sn_node 0.25.16

Implementation of the nodes for the Safe Network.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

### [0.25.16] (2020-12-21)

### [0.25.15] (2020-12-17)

### Bug Fixes

* disregard startup_relocation ([5117e30]

### [0.25.14] (2020-12-17)

### Bug Fixes

* db format ([c79bda5]

### [0.25.13] (2020-12-17)

### Features

* **section_funds:** initiate section actor WIP ([e093675]
* **storage:** impl adult storage tracking at Elders ([11215bd]
* **storage:** monitor section storage and flip joins_allowed accordingly ([24ff1ce]

### Bug Fixes

* **all:** remove unused dependency and fix clippy issues ([4ed5a73]
* **blob:** fix blob msg accumulation ([4becc9d]
* **blob:** fix verification of blob replication messages ([201f9e8]
* **blob:** short circuit blob query messaging ([4b39dc8]
* **messagning:** fix msg wrapping at adults and elders ([0aa3b70]
* **msg_analysis:** accumulate node queries + resp ([9fc4363]
* **msg_analysis:** remove incorrect accumulation ([e270455]
* **sn_node:** set sn_node thread stack size ([9a42cd9]
* **storage:** fix storage calculation and improve logging ([77fb9f6]
* **storage:** increase default maximum capacity ([8dfc35c]
* compile + clippy errors ([d6a51a4]
* do not accumulate node query ([7b3c0f0]
* don't apply transfers to store if already seen. ([9f895ad]
* Ensure to store TransferStore in lock ([5172011]
* hex encode serialised key ([8bbc235]
* re-add disabled match branch ([4fe82ec]
* return empty vec when key's transfer db doesn't exist ([05fb09e]
* **tests:** make tests compile and run ([c8b6037]
* **transfers:** fix genesis, sigs and store keys ([194a9a3]
* reimplement overwritten hex encode fix ([aa50061]
* **wallet:** lock over the db on write ([a6f5127]

### [0.25.12] (2020-12-16)

### Features

* more logs ([14cc036]

### [0.25.11] (2020-12-15)

### Bug Fixes

* config init ([2348a8d]
* **sn_node:** set sn_node thread stack size ([435b50b]

### [0.25.10] (2020-12-15)

### [0.25.9] (2020-12-08)

### Features

* **adult:** enable chunk duplication at adults ([771c618]

### Bug Fixes

* **blob:** verify unpub blob owner ([0a4b5c7]
* **duplication:** fix message parsing for chunk duplication at adults ([5ea395f]

### [0.25.8] (2020-12-08)

### Features

* update data types and client deps ([55249e1]

### [0.25.7] (2020-12-07)

### Bug Fixes

* **blob:** rebase atop latest master ([74a88dc]
* **blob:** verify unpub blob owner ([36318be]
* **data:** verify owner before writing/deleting new data ([88addf9]

