smoldot 0.5.0

Primitives to build a client for Substrate-based blockchains
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//! This module implements a freeing-bump allocator.
//! The heap is a continuous linear memory and chunks are allocated using a bump allocator.
//! ```ignore
//! +-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
//! | <allocated> | <unallocated>                                   |
//! +-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
//!               ^
//!               |_ bumper
//! ```
//! Only allocations with sizes of power of two can be allocated. If the incoming request has a non
//! power of two size it is increased to the nearest power of two. The power of two of size is
//! referred as **an order**.
//! Each allocation has a header immediately preceding to it. The header is always 8 bytes and can
//! be of two types: free and occupied.
//! For implementing freeing we maintain a linked lists for each order. The maximum supported
//! allocation size is capped, therefore the number of orders and thus the linked lists is as well
//! limited. Currently, the maximum size of an allocation is 32 MiB.
//! When the allocator serves an allocation request it first checks the linked list for the
//! respective order. If it doesn't have any free chunks, the allocator requests memory from the
//! bump allocator. In any case the order is stored in the header of the allocation.
//! Upon deallocation we get the order of the allocation from its header and then add that
//! allocation to the linked list for the respective order.
//! # Caveats
//! This is a fast allocator but it is also dumb. There are specifically two main shortcomings
//! that the user should keep in mind:
//! - Once the bump allocator space is exhausted, there is no way to reclaim the memory. This means
//!   that it's possible to end up in a situation where there are no live allocations yet a new
//!   allocation will fail.
//!   Let's look into an example. Given a heap of 32 MiB. The user makes a 32 MiB allocation that we
//!   call `X` . Now the heap is full. Then user deallocates `X`. Since all the space in the bump
//!   allocator was consumed by the 32 MiB allocation, allocations of all sizes except 32 MiB will
//!   fail.
//! - Sizes of allocations are rounded up to the nearest order. That is, an allocation of 2,00001
//!   MiB will be put into the bucket of 4 MiB. Therefore, any allocation of size `(N, 2N]` will
//!   take up to `2N`, thus assuming a uniform distribution of allocation sizes, the average amount
//!   in use of a `2N` space on the heap will be `(3N + ε) / 2`. So average utilization is going to
//!   be around `75%` (`(3N + ε) / 2 / 2N`) meaning that around `25%` of the space in allocation will be
//!   wasted. This is more pronounced (in terms of absolute heap amounts) with larger allocation
//!   sizes.

#![allow(clippy::all)] // TODO: since this code has been copy-pasted from Substrate, we simply silence clippy warnings

use core::{
    ops::{Index, IndexMut, Range},

/// Error that can happen in the memory allocator.
pub enum Error {
    /// Someone tried to allocate more memory than the allowed maximum per allocation.
    /// Allocator run out of space.
    /// The client passed a memory instance which is smaller than previously observed.
    // TODO: wtf is "Other"?
    Other(&'static str),

/// The maximum number of bytes that can be allocated at one time.
// The maximum possible allocation size was chosen rather arbitrary, 32 MiB should be enough for
// everybody.
pub const MAX_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION: u32 = 33_554_432; // 2^25 bytes, 32 MiB

/// The minimal alignment guaranteed by this allocator.
/// The alignment of 8 is chosen because it is the maximum size of a primitive type supported by the
/// target version of `wasm32`: `i64's` natural alignment is 8.
const ALIGNMENT: u32 = 8;

// Each pointer is prefixed with 8 bytes, which identify the list index
// to which it belongs.
const HEADER_SIZE: u32 = 8;

/// Create an allocator error.
fn error(msg: &'static str) -> Error {

// The minimum possible allocation size is chosen to be 8 bytes because in that case we would have
// easier time to provide the guaranteed alignment of 8.
// The maximum possible allocation size is set in the primitives to 32MiB.
// N_ORDERS - represents the number of orders supported.
// This number corresponds to the number of powers between the minimum possible allocation and
// maximum possible allocation, or: 2^3...2^25 (both ends inclusive, hence 23).
const N_ORDERS: usize = 23;
const MIN_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION: u32 = 8; // 2^3 bytes, 8 bytes

