sn_client 0.87.0

Safe Network Client
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

## [0.87.0] - 2023-08-01

### Other
- *(register)* [**breaking**] hashing the node of a Register to sign it instead of bincode-serialising it

## [0.86.11] - 2023-07-31

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.86.10] - 2023-07-31

### Added
- carry out get_record re-attempts for critical record
- for put_record verification, NotEnoughCopies is acceptable

### Fixed
- *(test)* using proper wallets during data_with_churn test

### Other
- move PrettyPrintRecordKey to sn_protocol
- small refactors for failing CI
- more tracable logs regarding chunk payment prove

## [0.86.9] - 2023-07-31

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.86.8] - 2023-07-28

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.86.7] - 2023-07-28

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking, sn_protocol

## [0.86.6] - 2023-07-28

### Other
- adapt all logging to use pretty record key

## [0.86.5] - 2023-07-27

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.86.4] - 2023-07-26

### Fixed
- *(register)* Registers with same name but different tags were not being stored by the network

### Other
- centralising RecordKey creation logic to make sure we always use the same for all content type

## [0.86.3] - 2023-07-26

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.86.2] - 2023-07-26

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.86.1] - 2023-07-25

### Added
- *(replication)* replicate when our close group changes

### Fixed
- *(client)* keep an active `ClientEvent` receiver

### Other
- *(client)* get k_value from const fn

## [0.86.0] - 2023-07-21

### Added
- *(protocol)* [**breaking**] make Chunks storage payment required

### Other
- tokens transfers task in data_with_churn tests to use client apis instead of faucet helpers

## [0.85.55] - 2023-07-20

### Other
- cleanup error types

## [0.85.54] - 2023-07-19

### Added
- using kad::record for dbc spend ops
- *(CI)* dbc verfication during network churning test

## [0.85.53] - 2023-07-19

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_protocol

## [0.85.52] - 2023-07-18

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.51] - 2023-07-18

### Added
- safer registers requiring signatures
- *(networking)* remove LostRecordEvent

### Fixed
- address PR comments
- client

## [0.85.50] - 2023-07-18

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.49] - 2023-07-17

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.48] - 2023-07-17

### Added
- *(networking)* upgrade to libp2p 0.52.0

### Other
- *(networking)* log all connected peer count

## [0.85.47] - 2023-07-17

### Added
- *(client)* keep storage payment proofs in local wallet

## [0.85.46] - 2023-07-12

### Other
- client to upload paid chunks in batches

## [0.85.45] - 2023-07-11

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.44] - 2023-07-11

### Fixed
- *(client)* publish register on creation

## [0.85.43] - 2023-07-11

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.42] - 2023-07-10

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.41] - 2023-07-10

### Added
- client query register via get_record
- client upload Register via put_record

## [0.85.40] - 2023-07-06

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.39] - 2023-07-06

### Added
- PutRecord response during client upload
- client upload chunk using kad::put_record

### Other
- *(release)* sn_cli-v0.79.0/sn_logging-v0.2.0/sn_node-v0.86.0/sn_testnet-v0.1.76/sn_networking-v0.3.11

## [0.85.38] - 2023-07-05

### Added
- carry out validation for record_store::put

## [0.85.37] - 2023-07-04

### Other
- demystify permissions

## [0.85.36] - 2023-07-03

### Added
- append SAFE_PEERS to initial_peers after restart

### Fixed
- *(text)* data_churn_test creates clients parsing SAFE_PEERS env

### Other
- reduce SAMPLE_SIZE for the data_with_churn test
- some client log tidy up

## [0.85.35] - 2023-06-29

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.34] - 2023-06-28

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.33] - 2023-06-28

### Added
- make the example work, fix sync when reg doesnt exist
- rework permissions, implement register cmd handlers
- register refactor, kad reg without cmds