### [0.25.6] (2020-12-03)

### [0.25.5] (2020-12-02)

### [0.25.4] (2020-12-01)

### [0.25.3] (2020-12-01)

### [0.25.2] (2020-12-01)

### Features

* **async:** adapt tests and fix typo-induced bug ([cbcb44d]
* **async:** adds used_space max_capacity() getter ([7ca06eb]
* **async:** introduce async logging and make functions async/await to ([1b18a95]
* **async:** load keys/age concurrently on startup ([a48d6a4]
* **async:** made used space tracking async-safe ([1c7a621]
* **async-log:** re-introduce async logging using a wrapper ([337ac57]
* **chunkduplication:** enable duplication trigger ([48799c2]
* **duty_cfg:** cover first node, adult and elder ([2c17416]
* **elder:** set bls keys on promoted ([4233ec6]
* **farming:** accumulate reward on data write ([16310b3]
* **farming:** add some temp calcs of base cost ([e250759]
* **farming:** new section account on elder churn ([062cab6]
* **farming:** update metrics on elder churn ([7d9c55c]
* **genesis:** first node introduces all money ([3068865]
* **launch:** network launcher will build current sn_node before launch ([2c1c56a]
* **launch:** network launcher will build current sn_node before launch ([6f5c49d]
* **metadata:** set and delete chunk holders ([d4817b5]
* **msganalysis:** add detection of node transfers ([99b12c2]
* **node_wallet:** separate node id and wallet key ([18868ea]
* **payment:** add query for store cost ([6071931]
* **replica:** complete the init query flow ([92a9a4b]
* **section_actor:** enable naive transition ([61e5954]
* **section_funds:** set new actor on elder churn ([ff41cf4]
* **seq:** update for latest seq data_type changes ([34dfb17]
* **transfers:** impl StoreCost for data writes ([70f93c7]
* add testnet launcher bin, using snlt ([90710ea]
* **chaos:** add chaos macro to randomly perform chaos ([cfbf3a0]
* **logs:** create separate log files for each thread ([d0dd77a]
* **node wallet:** simplify pubkey to/from config ([505de20]
* **rewards:** accumulate reward counter ([96936e6]
* **rewards:** payout rewards to elders on split ([44bc3ea]
* **rewards:** rewards declining with network size ([2060107]
* **rewards:** set node reward wallet at startup ([b062fda]
* **rewards:** use msg_id for idempotency ([04220f4]
* **transfers:** keep key subset at replicas ([0943f06]
* **transfers:** store transfers to disk ([82d65cf]
* **writes:** use dynamic rate limit for writes ([0b86894]
* add `phase-one` feature for updates ([7a1c1ca]
* complete farming flow ([e9db602]

### Bug Fixes

* **ci:** fix coveralls failure in CI ([c92a6cc]
* **tests:** config obj expected size ([c44c137]
* **tests:** remove unnecessary assertion on size ([26b21ad]
* clippy warnings ([24145f5]
* temp convert name + top lvl err handle method ([8b415c7]
* **build:** fix conflicts after rebase, remove deprecated API use ([d7ae205]
* **client response:** add missing await for message matching ([7019fa6]
* **clippy:** Clippy enum fixes ([0554b4f]
* **clippy:** fix last clippy warnings ([83b64ab]
* **clippy:** fix warnings after clippy update ([f2e25c2]
* **clippy:** some clippy fixes (not all) ([4d0cba1]
* **clippy:** some refactors in tests to make clippy happy ([1bc59ca]
* **comms:** add flag to communicate with a Section as a Node ([d648ad3]
* **config:** put correct wallet test value ([16ef078]
* **config:** reenable writing to disk ([79f59b5]
* **dependencies:** update bls_signature_aggregator ([6688efd]
* **dependencies:** update temp dependency switch ([bc18408]
* **dirs:** replace dirs_next with directories to set project paths ([d636426]
* **docs:** update docs to reflect recent changes ([ae5c63a]
* **docs:** Update duty config docs. ([40c4765]
* **events:** fix adult promotion process ([015a013]
* **from_db_key:** missing option wrap ([fc489f5]
* **gateway:** add missing client event processing ([7ab3b17]
* **gateway:** process transfer msgs ([21dad58]
* **gateway:** votefor process locally, not forward ([2016df6]
* **genesis:** pass in "ghost" source key ([1f582ea]
* **minting:** velocity < 1 at < 50% supply ([e507ce5]
* **minting_velocity:** don't stop at 50% minted ([578c431]
* **msg_analysis:** various bugs ([aabaeec]
* **msg_sending:** use correct ids and addresses ([858722a]
* **msganalysis:** correctly identify msg to client ([f111567]
* **msgs:** updates to use qp2p streams ([814668b]
* **node:** create vault's root directory before writing to it ([513cfc1]
* **node:** use node keypairs generated locally WIP ([4c520b5]
* **node_ops:** add none to break infinite loop ([2dcc7f1]
* **nodeduties:** set index of bls share ([8b85082]
* **onbarding:** only check clients w contains qry ([045d3dd]
* **onboarding:** check if already accepted on ([eae22b3]
* **onboarding:** faulty elder address retreival ([eb38b78]
* **onboarding:** idempotency check of bootstrap ([48c561a]
* **onboarding:** return same challenge on repeated ([bf33bff]
* **process_while_any:** don't drop any from `ops` ([a992f5f]
* **promotion:** update to latest routing and fix promoting node to adult ([5528b09]
* **proxy_handling:** fix proxy_handling for section-to-section messaging ([1543014]
* **rate_limit:** query network for all adults ([f428f17]
* **replica_init:** clear init flag also when first ([d1765ca]
* **replica_init:** have genesis node init replica ([cb61ef3]
* **reward_cfg:** register on connected to network ([a1e976f]
* **routing:** remove unused is_genesis func ([6407959]
* **storecost:** div section balan by allnodes sqrd ([74814d3]
* **test:** final fixes for test suite ([2ab562b]
* **test:** update name and assert correct value ([d929c8f]
* **tests:** add missing calls to start_network ([57751bd]
* **tests:** add RUST_FLAGS -D to test scripts ([83e12e4]
* **tests:** update references to scl ([1efc59b]
* **transfer store:** Check for lists existence. ([618d33d]
* **transfers:** fix sending dst on registering a transfers ([1fccf16]
* **transfers:** get history requests now return history. ([7590bd0]
* **transfers:** send to client ([c1f5b52]
* **transfers:** xpect client as most recent sender ([61593e4]
* add visibility modifiers ([4d335a8]
* disable one missing validation of duplication ([2ecc390]
* pre-reserve space in case of write fail ([f040acd]
* remove non-existing field ([aeee3b8]

