sn_node 0.72.41

The Safe Network Node Implementation.
use crate::{
        cfg::create_test_capacity_and_root_storage, core::MyNode, flow_ctrl::dispatcher::Dispatcher,

use sn_comms::{Comm, MsgFromPeer};
use sn_interface::{
        supermajority, MyNodeInfo, NetworkKnowledge, NodeState, SectionAuthorityProvider,
        SectionKeyShare, SectionKeysProvider, SectionTree, SectionTreeUpdate, SectionsDAG,
    types::{keys::ed25519::gen_keypair, Peer, PublicKey},

use bls::SecretKeySet;
use rand::RngCore;
use std::{
    collections::{btree_map::Entry, BTreeMap, BTreeSet},
    net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr},
use tokio::{
        mpsc::{self, Receiver},
use xor_name::Prefix;

pub(crate) static TEST_EVENT_CHANNEL_SIZE: usize = 20;
// The default elder age pattern
pub(crate) const ELDER_AGE_PATTERN: &[u8] = &[50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20];
// the Rx channel for each node
pub(crate) type TestCommRx = BTreeMap<PublicKey, Option<Receiver<MsgFromPeer>>>;

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum TestMemberType {

/// Helper to build the `TestNetwork` struct
pub(crate) struct TestNetworkBuilder<R: RngCore> {
    sections: Vec<(
        Vec<(MyNodeInfo, Comm, TestMemberType)>,
    receivers: TestCommRx,
    rng: R,
    n_churns_each_section: usize,

impl<R: RngCore> TestNetworkBuilder<R> {
    /// Initializes the builder. Provide custom rng or just use `thread_rng()`
    pub(crate) fn new(rng: R) -> TestNetworkBuilder<R> {
        TestNetworkBuilder {
            sections: Vec::new(),
            receivers: BTreeMap::new(),
            n_churns_each_section: 1,

    /// The number of churn events that can happen within a single `Prefix`. This will create extra
    /// SAPs chained to each other for the same prefix. The n_churns_each_section will only be applied
    /// for the Prefixes for which the user has not provided the SAPs.
    pub(crate) fn set_n_churns(mut self, churns: usize) -> TestNetworkBuilder<R> {
        self.n_churns_each_section = churns;

    /// Provide values to create a `SectionAuthorityProvider` for a given Prefix. If multiple SAPs
    /// are provided for the same Prefix, they are considered to have gone through churns in the
    /// order they are provided.
    /// The total number of members in the SAP will be `elder_count` + `adult_count`. A lot of
    /// tests don't require adults in the SAP, so zero is an acceptable value for
    /// `adult_count`.
    /// Optionally provide `age_pattern` to create elders with specific ages.
    /// If None = use ELDER_AGE_PATTERN
    /// If age_pattern.len() == elder, then apply the respective ages to each node
    /// If age_pattern.len() < elder, then the last element's value is taken as the age for the remaining nodes.
    /// If age_pattern.len() > elder, then the extra elements after `count` are ignored.
    /// The default threshold_size for the `SecretKeySet` is set to be `supermajority(elder_count)-1`
    /// This can be overridden by using `sk_threshold_size` since some tests need low thresholds.
    pub(crate) fn sap(
        mut self,
        prefix: Prefix,
        elder_count: usize,
        adult_count: usize,
        elder_age_pattern: Option<&[u8]>,
        sk_threshold_size: Option<usize>,
    ) -> TestNetworkBuilder<R> {
        let mut elder_age_pattern = elder_age_pattern;
        // provide default age pattern if nothing is provided
        if elder_age_pattern.is_none() {
            elder_age_pattern = Some(ELDER_AGE_PATTERN);

        let (sap, nodes, sk_set, comm_rx) = self.build_sap(

        self.sections.push((sap, nodes, sk_set));

    /// Provide pre-built SAPs to be used inside the `TestNetwork`
    /// Note: The `SocketAddr` will be replaced for the nodes. Else use `.sap_with_members()`
    /// if you want to preserve the `SocketAddr`
    pub(crate) fn sap_pre_built(
        mut self,
        sap: &SectionAuthorityProvider,
        node_infos: &[MyNodeInfo],
        secret_key_set: &SecretKeySet,
    ) -> TestNetworkBuilder<R> {
        let handle = Handle::current();
        let _ = handle.enter();

        let mut nodes = Vec::new();
        for node in node_infos {
            // check MemberType
            let memb_type = if sap.elders_set().contains(&node.peer()) {
            } else {

            let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(TEST_EVENT_CHANNEL_SIZE);
            let socket_addr: SocketAddr = (Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 0).into();
            let comm = futures::executor::block_on(Comm::new(socket_addr, Default::default(), tx))
                .expect("failed to create Comm");
            let mut node = node.clone();
            node.addr = comm.socket_addr();

