sn_launch_tool 0.2.1

# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

### [0.2.1] (2021-04-26)

### Features

* **args:** make aware of max capacity argument ([f9e241e]

## [0.2.0] (2021-04-05)


* **args:** this uses the args for the latest sn_node

* **args:** update using the latest node args ([557c950]

## [0.1.0] (2021-04-01)


* **args:** the new argument is for the latest version of sn_node

### update

* **args:** update args passed for the latest version of sn_node ([1fd88fb]

### [0.0.20] (2021-03-31)

### [0.0.19] (2021-03-03)

### [0.0.18] (2021-02-25)

### [0.0.17] (2021-02-25)

### Bug Fixes

* **ip:** changes to support latest version of sn_node which renamed --ip arg to --local-ip ([5d7a000]

### [0.0.16] (2021-02-18)

### Bug Fixes

* set rust_log correctly ([68f64e0]

### [0.0.15] (2021-02-09)

### Features

* **join:** allow to join to network with a list of addresses rather than a single one ([57ee3b0]

### [0.0.14] (2021-02-04)

### Features

* print sn_node version when verbosity is set ([10a226b]

### [0.0.13] (2021-02-03)

### [0.0.12] (2021-02-01)

### [0.0.11] (2021-01-27)

### Features

* allow override of RUST_LOG env var for ndoe startup ([99daa5b]

### [0.0.10] (2021-01-26)

### [0.0.9] (2021-01-21)

### Features

* improve network lag w/ node startup options ([6cecb63]
* log common args on network launch ([57322b2]

### [0.0.8] (2021-01-14)

### [0.0.7] (2020-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* **publish:** fix publish command by adding flag ([4b97eca]

### [0.0.6] (2020-12-24)

### [0.0.5] (2020-11-30)

### [0.0.4] (2020-11-23)

### [0.0.3] (2020-10-08)

### [0.0.2] (2020-09-29)

### Features

* **audit:** add scheduled security audit scan ([90cc5e2]
* **tool:** add option to join the existing network ([b33f455]
* **tool:** support phase-2b vaults ([b1b73f0]

### Bug Fixes

* **tool:** use hardcoded contact ip in correct format ([6f5d277]

### [0.0.1] (2020-02-24)
* Initial implementation