### Fixed
- rename UserRights to UserPermissions

## [0.85.32] - 2023-06-28

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.31] - 2023-06-28

### Added
- *(node)* dial without PeerId

## [0.85.30] - 2023-06-27

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.29] - 2023-06-27

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.28] - 2023-06-26

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.27] - 2023-06-26

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.26] - 2023-06-26

### Other
- *(release)* sn_cli-v0.78.9/sn_logging-v0.1.4/sn_node-v0.83.55/sn_testnet-v0.1.59/sn_networking-v0.1.24

## [0.85.25] - 2023-06-26

### Other
- payment proof map to use xorname as index instead of merkletree nodes type

## [0.85.24] - 2023-06-24

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.23] - 2023-06-23

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.22] - 2023-06-23

### Added
- forward chunk when not being the closest
- repliate to peers lost record

### Fixed
- client upload to peers closer to chunk

## [0.85.21] - 2023-06-23

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.20] - 2023-06-22

### Other
- *(client)* initial refactor around uploads

## [0.85.19] - 2023-06-22

### Fixed
- improve client upload speed

## [0.85.18] - 2023-06-21

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking, sn_protocol

## [0.85.17] - 2023-06-21

### Other
- *(network)* remove `NetworkEvent::PutRecord` dead code

## [0.85.16] - 2023-06-21

### Other
- remove unused error variants
- *(node)* obtain parent_tx from SignedSpend
- *(release)* sn_cli-v0.77.46/sn_logging-v0.1.3/sn_node-v0.83.42/sn_testnet-v0.1.46/sn_networking-v0.1.15

## [0.85.15] - 2023-06-20

### Added
- *(network)* validate `Record` on GET
- *(network)* validate and store `ReplicatedData`
- *(node)* perform proper validations on PUT
- *(network)* validate and store `Record`

### Fixed
- *(node)* store parent tx along with `SignedSpend`

### Other
- *(docs)* add more docs and comments

## [0.85.14] - 2023-06-20

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.13] - 2023-06-20

### Added
- pay 1 nano per Chunk as temporary approach till net-invoices are implemented
- committing storage payment SignedSpends to the network
- nodes to verify input DBCs of Chunk payment proof were spent

### Other
- specific error types for different payment proof verification scenarios
- include the Tx instead of output DBCs as part of storage payment proofs

## [0.85.12] - 2023-06-20

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.11] - 2023-06-16

### Fixed
- reduce client mem usage during uploading

## [0.85.10] - 2023-06-15

### Added
- add double spend test

### Fixed
- parent spend issue

## [0.85.9] - 2023-06-14

### Added
- include output DBC within payment proof for Chunks storage

## [0.85.8] - 2023-06-14

### Other
- updated the following local packages: sn_networking

## [0.85.7] - 2023-06-14

### Added
- *(client)* expose req/resp timeout to client cli

## [0.85.6] - 2023-06-13

### Other
- *(release)* sn_cli-v0.77.12/sn_logging-v0.1.2/sn_node-v0.83.10/sn_testnet-v0.1.14/sn_networking-v0.1.6

## [0.85.5] - 2023-06-12

### Added
- remove spendbook rw locks, improve logging

### Other
- remove uneeded printlns
- *(release)* sn_cli-v0.77.10/sn_record_store-v0.1.3/sn_node-v0.83.8/sn_testnet-v0.1.12/sn_networking-v0.1.4

## [0.85.4] - 2023-06-09

### Other
- manually change crate version

## [0.85.3] - 2023-06-09

### Other
- more replication flow statistics during mem_check test

## [0.85.2] - 2023-06-07

### Added
- bail out if empty list of addreses is provided for payment proof generation
- *(client)* add progress indicator for initial network connections
- attach payment proof when uploading Chunks
- collect payment proofs and make sure merkletree always has pow-of-2 leaves
- node side payment proof validation from a given Chunk, audit trail, and reason-hash
- use all Chunks of a file to generate payment the payment proof tree
- Chunk storage payment and building payment proofs

### Fixed
- remove progress bar after it's finished.

### Other
- Revert "chore(release): sn_cli-v0.77.1/sn_client-v0.85.2/sn_networking-v0.1.2/sn_node-v0.83.1"
- *(release)* sn_cli-v0.77.1/sn_client-v0.85.2/sn_networking-v0.1.2/sn_node-v0.83.1
- Revert "chore(release): sn_cli-v0.77.1/sn_client-v0.85.2/sn_networking-v0.1.2/sn_protocol-v0.1.2/sn_node-v0.83.1/sn_record_store-v0.1.2/sn_registers-v0.1.2"
- *(release)* sn_cli-v0.77.1/sn_client-v0.85.2/sn_networking-v0.1.2/sn_protocol-v0.1.2/sn_node-v0.83.1/sn_record_store-v0.1.2/sn_registers-v0.1.2
- small log wording updates
- exposing definition of merkletree nodes data type and additional doc in code
- making Chunk payment proof optional for now
- moving all payment proofs utilities into sn_transfers crate

## [0.85.1] - 2023-06-06

### Added
- refactor replication flow to using pull model