            // insert the commRx
            let _ = self.receivers.insert(node.public_key(), Some(rx));
            nodes.push((node, comm, memb_type));
            .push((sap.clone(), nodes, secret_key_set.clone()));

    /// Create a new SAP with the provided set of members for the given Prefix. This is useful if
    /// you want to retain some of the members from a previous churn.
    /// Use `TestNetwork::build_node_infos()` to build the nodes;
    /// Note: The `mpsc::Receiver` for the nodes are assumed to be held by the caller. Hence trying
    /// to retrieve it from `TestNetwork.get_receivers()` will cause a panic
    pub(crate) fn sap_with_members<E, M>(
        mut self,
        prefix: Prefix,
        elders: E,
        members: M,
    ) -> TestNetworkBuilder<R>
        E: IntoIterator<Item = (MyNodeInfo, Comm)>,
        M: IntoIterator<Item = (MyNodeInfo, Comm)>,
        let members = members.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        let elders = elders.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        // map of the nodes for comparing.
        let elder_keys = elders
            .map(|(n, _)| n.public_key())
        let member_keys = members
            .map(|(n, _)| n.public_key())
            elder_keys.iter().all(|k| member_keys.contains(k)),
            "some elders are not part of the members list"

        let elder_count = elders.len();
        let elders_iter = elders.iter().map(|(node, _)| MyNodeInfo::peer(node));
        let members_iter = members
            .map(|(node, _)| NodeState::joined(node.peer(), None));
        let sk_set = gen_sk_set(&mut self.rng, elder_count, None);
        let sap = SectionAuthorityProvider::new(

        let nodes = members
            .map(|(info, comm)| {
                let t = if elder_keys.contains(&info.public_key()) {
                } else {
                // Since we just get `(MyNodeInfo, Comm)` from the user, the user is expected to
                // hold the `Receiver<MsgFromPeer>` (or this node might've been from a previous
                // churn that is already inserted), hence insert None only if the entry is Vacant.
                if let Entry::Vacant(entry) = self.receivers.entry(info.public_key()) {
                    let _ = entry.insert(None);
                (info, comm, t)
            .collect::<Vec<(MyNodeInfo, Comm, TestMemberType)>>();
        self.sections.push((sap, nodes, sk_set));

    /// Builds the `TestNetwork` struct.
    /// Will fill in the gap in prefixes left by the user. For e.g., if the user has provided just
    /// Prefix(100), then all the siblings (2^max_bit_count == 2^3 siblings) and their ancestors are auto
    /// generated to create a complete Network.
    /// i.e., A single sibling branch will look like this: SAP() -> SAP(0) -> SAP(01) -> SAP(010).
    /// This is done for all the 2^max_bit_count siblings.
    /// And if n_churns_each_section = 2 , then we will get SAP1() -> SAP2() -> SAP1(1) -> SAP2(1) -> SAP1(10)
    /// -> SAP2(10) -> user_SAP(100)
    pub(crate) fn build(mut self) -> TestNetwork {
        // initially we will have only the user provided saps; hence get the missing prefixes and
        // the user provided prefixes.
        let (missing_prefixes, max_prefixes) = {
            let user_prefixes: BTreeSet<Prefix> =
                self.sections.iter().map(|(sap, ..)| sap.prefix()).collect();

            let max_bit_count = user_prefixes
                .map(|p| p.bit_count())
                .expect("at-least one sap should be provided");

            // max_prefixes are used to construct the `SectionTree`
            let bits = ["0", "1"];
            let max_prefixes = if max_bit_count == 0 {
            } else if max_bit_count == 1 {
                bits.iter().map(|bit| prefix(bit)).collect()
            } else {
                // the permutations of 0,1 with len = max_bit_count gives us the max_prefixes
                // works only if max_bit_count >= 2
                let max_prefixes: Vec<_> = (2..max_bit_count).fold(
                        .flat_map(|b1| bits.iter().map(|&b2| b2.to_string() + *b1))
                    |acc, _| {
                            .flat_map(|b1| bits.iter().map(|&b2| b2.to_string() + b1))
                max_prefixes.into_iter().map(|str| prefix(&str)).collect()