/// The exponent for the power of two sized block adjusted to the minimum size.
/// This way, if `MIN_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION == 8`, we would get:
/// `power_of_two_size` | order
/// 8                 | 0
/// 16                | 1
/// 32                | 2
/// 64                | 3
/// ...
/// 16777216          | 21
/// 33554432          | 22
/// and so on.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Order(u32);

impl Order {
    /// Create `Order` object from a raw order.
    /// Returns `Err` if it is greater than the maximum supported order.
    fn from_raw(order: u32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        if order < N_ORDERS as u32 {
        } else {
            Err(error("invalid order"))

    /// Compute the order by the given size
    /// The size is clamped, so that the following holds:
    fn from_size(size: u32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let clamped_size = if size > MAX_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION {
            return Err(Error::RequestedAllocationTooLarge);
        } else if size < MIN_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION {
        } else {

        // Round the clamped size to the next power of two.
        // It returns the unchanged value if the value is already a power of two.
        let power_of_two_size = clamped_size.next_power_of_two();

        // Compute the number of trailing zeroes to get the order. We adjust it by the number of
        // trailing zeroes in the minimum possible allocation.
        let order = power_of_two_size.trailing_zeros() - MIN_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION.trailing_zeros();


    /// Returns the corresponding size in bytes for this order.
    /// Note that it is always a power of two.
    fn size(&self) -> u32 {

    /// Extract the order as `u32`.
    fn into_raw(self) -> u32 {

/// A special magic value for a pointer in a link that denotes the end of the linked list.
const NIL_MARKER: u32 = u32::MAX;

/// A link between headers in the free list.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Link {
    /// Nil, denotes that there is no next element.
    /// Link to the next element represented as a pointer to the a header.

impl Link {
    /// Creates a link from raw value.
    fn from_raw(raw: u32) -> Self {
        if raw != NIL_MARKER {
        } else {

    /// Converts this link into a raw `u32`.
    fn into_raw(self) -> u32 {
        match self {
            Self::Nil => NIL_MARKER,
            Self::Ptr(ptr) => ptr,

/// A header of an allocation.
/// The header is encoded in memory as follows.
/// ## Free header
/// ```ignore
/// 64             32                  0
//  +--------------+-------------------+
/// |            0 | next element link |
/// +--------------+-------------------+
/// ```
/// ## Occupied header
/// ```ignore
/// 64             32                  0
//  +--------------+-------------------+
/// |            1 |             order |
/// +--------------+-------------------+
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Header {
    /// A free header contains a link to the next element to form a free linked list.
    /// An occupied header has attached order to know in which free list we should put the
    /// allocation upon deallocation.

impl Header {
    /// Reads a header from memory.
    /// Returns an error if the `header_ptr` is out of bounds of the linear memory or if the read
    /// header is corrupted (e.g. the order is incorrect).
    fn read_from<M: Memory + ?Sized>(memory: &M, header_ptr: u32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let raw_header = memory.read_le_u64(header_ptr)?;

        // Check if the header represents an occupied or free allocation and extract the header data
        // by trimming (and discarding) the high bits.
        let occupied = raw_header & 0x00000001_00000000 != 0;
        let header_data = raw_header as u32;

        Ok(if occupied {
        } else {

    /// Write out this header to memory.
    /// Returns an error if the `header_ptr` is out of bounds of the linear memory.
    fn write_into<M: Memory + ?Sized>(&self, memory: &mut M, header_ptr: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let (header_data, occupied_mask) = match *self {
            Self::Occupied(order) => (order.into_raw(), 0x00000001_00000000),
            Self::Free(link) => (link.into_raw(), 0x00000000_00000000),
        let raw_header = header_data as u64 | occupied_mask;
        memory.write_le_u64(header_ptr, raw_header)?;

    /// Returns the order of the allocation if this is an occupied header.
    fn into_occupied(self) -> Option<Order> {
        match self {
            Self::Occupied(order) => Some(order),
            _ => None,

    /// Returns the link to the next element in the free list if this is a free header.
    fn into_free(self) -> Option<Link> {
        match self {
            Self::Free(link) => Some(link),
            _ => None,

/// This struct represents a collection of intrusive linked lists for each order.
struct FreeLists {
    heads: [Link; N_ORDERS],

impl FreeLists {
    /// Creates the free empty lists.
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            heads: [Link::Nil; N_ORDERS],