### [0.25.1] (2020-07-16)
* fix/idata: make PUT request processing faster

### [0.25.0] (2020-07-16)
* feat/data: support for Sequence data type and associated requests.
* feat/sequence: support for CRDT mutations on Sequence permissions and owner.
* test/sequence: add integration test for Sequence operations.
* feat/accumulator: collect BLS signatures in the vault to validate requests.
* fix/duplication: fix bugs in duplication mechanism and clippy fixes.
* fix/duplicaton: add the duplicated data to the holder list correctly.
* test/integration: ignore put_immutable_data test.
* fix/duplication: fix signature accumulation for duplication.
* fix/log: Fix misleading vault message.
* fix/idata: wait for all holders to process mutation requests.

### [0.24.0] 2020-06-11
* When a Node starts, start it as an Adult. Create the additional modules required only when it is promoted to an Elder.
* Give Adults the responsibility of holding Immutable Data chunks.
* Use routing's messaging API with signature accumulation for intra-section communication.
* Implement chunk duplication if a node leaves the network. This will maintain the minimum number of copies required.
* Update to the latest version of `quic-p2p` which enables automatic port forwarding using the IGD protocol.
* Gracefully end the node process on SIGINT.
* Use the latest version of `routing`.
* Update to safe-nd 0.9.0 with refactored `Request` and `Response` enums.
* Separate the Client Handler into smaller sub-modules.

### [0.23.0]
* Enable required features in self-update dependency to support untar and unzip for packages
* Add tarpaulin to GHA and push result to coveralls
* Update to latest routing

### [0.22.0]
* Support a --update-only flag which only attempts to self-update binary
* Update readme to link to contributing guidelines doc
* Don't send client requests to PARSEC
* Add dead_code on vote_for_action
* Fix spacing bug for clippy