            // missing_prefixes are used to construct saps
            let mut missing_prefixes: BTreeSet<Prefix> = BTreeSet::new();
            for pref in max_prefixes.iter() {
                let missing = pref
                    .filter(|anc| !user_prefixes.contains(anc))

            (missing_prefixes, max_prefixes)

        // insert the user provided saps
        let mut sections = BTreeMap::new();
        let mut node_infos = BTreeMap::new();
        for (sap, infos, sk_set) in self.sections.iter() {
            let sap = TestKeys::get_section_signed(&sk_set.secret_key(), sap.clone());
            let prefix = sap.prefix();

            match node_infos.entry(prefix) {
                Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
                    let _ = entry.insert(vec![infos.clone()]);
                Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => entry.get_mut().push(infos.clone()),

            match sections.entry(prefix) {
                Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
                    let _ = entry.insert(vec![(sap, sk_set.clone())]);
                Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
                    // push the next sap for the same prefix
                    entry.get_mut().push((sap, sk_set.clone()));

        // build the SAPs for the missing prefixes
        for prefix in missing_prefixes {
            let mut s = Vec::new();
            let mut n_i = Vec::new();
            let n_churns_each_section = self.n_churns_each_section;
            for _ in 0..n_churns_each_section {
                // infos are sorted by age
                let (sap, infos, sk_set, comm_rx) = self.build_sap(
                let sap = TestKeys::get_section_signed(&sk_set.secret_key(), sap);
                // the CommRx for the user provided SAPs prior to calling `build`. Hence we just
                // need to insert the ones that we get now.
                s.push((sap, sk_set));
            let _ = node_infos.insert(prefix, n_i);
            let _ = sections.insert(prefix, s);

        let section_tree = Self::build_section_tree(&sections, max_prefixes);
        TestNetwork {
            nodes: node_infos,
            receivers: self.receivers,

    /// Helper to build the `SectionTree`
    fn build_section_tree(
        sections: &BTreeMap<Prefix, Vec<(SectionSigned<SectionAuthorityProvider>, SecretKeySet)>>,
        max_prefixes: BTreeSet<Prefix>,
    ) -> SectionTree {
        let gen_prefix = &sections
            .expect("Genesis section is absent. Provide at-least a single SAP");
        let gen_sap = gen_prefix[0].0.clone();

        let mut section_tree =
            SectionTree::new(gen_sap).expect("gen_sap belongs to the genesis prefix");
        let mut completed = BTreeSet::new();
        // need to insert the default prefix first
        let prefix_iter = if max_prefixes.contains(&Prefix::default()) {
        } else {

        for max_prefix in prefix_iter.iter() {
            let (first_unique_prefix, mut parent) = if *max_prefix == Prefix::default() {
                // if we have the default prefix, then we haven't inserted anything yet. So the first churn
                // should be inserted.
                let parent = sections
                    .expect("sections should contain the prefix")
                    .expect("should contain at-least one sap")
                (*max_prefix, parent)
            } else {
                // if max_prefix is not the default prefix, then it means that the user has
                // provided something greater than Prefix() and hence find the ancestor that
                // we have not inserted yet.
                let first_unique_prefix = max_prefix
                    .find(|anc| !completed.contains(anc))
                    .expect("Ancestors starts from genesis, so it should always return something");
                // completed_till is the smallest prefix that we have inserted from the ancestor list
                // of our max_prefix. If the prefix has n_churns, the last key from the last churn is
                // considered as the parent
                let completed_till = first_unique_prefix.popped();
                let parent = sections
                    .expect("sections should contain the prefix")
                    .expect("should contain at-least one SAP")
                (first_unique_prefix, parent)

            let mut genesis_section_skipped = false;
            // insert from the first_unique_prefix to the max_prefix
            for anc in max_prefix
                .skip_while(|anc| *anc != first_unique_prefix)
                // each anc can have multiple churns
                for (sap, sk) in sections
                    .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("The ancestor {anc:?} should be present"))
                    // to skip the first iteration of Prefix() since we have used that to create the
                    // SectionTree
                    if !genesis_section_skipped && anc == Prefix::default() {
                        genesis_section_skipped = true;
                    let sk = sk.secret_key();
                    let sig = TestKeys::sign(&parent, &sk.public_key());
                    let mut proof_chain = SectionsDAG::new(parent.public_key());
                        .verify_and_insert(&parent.public_key(), sk.public_key(), sig)
                        .expect("should not fail");
                    let update =
                        TestSectionTree::get_section_tree_update(sap, &proof_chain, &parent);
                    let _ = section_tree
                        .expect("Failed to update section_tree");
                    parent = sk;
                    let _ = completed.insert(anc);