    /// Replaces a given link for the specified order and returns the old one.
    fn replace(&mut self, order: Order, new: Link) -> Link {
        let prev = self[order];
        self[order] = new;

impl Index<Order> for FreeLists {
    type Output = Link;
    fn index(&self, index: Order) -> &Link {
        &self.heads[index.0 as usize]

impl IndexMut<Order> for FreeLists {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Order) -> &mut Link {
        &mut self.heads[index.0 as usize]

/// An implementation of freeing bump allocator.
/// Refer to the module-level documentation for further details.
pub struct FreeingBumpHeapAllocator {
    bumper: u32,
    free_lists: FreeLists,
    total_size: u32,
    poisoned: bool,
    max_total_size: u32,
    max_bumper: u32,
    last_observed_memory_size: u32,

impl FreeingBumpHeapAllocator {
    /// Creates a new allocation heap which follows a freeing-bump strategy.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `heap_base` - the offset from the beginning of the linear memory where the heap starts.
    pub fn new(heap_base: u32) -> Self {
        let aligned_heap_base = (heap_base + ALIGNMENT - 1) / ALIGNMENT * ALIGNMENT;

        FreeingBumpHeapAllocator {
            bumper: aligned_heap_base,
            free_lists: FreeLists::new(),
            total_size: 0,
            poisoned: false,
            max_total_size: 0,
            max_bumper: aligned_heap_base,
            last_observed_memory_size: 0,

    /// Gets requested number of bytes to allocate and returns a pointer.
    /// The maximum size which can be allocated at once is 32 MiB.
    /// There is no minimum size, but whatever size is passed into
    /// this function is rounded to the next power of two. If the requested
    /// size is below 8 bytes it will be rounded up to 8 bytes.
    /// The identity or the type of the passed memory object does not matter. However, the size of
    /// memory cannot shrink compared to the memory passed in previous invocations.
    /// NOTE: Once the allocator has returned an error all subsequent requests will return an error.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `mem` - a slice representing the linear memory on which this allocator operates.
    /// - `size` - size in bytes of the allocation request
    pub fn allocate<M: Memory + ?Sized>(&mut self, mem: &mut M, size: u32) -> Result<u32, Error> {
        if self.poisoned {
            return Err(error("the allocator has been poisoned"));

        let bomb = PoisonBomb {
            poisoned: &mut self.poisoned,

        Self::observe_memory_size(&mut self.last_observed_memory_size, mem)?;
        let order = Order::from_size(size)?;

        let header_ptr: u32 = match self.free_lists[order] {
            Link::Ptr(header_ptr) => {
                    header_ptr + order.size() + HEADER_SIZE <= mem.size(),
                    "Pointer is looked up in list of free entries, into which
					only valid values are inserted; qed"

                // Remove this header from the free list.
                let next_free = Header::read_from(mem, header_ptr)?
                    .ok_or_else(|| error("free list points to a occupied header"))?;
                self.free_lists[order] = next_free;

            Link::Nil => {
                // Corresponding free list is empty. Allocate a new item.
                Self::bump(&mut self.bumper, order.size() + HEADER_SIZE, mem.size())?

        // Write the order in the occupied header.
        Header::Occupied(order).write_into(mem, header_ptr)?;

        self.total_size += order.size() + HEADER_SIZE;

        // update trackers if needed.
        if self.total_size > self.max_total_size {
            self.max_total_size = self.total_size;
        if self.bumper > self.max_bumper {
            self.max_bumper = self.bumper;

        Ok(header_ptr + HEADER_SIZE)

    /// Deallocates the space which was allocated for a pointer.
    /// The identity or the type of the passed memory object does not matter. However, the size of
    /// memory cannot shrink compared to the memory passed in previous invocations.
    /// NOTE: Once the allocator has returned an error all subsequent requests will return an error.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `mem` - a slice representing the linear memory on which this allocator operates.
    /// - `ptr` - pointer to the allocated chunk
    pub fn deallocate<M: Memory + ?Sized>(&mut self, mem: &mut M, ptr: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
        if self.poisoned {
            return Err(error("the allocator has been poisoned"));

        let bomb = PoisonBomb {
            poisoned: &mut self.poisoned,

        Self::observe_memory_size(&mut self.last_observed_memory_size, mem)?;

        let header_ptr = u32::from(ptr)
            .ok_or_else(|| error("Invalid pointer for deallocation"))?;

        let order = Header::read_from(mem, header_ptr)?
            .ok_or_else(|| error("the allocation points to an empty header"))?;

