Crate snarkos_rpc[][src]


Logic for instantiating the RPC server.

The generated client module.

Implementation of public RPC endpoints.

Implementation of private RPC endpoints that require authentication.

Definition of the public and private RPC endpoints.

Structures for RPC endpoint requests and responses.


Returned value for the getblock rpc call

Returned value for the getblocktemplate rpc call

Output for the createrawtransaction rpc call

Input for the decryptrecord rpc call

A connection in the graph of the known network.

RPC metadata for encoding authentication

The crawled known network and measurements.

Returned value for the getnodeinfo rpc call

Returned value for the getpeerinfo rpc call

A potential fork in the network, maps height to members.

Record payload data

Returned value for the decoderawrecord rpc call

Output for the createaccount rpc call

Defines the authentication format for accessing private endpoints on the RPC server

The Client.

Implements JSON-RPC HTTP endpoint functions for a node. The constructor is given Arc::clone() copies of all needed node components.

Returned value for the gettransaction rpc call

Input for the createrawtransaction rpc call

Additional metadata included with a transaction response

Recipient of a transaction

Metadata and measurements pertaining to a node in the graph of the known network.


Definition of private RPC endpoints that require authentication.

Definition of public RPC endpoints.