    fn build_sap(
        &mut self,
        prefix: Prefix,
        elder_count: usize,
        adult_count: usize,
        elder_age_pattern: Option<&[u8]>,
        sk_threshold_size: Option<usize>,
    ) -> (
        Vec<(MyNodeInfo, Comm, TestMemberType)>,
    ) {
        let (elders, adults, comm_rx) =
            TestNetwork::gen_node_infos(&prefix, elder_count, adult_count, elder_age_pattern);
        let elders_for_sap = elders.iter().map(|(node, _)| MyNodeInfo::peer(node));
        let members = adults
            .map(|(node, _)| MyNodeInfo::peer(node))
            .map(|peer| NodeState::joined(peer, None));
        let sk_set = gen_sk_set(&mut self.rng, elder_count, sk_threshold_size);
        let sap =
            SectionAuthorityProvider::new(elders_for_sap, prefix, members, sk_set.public_keys(), 0);

        let nodes = elders
            .map(|(n, c)| (n, c, TestMemberType::Elder))
                    .map(|(n, c)| (n, c, TestMemberType::Adult)),

        (sap, nodes, sk_set, comm_rx)

/// Test utility to build a valid and functional network. Use the above builder to construct the
/// utility. The user can just state that he needs a network with Prefix(100) and the builder will
/// construct a valid network by filling in the gaps in the Prefix and also create a valid
/// `SectionTree`.
/// The constructed `TestNetwork` utility can be used to obtain `MyNode` instance from any section
/// in the network. It can also provide the `NetworkKnowledge` and `SectionKeyShare` for a given
/// section.
pub(crate) struct TestNetwork {
    // All the sections per Prefix, ordered by churn_idx
    sections: BTreeMap<Prefix, Vec<(SectionSigned<SectionAuthorityProvider>, SecretKeySet)>>,
    // The SectionTree of the entire network
    section_tree: SectionTree,
    // All the Nodes per Prefix, ordered by churn_idx
    nodes: BTreeMap<Prefix, Vec<Vec<(MyNodeInfo, Comm, TestMemberType)>>>,
    // The mpsc receiver for each node. Will be moved out once retrieved
    receivers: TestCommRx,

impl TestNetwork {
    /// Build elder/adult `MyNode` instances for a given `Prefix`. The elder_count and adult_count
    /// should be <= the actual count specified in the SAP.
    /// The created instance has knowledge about the Network only from the genesis section to its
    /// current section.
    /// If the Prefix contains multiple churn events (multiple SAPs), provide the churn_idx to get
    /// a specific SAP, else the latest SAP for the prefix is used.
    pub(crate) fn get_nodes(
        prefix: Prefix,
        elder_count: usize,
        adult_count: usize,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> Vec<MyNode> {
        let nodes = self.get_nodes_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);
        let sap_details = self.get_sap_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);

            elder_count <= sap_details.0.elder_count(),
            "elder_count should be <= {}",
        let sap_adult_count = sap_details.0.members().count() - sap_details.0.elder_count();
            adult_count <= sap_adult_count,
            "adult_count should be <= {sap_adult_count}",

        let network_knowledge = self.build_network_knowledge(&sap_details.0, &sap_details.1);

        let mut my_nodes = Vec::new();
        let nodes_iter = {
            let elder_iter = nodes
                .filter(|(.., t)| matches!(t, TestMemberType::Elder))
                .map(|(idx, node)| {
                    let sk_share = TestKeys::get_section_key_share(&sap_details.1, idx);
                    (node, Some(sk_share))
            let adult_iter = nodes
                .filter(|(.., t)| matches!(t, TestMemberType::Adult))
                .map(|node| (node, None))

        for ((info, comm, _), sk_share) in nodes_iter {
            let my_node = self.build_my_node_instance(


