snarkvm-circuit-types-integers 0.9.11

Integer circuit for a decentralized virtual machine
// Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Aleo Systems Inc.
// This file is part of the snarkVM library.

// The snarkVM library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// The snarkVM library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the snarkVM library. If not, see <>.

use super::*;

impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> Ternary for Integer<E, I> {
    type Boolean = Boolean<E>;
    type Output = Self;

    /// Returns `first` if `condition` is `true`, otherwise returns `second`.
    fn ternary(condition: &Self::Boolean, first: &Self, second: &Self) -> Self::Output {
        // Constant `condition`
        if condition.is_constant() {
            match condition.eject_value() {
                true => first.clone(),
                false => second.clone(),
        // Variables
        else {
            // Directly instantiate the integer, rather than invoking `from_bits_le`
            // since the modes of each individual bit varies depending on the modes
            // and values of `condition`, `first_bit`, and `second_bit`.
            Self {
                bits_le: first
                    .map(|(first_bit, second_bit)| Self::Boolean::ternary(condition, first_bit, second_bit))
                phantom: Default::default(),

impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> Metrics<dyn Ternary<Boolean = Boolean<E>, Output = Integer<E, I>>>
    for Integer<E, I>
    type Case = (Mode, Mode, Mode);

    fn count(case: &Self::Case) -> Count {
        match case {
            (Mode::Constant, _, _)
            | (Mode::Public, Mode::Constant, Mode::Constant)
            | (Mode::Private, Mode::Constant, Mode::Constant) => Count::is(0, 0, 0, 0),
            _ => Count::is(0, 0, I::BITS, I::BITS),

impl<E: Environment, I: IntegerType> OutputMode<dyn Ternary<Boolean = Boolean<E>, Output = Integer<E, I>>>
    for Integer<E, I>
    type Case = (CircuitType<Boolean<E>>, Mode, Mode);

    fn output_mode(case: &Self::Case) -> Mode {
        let (condition, mode_a, mode_b) = case;
        match condition.mode().is_constant() {
            true => match condition {
                CircuitType::Constant(constant) => match constant.eject_value() {
                    true => *mode_a,
                    false => *mode_b,
                _ => E::halt("The constant condition is required to determine output mode."),
            false => Mode::Private,

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use snarkvm_circuit_environment::Circuit;

    fn run_test<I: IntegerType>(mode_condition: Mode, mode_a: Mode, mode_b: Mode) {
        let mut rng = TestRng::default();

        for flag in &[true, false] {
            let first = Uniform::rand(&mut rng);
            let second = Uniform::rand(&mut rng);
            let expected = if *flag { first } else { second };

            let condition = Boolean::<Circuit>::new(mode_condition, *flag);
            let a = Integer::<Circuit, I>::new(mode_a, first);
            let b = Integer::new(mode_b, second);

            let name = format!("Ternary({}): if ({}) then ({}) else ({})", flag, mode_condition, mode_a, mode_b);
            Circuit::scope(name, || {
                let candidate = Integer::ternary(&condition, &a, &b);
                assert_eq!(expected, candidate.eject_value());
                assert_count!(Ternary(Boolean, Integer<I>, Integer<I>) => Integer<I>, &(mode_condition, mode_a, mode_b));
                // assert_output_mode!(Ternary(Boolean, Integer<I>, Integer<I>) => Integer<I>, &(CircuitType::from(&condition), mode_a, mode_b), candidate);

    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, i8, if, then, else);
    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, i16, if, then, else);
    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, i32, if, then, else);
    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, i64, if, then, else);
    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, i128, if, then, else);

    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, u8, if, then, else);
    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, u16, if, then, else);
    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, u32, if, then, else);
    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, u64, if, then, else);
    test_integer_ternary!(run_test, u128, if, then, else);