        // Update the just freed header and knit it back to the free list.
        let prev_head = self.free_lists.replace(order, Link::Ptr(header_ptr));
        Header::Free(prev_head).write_into(mem, header_ptr)?;

        // Do the total_size book keeping.
        self.total_size = self
            .checked_sub(order.size() + HEADER_SIZE)
            .ok_or_else(|| error("Unable to subtract from total heap size without overflow"))?;


    /// Increases the `bumper` by `size`.
    /// Returns the `bumper` from before the increase. Returns an `Error::AllocatorOutOfSpace` if
    /// the operation would exhaust the heap.
    fn bump(bumper: &mut u32, size: u32, heap_end: u32) -> Result<u32, Error> {
        if *bumper + size > heap_end {
            return Err(Error::AllocatorOutOfSpace);

        let res = *bumper;
        *bumper += size;

    fn observe_memory_size<M: Memory + ?Sized>(
        last_observed_memory_size: &mut u32,
        mem: &mut M,
    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
        if mem.size() < *last_observed_memory_size {
            return Err(Error::MemoryShrinked);
        *last_observed_memory_size = mem.size();

/// A trait for abstraction of accesses to a wasm linear memory. Used to read or modify the
/// allocation prefixes.
/// A wasm linear memory behaves similarly to a vector. The address space doesn't have holes and is
/// accessible up to the reported size.
/// The linear memory can grow in size with the wasm page granularity (`64KiB`), but it cannot shrink.
pub trait Memory {
    /// Read a `u64` from the heap in LE form. Returns an error if any of the bytes read are out of
    /// bounds.
    fn read_le_u64(&self, ptr: u32) -> Result<u64, Error>;
    /// Write a `u64` to the heap in LE form. Returns an error if any of the bytes written are out of
    /// bounds.
    fn write_le_u64(&mut self, ptr: u32, val: u64) -> Result<(), Error>;
    /// Returns the full size of the memory in bytes.
    fn size(&self) -> u32;

impl Memory for [u8] {
    fn read_le_u64(&self, ptr: u32) -> Result<u64, Error> {
        let range =
            heap_range(ptr, 8, self.len()).ok_or_else(|| error("read out of heap bounds"))?;
        let bytes = self[range]
            .expect("[u8] slice of length 8 must be convertible to [u8; 8]");
    fn write_le_u64(&mut self, ptr: u32, val: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let range =
            heap_range(ptr, 8, self.len()).ok_or_else(|| error("write out of heap bounds"))?;
        let bytes = val.to_le_bytes();
    fn size(&self) -> u32 {
        u32::try_from(self.len()).expect("size of Wasm linear memory is <2^32; qed")

fn heap_range(offset: u32, length: u32, heap_len: usize) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
    let start = offset as usize;
    let end = offset.checked_add(length)? as usize;
    if end <= heap_len {
    } else {

/// A guard that will raise the poisoned flag on drop unless disarmed.
struct PoisonBomb<'a> {
    poisoned: &'a mut bool,

impl<'a> PoisonBomb<'a> {
    fn disarm(self) {

impl<'a> Drop for PoisonBomb<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        *self.poisoned = true;

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    const PAGE_SIZE: u32 = 65536;

    /// Makes a pointer out of the given address.
    fn to_pointer(address: u32) -> u32 {

    fn should_allocate_properly() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        // when
        let ptr = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 1).unwrap();

        // then
        // returned pointer must start right after `HEADER_SIZE`
        assert_eq!(ptr, to_pointer(HEADER_SIZE));

    fn should_always_align_pointers_to_multiples_of_8() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(13);

        // when
        let ptr = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 1).unwrap();

        // then
        // the pointer must start at the next multiple of 8 from 13
        // + the prefix of 8 bytes.
        assert_eq!(ptr, to_pointer(24));

    fn should_increment_pointers_properly() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        // when
        let ptr1 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 1).unwrap();
        let ptr2 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 9).unwrap();
        let ptr3 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 1).unwrap();

        // then
        // a prefix of 8 bytes is prepended to each pointer
        assert_eq!(ptr1, to_pointer(HEADER_SIZE));

        // the prefix of 8 bytes + the content of ptr1 padded to the lowest possible
        // item size of 8 bytes + the prefix of ptr1
        assert_eq!(ptr2, to_pointer(24));