### [0.21.0]
* improve app authorisation
* introduce ParsecAction
* complete indirection between vote and consensus
* replace other payed action but login
* add basic mock routing functions
* send requests for deleting data via concensus
* send create login packet requests to parsec
* send transfer coins via consensus and rename
* fix root_dir by using project's data dir by default
* Send UpdateLoginPacket req via consensus
* update to safe-nd 0.4.0
* refactor test to verify granulated app permissions
* allow to use multiple nodes for tests
* add consensus votes on CreateBalance requests
* send insert and delete auth keys request via…
* change usage of idata term "kind" to "data"
* introduce IDataRequest to eliminate unwraps
* handle refunds when errors are returned from the data
* deprecate Rpc::Refund to use Rpc::Response instead
* test that refunds are processed
* introduce util function to calculate refund and move
* remove explicitly-listed non-warn lints
* send CreateBalance request via consensus
* add `phase-one` feature for updates
* look up by message id
* notify all connected instances of the client
* Merge pull request #891 from ustulation/lookup-by-msg-id
* integrate with Routing
* fix clippy warnings and test failure
* fix nikita's PR #888
* Merge pull request #892 from ustulation/integrate-with-routing
* forbid unsafe and add badge
* use mock quic-p2p from routing
* add --dump-completions flag similar to that of safe-cli
* rename --dump-completions to --completions for consisten…
* fix test case
* fix smoke test failure.
* make node rng seeded from routing's
* Merge pull request #912 from maqi/use_same_rng
* add caching and other changes to GHA
* resolve non-producable issue
* Merge pull request #914 from maqi/use_same_rng
* support connection info requests from clients
* support new handshake format
* handle bootstrap request properly
* bootstrap request fixes
* update testing framework to new handshake format
* Merge pull request #911 from octol/new-bootstrap-handshake-format
* use real routing for the integration test
* make client requests handled by node network
* enable tests with feature of mock
* Small tidy up of imports for routing API cleanup
* fix clippy::needless_pass_by_value
* Re-order use and pub use statements.
* include path info in error strings
* fixup/node: formatting
* Merge pull request #919 from dirvine/vNext
* Merge pull request #909 from dan-da/completions_pr
* update routing dependecy
* upgrade routing and avoid calling node poll test function
* Merge pull request #924 from jeanphilippeD/upgade_routing_2
* Use mock-quic-p2p crate instead of routing module
* Enable test logging via pretty_env_logger
* Enable reproducible tests
* Remove pretty_env_logger dependency (use env_logger only)
* Merge pull request #925 from madadam/mock-quic-p2p
* Update codeowners
* update to latest routing API
* Merge pull request #928 from nbaksalyar/update-routing
* remove refund for login packet exists errors
* update to use routing exposed event mod
* Update to latest routing
* Update dependencies: routing, safe-nd and mock-quic-p2p
* improve error message and avoid duplicate consensus
* pull routing and qp2p with separate client channel
* Merge pull request #939 from jeanphilippeD/client_channel
* use latest version of self_update
* Update version to 0.20.1
* update routing and quic-p2p dependencies
* support --log-dir arg to optionally log to a file instead o…
* remove crate filter for logs, and make self-update to b…
* Update to latest routing
* run cargo update

### [0.20.1]
* Set execution permission on safe_vault binary before packaging for release

### [0.20.0]
* Return `AccessDenied` when apps request to insert, delete or list auth keys instead of ignoring the request.
* Use project's data directory as the root directory.
* Upgrade safe-nd dependency to 0.4.0. This includes granular permissions for applications.
* Change usage of idata term "kind" to "data".
* Introduce IDataRequest to eliminate unwraps.
* Handle refunds when errors are returned from the data handlers.
* Deprecate Rpc::Refund to use Rpc::Response instead.
* Send response to the client that sent the request instead of all connected clients.
* Use GitHub actions for build and release.

### [0.19.2]
* This is a technical release without any changes from `0.19.1`.

### [0.19.1]
* Add `verbose` command line flag.
* Fix the UX problem related to the self-update process (requiring to have a network connectivity even if a user just wanted to display the `--help` menu).
* Improve the release process, adding `.zip` and `.tar.gz` packages to distribution.