    /// Build the `MyNode` instance given the node's `PublicKey` for a particular `Prefix`.
    /// The created instance has knowledge about the Network only from the genesis section to its
    /// current section.
    /// If the Prefix contains multiple churn events (multiple SAPs), provide the churn_idx to get
    /// a specific SAP, else the latest SAP for the prefix is used.
    pub(crate) fn get_node_by_key(
        prefix: Prefix,
        node_pk: PublicKey,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> MyNode {
        let nodes = self.get_nodes_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);
        let node_idx = nodes
            .position(|(info, ..)| info.public_key() == node_pk)
            .expect("The node with the given pk is not present for the given prefix/churn");
        let node = &nodes[node_idx];

        let sap_details = self.get_sap_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);
        let network_knowledge = self.build_network_knowledge(&sap_details.0, &sap_details.1);

        let sk_share = if matches!(node.2, TestMemberType::Elder) {
            let sk_share = TestKeys::get_section_key_share(&sap_details.1, node_idx);
        } else {


    /// Build elder/adult `Dispatcher<MyNode>` instances for a given `Prefix`. The elder_count and adult_count
    /// should be <= the actual count specified in the SAP.
    /// The created instance has knowledge about the Network only from the genesis section to its
    /// current section.
    /// If the Prefix contains multiple churn events (multiple SAPs), provide the churn_idx to get a specific
    /// SAP, else the latest SAP for the prefix is used.
    pub(crate) fn get_dispatchers(
        prefix: Prefix,
        elder_count: usize,
        adult_count: usize,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> Vec<Dispatcher> {
        self.get_nodes(prefix, elder_count, adult_count, churn_idx)
            .map(|node| {
                let (dispatcher, _) = Dispatcher::new(Arc::new(RwLock::new(node)));

    /// Take the `mspc::Receiver` for a given node. The receiver will be moved out of the `TestNetwork`.
    /// Will panic if called more than once for a single node or if the `node_pk` is not part of the `TestNetwork`
    pub(crate) fn take_comm_rx(&mut self, node_pk: PublicKey) -> Receiver<MsgFromPeer> {
        match self.receivers.entry(node_pk) {
            Entry::Vacant(_) => {
                panic!("Something went wrong, the key must be present in self.receivers")
            Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
                let rx = entry.into_mut().take();
                rx.expect("The receiver for the node has already been consumed")

    /// Get elder/adult `Peer` for a given `Prefix`. The elder_count and adult_count
    /// should be <= the actual count specified in the SAP. Also return the `SectionKeyShare` for
    /// elder nodes.
    /// If the Prefix contains multiple churn events (multiple SAPs), provide the churn_idx to get a specific
    /// SAP, else the latest SAP for the prefix is used.
    pub(crate) fn get_peers(
        prefix: Prefix,
        elder_count: usize,
        adult_count: usize,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> Vec<Peer> {
        let nodes = self.get_nodes_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);
        let sap_details = self.get_sap_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);

            elder_count <= sap_details.0.elder_count(),
            "elder_count should be <= {}",
        let sap_adult_count = sap_details.0.members().count() - sap_details.0.elder_count();
            adult_count <= sap_adult_count,
            "adult_count should be <= {sap_adult_count}"

        let elder_iter = nodes.iter().take(elder_count).map(|(node, ..)| node.peer());
        let adult_iter = nodes
            .map(|(node, ..)| node.peer())

    /// Get the `SectionKeyShare` given the elder node's `PublicKey` for a particular `Prefix`.
    /// If the Prefix contains multiple churn events (multiple SAPs), provide the churn_idx to get
    /// a specific SAP, else the latest SAP for the prefix is used.
    pub(crate) fn get_section_key_share(
        prefix: Prefix,
        node_pk: PublicKey,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> SectionKeyShare {
        let nodes = self.get_nodes_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);
        let sap_details = self.get_sap_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);

        // the node_pk should be an elder
        let share_idx = nodes
            .filter(|(.., t)| matches!(t, TestMemberType::Elder))
            .position(|(info, ..)| info.public_key() == node_pk)
            .expect("The elder with the given node_pk is not present for the given prefix/churn");

        TestKeys::get_section_key_share(&sap_details.1, share_idx)

    /// Get the `SecretKeySet` for a given `Prefix`
    /// If the Prefix contains multiple churn events (multiple SAPs), provide the churn_idx to get
    /// a specific SAP, else the latest SAP for the prefix is used.
    pub(crate) fn get_secret_key_set(
        prefix: Prefix,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> SecretKeySet {
        self.get_sap_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx).1.clone()