        // ptr2 + its content of 16 bytes + the prefix of 8 bytes
        assert_eq!(ptr3, to_pointer(24 + 16 + HEADER_SIZE));

    fn should_free_properly() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);
        let ptr1 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 1).unwrap();
        // the prefix of 8 bytes is prepended to the pointer
        assert_eq!(ptr1, to_pointer(HEADER_SIZE));

        let ptr2 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 1).unwrap();
        // the prefix of 8 bytes + the content of ptr 1 is prepended to the pointer
        assert_eq!(ptr2, to_pointer(24));

        // when
        heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr2).unwrap();

        // then
        // then the heads table should contain a pointer to the
        // prefix of ptr2 in the leftmost entry
            Link::Ptr(u32::from(ptr2) - HEADER_SIZE)

    fn should_deallocate_and_reallocate_properly() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let padded_offset = 16;
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(13);

        let ptr1 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 1).unwrap();
        // the prefix of 8 bytes is prepended to the pointer
        assert_eq!(ptr1, to_pointer(padded_offset + HEADER_SIZE));

        let ptr2 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 9).unwrap();
        // the padded_offset + the previously allocated ptr (8 bytes prefix +
        // 8 bytes content) + the prefix of 8 bytes which is prepended to the
        // current pointer
        assert_eq!(ptr2, to_pointer(padded_offset + 16 + HEADER_SIZE));

        // when
        heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr2).unwrap();
        let ptr3 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 9).unwrap();

        // then
        // should have re-allocated
        assert_eq!(ptr3, to_pointer(padded_offset + 16 + HEADER_SIZE));
        assert_eq!(heap.free_lists.heads, [Link::Nil; N_ORDERS]);

    fn should_build_linked_list_of_free_areas_properly() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        let ptr1 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 8).unwrap();
        let ptr2 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 8).unwrap();
        let ptr3 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 8).unwrap();

        // when
        heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr1).unwrap();
        heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr2).unwrap();
        heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr3).unwrap();

        // then
            Link::Ptr(u32::from(ptr3) - HEADER_SIZE)

        let ptr4 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 8).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ptr4, ptr3);

            Link::Ptr(u32::from(ptr2) - HEADER_SIZE)

    fn should_not_allocate_if_too_large() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(13);

        // when
        let ptr = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], PAGE_SIZE - 13);

        // then
        match ptr.unwrap_err() {
            Error::AllocatorOutOfSpace => {}
            e => panic!("Expected allocator out of space error, got: {:?}", e),

    fn should_not_allocate_if_full() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);
        let ptr1 = heap
            .allocate(&mut mem[..], (PAGE_SIZE / 2) - HEADER_SIZE)
        assert_eq!(ptr1, to_pointer(HEADER_SIZE));

        // when
        let ptr2 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], PAGE_SIZE / 2);

        // then
        // there is no room for another half page incl. its 8 byte prefix
        match ptr2.unwrap_err() {
            Error::AllocatorOutOfSpace => {}
            e => panic!("Expected allocator out of space error, got: {:?}", e),

    fn should_allocate_max_possible_allocation_size() {
        // given
        let mut mem = vec![0u8; (MAX_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION + PAGE_SIZE) as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        // when
        let ptr = heap
            .allocate(&mut mem[..], MAX_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION)

        // then
        assert_eq!(ptr, to_pointer(HEADER_SIZE));

    fn should_not_allocate_if_requested_size_too_large() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        // when
        let ptr = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], MAX_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION + 1);

        // then
        match ptr.unwrap_err() {
            Error::RequestedAllocationTooLarge => {}
            e => panic!("Expected allocation size too large error, got: {:?}", e),

    fn should_return_error_when_bumper_greater_than_heap_size() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; 64];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        let ptr1 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 32).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ptr1, to_pointer(HEADER_SIZE));
        heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr1)
            .expect("failed freeing ptr1");
        assert_eq!(heap.total_size, 0);
        assert_eq!(heap.bumper, 40);

        let ptr2 = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 16).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ptr2, to_pointer(48));
        heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr2)
            .expect("failed freeing ptr2");
        assert_eq!(heap.total_size, 0);
        assert_eq!(heap.bumper, 64);

        // when
        // the `bumper` value is equal to `size` here and any
        // further allocation which would increment the bumper must fail.
        // we try to allocate 8 bytes here, which will increment the
        // bumper since no 8 byte item has been allocated+freed before.
        let ptr = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 8);