### [0.19.0]
* Rewrite the Vault code.
* Support new data types (AppendOnlyData, unpublished sequenced/unsequenced MutableData, and unpublished ImmutableData).
* Support coin operations.
* Use quic-p2p for communication with clients.
* Temporarily remove the Routing dependency.
* Refactor the personas system into a new Vault architecture.
* Use Rust stable / 2018 edition.

### [0.18.0]
* Improve Docker configuration scripts (thanks to @mattmccarty)
* Use rust 1.22.1 stable / 2017-11-23 nightly
* rustfmt 0.9.0 and clippy-0.0.174

### [0.17.2]
* Update dependencies.

### [0.17.1]
* Change test to use value of MAX_MUTABLE_DATA_ENTRIES rather than magic numbers.

### [0.17.0]
* Remove proxy rate exceed event.

### [0.16.1-2]
* Update to use Routing 0.32.2.

### [0.16.0]
* Use Routing definitions for group size and quorum.
* Add dev config options to allow running a local testnet.
* Update to use Routing 0.32.0.
* Update to use Rust Stable 1.19.0 / Nightly 2017-07-20, Clippy 0.0.144, and rustfmt 0.9.0.
* Improve DataManager tests.

### [0.15.0]
* Deprecate and remove support for Structured, PrivAppendable and PubAppendable Data.
* Add support for MutableData instead.
* MaidManagers only charge on put success now.
* MaidManagers charge by directly storing the MsgIds and counting the number of them to determine the account balance.
* MaidManagers support insertion and deletion of auth-keys to support auth-app paradigm in which all mutations on behalf of the owner of the account has to go via the MaidManagers.

### [0.14.0]
* Upgrade to routing 0.28.5.
* Migrate from rustc-serialize to serde.
* Migrate from docopt to clap.
* Implement invitation-based account creation.

### [0.13.2]
* Upgrade to routing 0.28.4.

### [0.13.1]
* Upgrade to routing 0.28.2.

### [0.13.0]
* Migrate to routing 0.28.0.
* Use a single event loop for routing and safe_vault.
* Fix issues with account creation and data requests.

### [0.12.1]
* Enforce data size caps.
* Enable new delete mechanism.

### [0.12.0]
* Handle appendable data types in data manager.
* Fix a synchronisation problem in Put/Post handling.

### [0.11.0]
* Use rust_sodium instead of sodiumoxide.
* Upgrade to routing 0.23.4, with merged safe_network_common.

### [0.10.6]
* Revert to routing 0.23.3.

### [0.10.5]
* Update the crate documentation.
* Upgrade to routing 0.25.0.

### [0.10.4]
* Remove spammy trace statement.

### [0.10.3]
* Set default Put limit to 500 and default chunk store limit to 2 GB.

### [0.10.2]
* Prevent vaults from removing existing chunk_store when terminating.

### [0.10.1]
* Fix chunk store directory handling.
* Remove remaining uses of the thread-local random number generator to make
  tests deterministic.
* Make data manager statistics less verbose to reduce spam in the logs.

### [0.10.0]
* Merge chunk_store into safe_vault and make its root directory configurable.
* Implement caching for immutable data.

### [0.9.0]
* Migrate to the mio-based Crust and the new Routing Request/Response API.
* Handle `GetAccountInfo` requests to provide information about a client's used
  and remaining chunk count.

### [0.8.1]
* Allow passing `--first` via command line to start the first Vault of a new network.
* Updated dependencies.

### [0.8.0]
* Several tweaks to churn handling in data_manager.
* Implement process to automatically build release binaries.
* Re-organise the tests to use mock Crust instead of mock Routing.
* Improve logging.
* Fix several bugs.

### [0.7.0]
* Restart routing if it failed to join the network.
* Reimplement the refresh algorithm for structured and immutable data to make it
  less wasteful and more reliable.