    /// Get the `NetworkKnowledge` for a given `Prefix`
    /// If the Prefix contains multiple churn events (multiple SAPs), provide the churn_idx to get a specific
    /// SAP, else the latest SAP for the prefix is used.
    pub(crate) fn get_network_knowledge(
        prefix: Prefix,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> NetworkKnowledge {
        let sap_details = self.get_sap_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);
        self.build_network_knowledge(&sap_details.0, &sap_details.1)

    /// Get `SectionSigned<SectionAuthorityProvider>` for a given `Prefix`.
    /// If the Prefix contains multiple churn events (multiple SAPs), provide the churn_idx to get a specific
    /// SAP, else the latest SAP for the prefix is used.
    pub(crate) fn get_sap(
        prefix: Prefix,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> SectionSigned<SectionAuthorityProvider> {
        let sap_details = self.get_sap_single_churn(prefix, churn_idx);
        self.build_network_knowledge(&sap_details.0, &sap_details.1)

    /// Create set of elder, adults nodes
    /// Optionally provide `age_pattern` to create elders with specific ages.
    /// If None = elder's age is set to `MIN_ADULT_AGE`
    /// If age_pattern.len() == elder, then apply the respective ages to each node
    /// If age_pattern.len() < elder, then the last element's value is taken as the age for the remaining nodes.
    /// If age_pattern.len() > elder, then the extra elements after `count` are ignored.
    pub(crate) fn gen_node_infos(
        prefix: &Prefix,
        elder: usize,
        adult: usize,
        elder_age_pattern: Option<&[u8]>,
    ) -> (Vec<(MyNodeInfo, Comm)>, Vec<(MyNodeInfo, Comm)>, TestCommRx) {
        let pattern = if let Some(user_pattern) = elder_age_pattern {
            if user_pattern.is_empty() {
            } else if user_pattern.len() < elder {
                let last_element = user_pattern[user_pattern.len() - 1];
                let mut pattern = vec![last_element; elder - user_pattern.len()];
            } else {
        } else {
        let mut comm_rx = BTreeMap::new();
        let elders = (0..elder)
            .map(|idx| {
                let age = if let Some(pattern) = &pattern {
                } else {
                let (node, comm, rx) = Self::gen_info(age, Some(*prefix));
                let _ = comm_rx.insert(node.public_key(), Some(rx));
                (node, comm)
        let adults = (
            .map(|_| {
                let (node, comm, rx) = Self::gen_info(MIN_ADULT_AGE, Some(*prefix));
                let _ = comm_rx.insert(node.public_key(), Some(rx));
                (node, comm)
        (elders, adults, comm_rx)

    /// Generate `MyNodeInfo` and `Comm`
    pub(crate) fn gen_info(
        age: u8,
        prefix: Option<Prefix>,
    ) -> (MyNodeInfo, Comm, Receiver<MsgFromPeer>) {
        let handle = Handle::current();
        let _ = handle.enter();
        let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(TEST_EVENT_CHANNEL_SIZE);
        let socket_addr: SocketAddr = (Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 0).into();
        let comm = futures::executor::block_on(Comm::new(socket_addr, Default::default(), tx))
            .expect("failed  to create comm");
        let info = MyNodeInfo::new(
            gen_keypair(&prefix.unwrap_or_default().range_inclusive(), age),
        (info, comm, rx)

    /// Creates a single `MyNode` instance
    pub(crate) fn build_a_node_instance(
        info: &MyNodeInfo,
        comm: &Comm,
        network_knowledge: &NetworkKnowledge,
    ) -> MyNode {
        // enter the current tokio runtime
        let handle = Handle::current();
        let _ = handle.enter();

        let (min_capacity, max_capacity, root_storage_dir) =
            create_test_capacity_and_root_storage().expect("Failed to create root storage");

            UsedSpace::new(min_capacity, max_capacity),
        .expect("Failed to create MyNode")

    // Creates a single `MyNode` instance
    fn build_my_node_instance(
        prefix: Prefix,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
        network_knowledge: &NetworkKnowledge,
        info: &MyNodeInfo,
        comm: &Comm,
        sk_share: &Option<SectionKeyShare>,
    ) -> MyNode {
        // enter the current tokio runtime
        let handle = Handle::current();
        let _ = handle.enter();

        let (min_capacity, max_capacity, root_storage_dir) =
            create_test_capacity_and_root_storage().expect("Failed to create root storage");
        let mut my_node = futures::executor::block_on(MyNode::new(
            UsedSpace::new(min_capacity, max_capacity),
        .expect("Failed to create MyNode");