        // then
        match ptr.unwrap_err() {
            Error::AllocatorOutOfSpace => {}
            e => panic!("Expected allocator out of space error, got: {:?}", e),

    fn should_include_prefixes_in_total_heap_size() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(1);

        // when
        // an item size of 16 must be used then
        heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 9).unwrap();

        // then
        assert_eq!(heap.total_size, HEADER_SIZE + 16);

    fn should_calculate_total_heap_size_to_zero() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(13);

        // when
        let ptr = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 42).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(ptr, to_pointer(16 + HEADER_SIZE));
        heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr).unwrap();

        // then
        assert_eq!(heap.total_size, 0);

    fn should_calculate_total_size_of_zero() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(19);

        // when
        for _ in 1..10 {
            let ptr = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 42).unwrap();
            heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr).unwrap();

        // then
        assert_eq!(heap.total_size, 0);

    fn should_read_and_write_u64_correctly() {
        // given
        let mut mem = [0u8; PAGE_SIZE as usize];

        // when
        Memory::write_le_u64(mem.as_mut(), 40, 4_480_113).unwrap();

        // then
        let value = Memory::read_le_u64(mem.as_mut(), 40).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(value, 4_480_113);

    fn should_get_item_size_from_order() {
        // given
        let raw_order = 0;

        // when
        let item_size = Order::from_raw(raw_order).unwrap().size();

        // then
        assert_eq!(item_size, 8);

    fn should_get_max_item_size_from_index() {
        // given
        let raw_order = 22;

        // when
        let item_size = Order::from_raw(raw_order).unwrap().size();

        // then
        assert_eq!(item_size as u32, MAX_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION);

    fn deallocate_needs_to_maintain_linked_list() {
        let mut mem = [0u8; 8 * 2 * 4 + ALIGNMENT as usize];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        // Allocate and free some pointers
        let ptrs = (0..4)
            .map(|_| heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 8).unwrap())
            .for_each(|ptr| heap.deallocate(&mut mem[..], ptr).unwrap());

        // Second time we should be able to allocate all of them again.
        let _ = (0..4)
            .map(|_| heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], 8).unwrap())

    fn header_read_write() {
        let roundtrip = |header: Header| {
            let mut memory = [0u8; 32];
            header.write_into(memory.as_mut(), 0).unwrap();

            let read_header = Header::read_from(memory.as_mut(), 0).unwrap();
            assert_eq!(header, read_header);


    fn poison_oom() {
        // given
        // a heap of 32 bytes. Should be enough for two allocations.
        let mut mem = [0u8; 32];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        // when
        assert!(heap.allocate(mem.as_mut(), 8).is_ok());
        let alloc_ptr = heap.allocate(mem.as_mut(), 8).unwrap();
        assert!(heap.allocate(mem.as_mut(), 8).is_err());

        // then
        assert!(heap.deallocate(mem.as_mut(), alloc_ptr).is_err());

    fn test_n_orders() {
        // Test that N_ORDERS is consistent with min and max possible allocation.
            MIN_POSSIBLE_ALLOCATION * 2u32.pow(N_ORDERS as u32 - 1),

    fn accepts_growing_memory() {
        const ITEM_SIZE: u32 = 16;
        const ITEM_ON_HEAP_SIZE: usize = 16 + HEADER_SIZE as usize;

        let mut mem = vec![0u8; ITEM_ON_HEAP_SIZE * 2];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        let _ = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], ITEM_SIZE).unwrap();
        let _ = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], ITEM_SIZE).unwrap();

        mem.extend_from_slice(&[0u8; ITEM_ON_HEAP_SIZE]);

        let _ = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], ITEM_SIZE).unwrap();

    fn doesnt_accept_shrinking_memory() {
        const ITEM_SIZE: u32 = 16;
        const ITEM_ON_HEAP_SIZE: usize = 16 + HEADER_SIZE as usize;

        let initial_size = ITEM_ON_HEAP_SIZE * 3;
        let mut mem = vec![0u8; initial_size];
        let mut heap = FreeingBumpHeapAllocator::new(0);

        let _ = heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], ITEM_SIZE).unwrap();

        mem.truncate(initial_size - 1);

        match heap.allocate(&mut mem[..], ITEM_SIZE).unwrap_err() {
            Error::MemoryShrinked => (),
            _ => panic!(),