snafu-cli-debug 0.1.0

Derive a debug implementation on snafu errors that prints pretty CLI output

Derive Debug implementation on Snafu Errors that make pretty output


The challenge: Error handling in Rust.
The approach: Embrace Results!
The problem: It's not easy to give add nice contexts to errors.
The solution: Snafu!

The challenge: Printing errors in CLI apps.
The approach: Embrace fn main() -> Result<(), Error>!
The problem: It prints using Debug, i.e., like println!("{:?}", error).
The solution: This crate!


See example.


$ cargo run --example simple -q -- foo
Error: Can't read file `foo`
        cause: No such file or directory (os error 2)
$ cargo run --example simple -q -- foo
Error: Can't read file `foo`
        cause: No such file or directory (os error 2)


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