        // the node might've been an elder in any of the ancestor saps of the current prefix
        // or the neighboring prefix. So insert those sk_shares.
        let mut key_provider = SectionKeysProvider::new(None);

        // check if it was an elder for any of the current prefix's churned SAP;
        // Obtain the sk_share of the current churn as well since we will be overriding
        // my_node.section_keys_provider
        let churn_idx = churn_idx.unwrap_or(self.get_sap_all_churns(prefix).len() - 1);
        (0..churn_idx + 1).rev().for_each(|c_idx| {
            let nodes_of_sap = self.get_nodes_single_churn(prefix, Some(c_idx));
            if let Some(share_idx) = nodes_of_sap
                .filter(|(.., t)| matches!(t, TestMemberType::Elder))
                .position(|(node, ..)| ==
                // get the respective churn's sk_set
                let (_, sk_set) = self.get_sap_single_churn(prefix, Some(c_idx));
                let sk_share = TestKeys::get_section_key_share(sk_set, share_idx);

        // the node might've been an elder in any of the SAP of our prefix's ancestor. So get
        // them.
        prefix.ancestors().for_each(|anc| {
            for (nodes_of_sap, (_, sk_set)) in self
                if let Some(share_idx) = nodes_of_sap
                    .filter(|(.., t)| matches!(t, TestMemberType::Elder))
                    .position(|(node, ..)| ==
                    let sk_share = TestKeys::get_section_key_share(sk_set, share_idx);

        // deal with all other prefixes. Requires us to get max_prefixes; can be obtained from
        // SectionTree::sections, but its private. So maybe have a extra field in our struct.
        // Todo: implement only if any test requires it

        my_node.section_keys_provider = key_provider;

    // Currently builds NetworkKnowledge with only a single chain i.e., from gen prefix to the
    // provided prefix, while the other user provided prefixes are ignored. (maybe include them?)
    fn build_network_knowledge(
        sap: &SectionSigned<SectionAuthorityProvider>,
        sk_set: &SecretKeySet,
    ) -> NetworkKnowledge {
        let gen_sap = self
            .get_sap_single_churn(Prefix::default(), Some(0))
        let gen_section_key = gen_sap.section_key();
        assert_eq!(&gen_section_key, self.section_tree.genesis_key());

        let mut tree = SectionTree::new(gen_sap).expect("gen_sap belongs to the default prefix");
        if gen_section_key != sap.section_key() {
            let proof_chain = self
                .partial_dag(&gen_section_key, &sap.section_key())
                .expect("failed to create proof chain");
            let update = SectionTreeUpdate::new(sap.clone(), proof_chain);
            let _ = tree
                .expect("Error updating the SectionTree");
        let mut nw =
            NetworkKnowledge::new(sap.prefix(), tree).expect("Failed to create NetworkKnowledge");

        for node_state in sap.members().cloned() {
            let sig = TestKeys::get_section_sig(&sk_set.secret_key(), &node_state);
            let _updated = nw.update_member(SectionSigned {
                value: node_state,


    // Get the SAP, sk_set for a particular churn of a section.
    fn get_sap_single_churn(
        prefix: Prefix,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> &(SectionSigned<SectionAuthorityProvider>, SecretKeySet) {
        let all_sap_details = self.get_sap_all_churns(prefix);
        // select the last churn
        let churn_idx = churn_idx.unwrap_or(all_sap_details.len() - 1);
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("invalid churn idx: {churn_idx}"))

    // Get the SAP, sk_set for all the churns of a section
    fn get_sap_all_churns(
        prefix: Prefix,
    ) -> &Vec<(SectionSigned<SectionAuthorityProvider>, SecretKeySet)> {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("section not found for {prefix:?}"))

    // Get the all the nodes for a particular churn of a section
    fn get_nodes_single_churn(
        prefix: Prefix,
        churn_idx: Option<usize>,
    ) -> &Vec<(MyNodeInfo, Comm, TestMemberType)> {
        let nodes = self.get_nodes_all_churns(prefix);
        let churn_idx = churn_idx.unwrap_or(nodes.len() - 1);
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("invalid churn idx: {churn_idx}"))

    // Get all the nodes for all the churns of a section
    fn get_nodes_all_churns(
        prefix: Prefix,
    ) -> &Vec<Vec<(MyNodeInfo, Comm, TestMemberType)>> {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("nodes not found for {prefix:?}"))