### [0.6.0]
* Major change of persona strategy regarding `ImmutableData` (removal of three personas)
* Major refactoring of integration tests (uses mock Crust feature)
* Default test runner to unit tests (previously run using the mock Routing feature)

### [0.5.0]
* Replaced use of local Client errors for those in safe_network_common
* Swapped dependency on mpid_messaging crate for safe_network_common dependency
* Removed Mpid tests from CI suite
* Updated some message flows
* Completed churn-handling for ImmutableDataManager
* Added many unit tests
* Fixed Clippy warnings
* Several bugfixes

### [0.4.0]
* Accommodated updates to dependencies' APIs
* Ensured that the network can correctly handle Clients doing a Get for ImmutableData immediately after doing a Put
* Reduced `REPLICANTS` and `MIN_REPLICANTS` to 4

### [0.3.0]
* Major refactor to accommodate changed Routing

### [0.1.6]
* Default to use real Routing rather than the mock
* Updated config file to match Crust changes
* Refactored flow for put_response
* Added churn tests
* Refactored returns from most persona functions to not use Result

### [0.1.5]
* Major refactor of production code and tests to match Routing's new API, allowing testing on a real network rather than a mock
* Updated installers to match Crust's config/bootstrap file changes
* Added tarball to packages being generated
* Dropped usage of feature-gated items

### [0.1.4]
* [MAID-1283] Rename repositories from "maidsafe_" to "safe_"

### [0.1.3]
* [MAID-1186] Handling of unified Structrued Data
    - [MAID-1187] Updating Version Handler
    - [MAID-1188] Updating other personas if required

### [0.1.2] - code clean up
* [MAID 1185] using unwrap unsafely

### [0.1.1]
* Updated dependencies' versions
* Fixed lint warnings caused by latest Rust nightly
* [Issue 117] meaningful type_tag
* [PR 124] integration test with client
    - client log in / log out
    - complete put flow
    - complete get flow

### [0.1.0] - integrate with routing and safecoin farming initial work [rust-2 Sprint]
* [MAID-1107] Rename actions (changes in routing v0.1.60)
* [MAID-1008] Documentation
    - [MAID-1009] Personas
        - ClientManager : MaidManager
        - NodeManager : PmidManager
        - Node : PmidNode
        - NAE : DataManager, VersionHandler
    - [MAID-1011] Accounting
        - MaidAccount : create, update and monitor
        - PmidAccount : create, update and monitor
    - [MAID-1010] Flows
        - PutData / PutResponse
        - GetData / GetResponse
        - PostData
* [MAID-1013] Complete unfinished code (if it will be covered by the later-on tasks in this sprint, explicitly mention it as in-code TODO comment), especially in
    - [MAID-1109] handle_get_key
    - [MAID-1112] handle_put_response
    - [MAID-1113] handle_cache_get
    - [MAID-1113] handle_cache_put
* [MAID-1014] Integration test with new routing and crust (vaults bootstrap and network setup)
    - [MAID-1028] local joining test (process counting)
    - [MAID-1016] network example (nodes populating)
* [MAID-1012] SafeCoin farming (new persona may need to be introduced, the task needs to be ‘expandable’ ) documentation
    - farming
    - account
* [MAID-1021] Implement handling for Safecoin farming rate
    - Farming rate determined by the Sacrificial copies.
    - Farming rate drops when more copies are available and rises when less copies are available.

### [0.0.0 - 0.0.3]
* VaultFacade initial implementation
* Chunkstore implementation and test
* Initial Persona implementation :
    - Implement MaidManager and test
    - Implement DataManager and test
    - Implement PmidManager and test
    - Implement PmidNode and test
    - Implement VersionHandler
* Flow related work :
    - Complete simple Put flow and test
    - Complete simple Get flow and test
    - Complete Create Maid Account Flow
* Installers (linux deb/rpm 32/64 bit, Windows 32 / 64. OSX)
* Coverage analysis