smartstring 0.2.6

Compact inlined strings
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project
adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [0.2.6] - 2020-12-19


-   `SmartString` now implements `PartialEq<&str>`.

## [0.2.5] - 2020-09-24


-   `From` implementations from `Cow<'_, str>` and `&mut str` were added. (#12)

## [0.2.4] - 2020-09-05


-   `smartstring` is now `no_std` if you disable the `std` feature flag (which is enabled by
    default). (#10)


-   `smartstring` will now refuse to compile on 32-bit big-endian architectures, where assuming that
    the high bit of a pointer is always empty is going to be a very bad idea.

## [0.2.3] - 2020-07-07


-   `SmartString` now implements `Display`. (#6)
-   `SmartString` now implements `FromIterator<char>`.
-   Support for [`serde`] behind the `serde` feature flag. (#2)
-   Support for [`arbitrary`] behind the `arbitrary` feature
-   Support for [`proptest`] behind the `proptest` feature flag.


-   `SmartString::push_str` would previously trigger two heap allocations while promoting an inline
    string to a boxed string, one of which was unnecessary. It now only makes the one strictly
    necessary allocation. (#5)
-   Fixed a bug where `SmartString::remove` would panic if you tried to remove the last index in an
    inline string.

## [0.2.2] - 2020-07-05


-   Calling `shrink_to_fit()` on a string with `LazyCompact` layout will now inline it and
    deallocate the heap allocation if the string is short enough to be inlined.

## [0.2.1] - 2020-07-04


-   The type alias `smartstring::alias::String` was incorrectly pointing at the `Compact` variant.
    It is now pointing at `LazyCompact`, as the documentation describes.

## [0.2.0] - 2020-07-04


-   The `Prefixed` variant has been removed, as it comes with significant code complexity for very
    dubious gains.


-   The type alias `smartstring::alias::String` now refers to `LazyCompact` instead of `Compact`,
    the idea being that the obvious drop-in replacement for `String` shouldn't have any unexpected
    performance differences, which `Compact` can have because it aggressively re-inlines strings to
    keep them as local as possible. `LazyCompact` instead heap allocates once when the string is in
    excess of the inline capacity and keeps the allocation from then on, so there are no surprises.


-   There's a new layout variant, `LazyCompact`, which works like `Compact` except it never
    re-inlines strings once they have been moved to the heap.
-   As the alias `String` has changed, there is now a new type alias
    `smartstring::alias::CompactString`, referring to strings with `Compact` layout.


-   Fixed a bug where `SmartString::drain()` would remove twice the drained content from the string.

## [0.1.0] - 2020-05-15

Initial release.