smlang-macros 0.6.0

Procedual macros for the smlang crate
# smlang: A `no_std` State Machine Language DSL in Rust

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> A state machine language DSL based on the syntax of [Boost-SML]

## Aim

The aim of this DSL is to facilitate the use of state machines, as they quite fast can become overly complicated to write and get an overview of.

## Transition DSL

The DSL is defined as follows:

    transitions: {
        *SrcState1 + Event1 [ guard1 ] / action1 = DstState2, // * denotes starting state
        SrcState2 + Event2 [ guard2 ] / action2 = DstState1,
    // ...

Where `guard` and `action` are optional and can be left out. A `guard` is a function which returns `true` if the state transition should happen, and `false`  if the transition should not happen, while `action` are functions that are run during the transition which are guaranteed to finish before entering the new state.

> This implies that any state machine must be written as a list of transitions.

The DSL supports wildcards and pattern matching for input states similar to rust pattern matching:

    transitions: {
        *State1 | State3 + ToState2 = State2,
        State1 | State2 + ToState3 = State3,
        _ + ToState4 = State4,
        State4 + ToState1 = State1,
    // ...

Which is equivalent to:

    transitions: {
        *State1 + ToState2 = State2,
        State3 + ToState2 = State2,

        State1 + ToState3 = State3,
        State2 + ToState3 = State3,

        State1 + ToState4 = State4,
        State2 + ToState4 = State4,
        State3 + ToState4 = State4,
        State4 + ToState4 = State4,

        State4 + ToState1 = State1,
    // ...

See example `examples/` for a usage example.

### State machine context

The state machine needs a context to be defined.
The `StateMachineContext` is generated from the `statemachine!` proc-macro and is what implements guards and actions, and data that is available in all states within the state machine and persists between state transitions:

    transitions: {
        State1 + Event1 = State2,
    // ...

pub struct Context;

impl StateMachineContext for Context {}

fn main() {
    let mut sm = StateMachine::new(Context);

    // ...

See example `examples/` for a usage example.

### State data

Any state may have some data associated with it:

pub struct MyStateData(pub u32);

    transitions: {
        State1(MyStateData) + Event1 = State2,
    // ...

See example `examples/` for a usage example.

If the starting state contains data, this data must be provided after the context when creating a new machine.

pub struct MyStateData(pub u32);

    transitions: {
        State2 + Event2 / action = State1(MyStateData),
        *State1(MyStateData) + Event1 = State2,
        // ...
    // ...

// ...

let mut sm = StateMachine::new(Context, MyStateData(42));

State data may also have associated lifetimes which the `statemachine!` macro will pick up and add the `States` enum and `StateMachine` structure. This means the following will also work:

pub struct MyStateData<'a>(&'a u32);

statemachine! {
    transitions: {
        *State1 + Event1 / action = State2,
        State2(MyStateData<'a>) + Event2 = State1,
        // ...
    // ...

See example `examples/` for a usage example.

### Event data

Data may be passed along with an event into the `guard` and `action`:

pub struct MyEventData(pub u32);

    transitions: {
        State1 + Event1(MyEventData) [guard] = State2,
    // ...

Event data may also have associated lifetimes which the `statemachine!` macro will pick up and add the `Events` enum. This means the following will also work:

pub struct MyEventData<'a>(pub &'a u32);

    transitions: {
        State1 + Event1(MyEventData<'a>) [guard1] = State2,
        State1 + Event2(&'a [u8]) [guard2] = State3,
    // ...

See example `examples/` for a usage example.

### Guard and Action syntax

See example `examples/` for a usage-example.

## State Machine Examples

Here are some examples of state machines converted from UML to the State Machine Language DSL. Runnable versions of each example is available in the `examples` folder.
The `.png`s are generated with the `graphviz` feature.

### Linear state machine

![alt text](./docs/sm1.png "")

DSL implementation:

    transitions: {
        *State1 + Event1 = State2,
        State2 + Event2 = State3,

This example is available in ``.

### Looping state machine

![alt text](./docs/sm2.png "")

DSL implementation:

    transitions: {
        *State1 + Event1 = State2,
        State2 + Event2 = State3,
        State3 + Event3 = State2,

This example is available in ``.

### Using guards and actions

![alt text](./docs/sm3.png "")

DSL implementation:

    transitions: {
        *State1 + Event1 [guard] / action = State2,

This example is available in ``.

## Contributors

List of contributors in alphabetical order:

* Emil Fresk ([@korken89]
* Mathias Koch ([@MathiasKoch]
* Donny Zimmanck ([@dzimmanck]


## License

Licensed under either of

- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or


at your option.