        second: &Self,
    ) -> Result<Self, SynthesisError> {
        let x = FG::conditionally_select(&mut cs.ns(|| "x"), cond, &first.x, &second.x)?;
        let y = FG::conditionally_select(&mut cs.ns(|| "y"), cond, &first.y, &second.y)?;

        Ok(Self::new(x, y))

    fn cost() -> usize {
        2 * <FG as CondSelectGadget<F>>::cost()

impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> EqGadget<F> for AffineGadget<P, F, FG> {
    fn is_eq<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS, other: &Self) -> Result<Boolean, SynthesisError> {
        let x = self.x.is_eq(cs.ns(|| "x_is_eq"), &other.x)?;
        let y = self.y.is_eq(cs.ns(|| "y_is_eq"), &other.y)?;
        Boolean::and(cs.ns(|| "x_and_y"), &x, &y)

impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> ConditionalEqGadget<F>
    for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
    fn conditional_enforce_equal<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(
        mut cs: CS,
        other: &Self,
        condition: &Boolean,
    ) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
            .conditional_enforce_equal(&mut cs.ns(|| "X Coordinate Conditional Equality"), &other.x, condition)?;
            .conditional_enforce_equal(&mut cs.ns(|| "Y Coordinate Conditional Equality"), &other.y, condition)?;

    fn cost() -> usize {
        2 * <FG as ConditionalEqGadget<F>>::cost()

impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> NEqGadget<F> for AffineGadget<P, F, FG> {
    fn enforce_not_equal<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS, other: &Self) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> {
            .enforce_not_equal(&mut cs.ns(|| "X Coordinate Inequality"), &other.x)?;
            .enforce_not_equal(&mut cs.ns(|| "Y Coordinate Inequality"), &other.y)?;

    fn cost() -> usize {
        2 * <FG as NEqGadget<F>>::cost()

impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> ToBitsBEGadget<F>
    for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
    fn to_bits_be<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<Vec<Boolean>, SynthesisError> {
        let mut x_bits = self.x.to_bits_be(cs.ns(|| "X Coordinate To Bits"))?;
        let y_bits = self.y.to_bits_be(cs.ns(|| "Y Coordinate To Bits"))?;

    fn to_bits_be_strict<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<Vec<Boolean>, SynthesisError> {
        let mut x_bits = self.x.to_bits_be_strict(cs.ns(|| "X Coordinate To Bits"))?;
        let y_bits = self.y.to_bits_be_strict(cs.ns(|| "Y Coordinate To Bits"))?;


impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: Field, FG: FieldGadget<P::BaseField, F>> ToBytesGadget<F>
    for AffineGadget<P, F, FG>
    fn to_bytes<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<Vec<UInt8>, SynthesisError> {
        let mut x_bytes = self.x.to_bytes(cs.ns(|| "x"))?;
        let y_bytes = self.y.to_bytes(cs.ns(|| "y"))?;

    fn to_bytes_strict<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<Vec<UInt8>, SynthesisError> {
        let mut x_bytes = self.x.to_bytes_strict(cs.ns(|| "x"))?;
        let y_bytes = self.y.to_bytes_strict(cs.ns(|| "y"))?;


impl<P: TwistedEdwardsParameters, F: PrimeField> ToConstraintFieldGadget<F> for AffineGadget<P, F, FpGadget<F>>
    P: TwistedEdwardsParameters<BaseField = F>,
    fn to_constraint_field<CS: ConstraintSystem<F>>(&self, mut cs: CS) -> Result<Vec<FpGadget<F>>, SynthesisError> {
        let mut res = Vec::new();
        res.extend_from_slice(&self.x.to_constraint_field(cs.ns(|| "x_to_constraint_field"))?);
        res.extend_from_slice(&self.y.to_constraint_field(cs.ns(|| "y_to_constraint_field"))?);