smooth 0.1.1

human-readable presentation of numbers

Note: smooth uses **cargo-readme**

- do not manually edit this file
- if you would like to contribute to this file, edit either
  - the main library documentation at `src/`, or
  - the template at `.README.tpl`


# smooth

A utility library for human-readable presentation of numbers.


Formatting numbers does not always yield human-readable results:

assert_eq!(format!("{}", 1.0_f64 / 3.0), "0.3333333333333333");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", 2.0_f64.sqrt()), "1.4142135623730951");

When presenting numbers for humans to consume, especially lots of numbers,
it may be beneficial to *reduce precision* to make what's shown
*comprehensible*. This library is intended to be used in user interface
(UI) code, inbetween the library, which produces these numbers, and the UI,
which presents these numbers to the user, to **control the compromise
between precision and readability**.


Single Number Smoothing

use smooth::Smooth;

// numbers without a fraction are simply rounded
assert_eq!(0.0.smooth_str(), "0");
assert_eq!(42.0.smooth_str(), "42");

// numbers with zero integer part are rounded to 2 decimals
assert_eq!(0.1.smooth_str(), "0.1");
assert_eq!(0.09.smooth_str(), "0.09");
assert_eq!(0.009.smooth_str(), "0.01");
assert_eq!(0.001.smooth_str(), "0");

// comparatively large fractions are kept
assert_eq!(1.1.smooth_str(), "1.1");
assert_eq!(1.01.smooth_str(), "1.01");
assert_eq!(10.9.smooth_str(), "10.9");

// comparatively small fractions are smoothed away
assert_eq!(1.001.smooth_str(), "1");
assert_eq!(10.09.smooth_str(), "10.1");
assert_eq!(1000.1.smooth_str(), "1000");

Multiple Number Smoothing

use smooth::MultiSmooth;

let numbers = [1.1111, 5.5555, 9.9999];
assert_eq!(numbers.smooth_str(), ["1.1", "5.6", "10"]);

let numbers = [1.1111, 5.5555, 1000.0];
assert_eq!(numbers.smooth_str(), ["1", "6", "1000"]);

let numbers = [0.009, 0.249, 0.999];
assert_eq!(numbers.smooth_str(), ["0.01", "0.25", "1"]);


In some use cases, rounding to a specific number of decimals might be a
better compromise.

use smooth::{MultiSmooth, Smooth};

// round to a specific number of decimals
assert_eq!(1.0.round_to_str(2), "1");
assert_eq!(1.001.round_to_str(2), "1");
assert_eq!(1.018.round_to_str(2), "1.02");
assert_eq!(1.4242.round_to_str(2), "1.42");

// consistently round multiple numbers
let numbers = [1.1111, 2.2222, 5.5555];
assert_eq!(numbers.round_to_str(2), ["1.11", "2.22", "5.56"]);

## License

**smooth** is licensed under either [Apache License, Version
2.0](LICENSE-APACHE) or [MIT license](LICENSE-MIT), at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.